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Impregnator Kings/Witch of Fecundity Chat Thread aristocrat 06/22/2022 (Wed) 10:05:02 Id:414a93 No. 36 [Reply] [Last]
Hello everyone. I hope everyone has made the 'jump' so to speak from pregchan to 'new' pregchan. Things are changing. We now have a board separate from /d/ where both stories can be posted, with images! We now don't have to worry (so much) about being forced off of the /d/ board and losing past threads. That said, I ask that everyone continue to use this thread for elaborate planning and emotional reactions to the story. Experience has taught me having a place for that separate from the actual story thread is the best way to handle things. Less pressure on the thread limit, and more space for people to vote calmly. Actual new threads for both Impregnator Kings and Witch of Fecundity will arrive soon. Though Impregnator Kings was a bit in a weird spot when the site went down, so I will need to decide the best way to approach that before officially reviving the thread. In the meantime, Witch of Fecundity ended on a vote in progress. "Choice time: >Learn the red truth. It sounds neat. >Learn the Pax Bernkastel invocation. It sounds like you really should know it. >Learn the truth behind the Bernkastel-Lambdadelta conflict. Or at least, Erika's version."

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First of all, apologies to everyone for not having a new update completed by now. However, to address this. >>3002 Mania was not a planned character to introduce. I received a request to introduce a character who was already pregnant because "the story had gone on too long without bellies" and I thought that was a pretty good point. However, Mania did have her own backstory, and Edward's choices drew it out of her. He, in return, shared his own story, and their relationship developed very fast. Indeed, when the "love" choice was presented, Edward remarked perhaps girls with mystery who were associated with 'darkness' was his type. As for being a "cuck", well, that's just not true at all. Edward has morals and he has said firmly in the past that he will not make any man a cuckold, nor force a woman who denies him Furthermore, Mania had no emotional connection to the father of her child, at least not in a romantic way. Her child comes from the fact she was allowed to sleep in a cabin during winter, on the floor, with a gathering of peasants, as the cabin was overcrowded. A young man begged her to let him know a woman's touch. She consented. She regarded it as a great act of generosity from her to him, not a union of two lovers, or even a descent into hedonism. Furthermore, she's not asking or expecting Edward to support her child. She does it herself, as well as relying on kind villagers who have accepted her. Thinking of character behavior (and this was not my intention) the closest character who may enjoy experimenting with this fetish may be Tharja herself. She finds women for Edward and actively enjoys watching them together. There are exceptions (Daniella, Mania, possibly others), but even if you want to look at her through that lens, she's acting out of generosity. Not jealousy or submission. That said, I understand that some just may not like (in a fetish way) the idea of a pregnant character not being pregnant by the main character, or any notion of dating a 'single mother', but... it's simply the necessity required when a character is introduced already pregnant. But, rather than reading this, I encourage you to read the logs and see exactly how the relationship unfolded in the story. The impact of reading a later explanation is surely less than reading the reationship developing as a result of everyone's choices. New update coming soon.
>>3005 Speaking of which, I miss Mania's romance. I really hope we spend some intimate time with her soon.
>>3005 >nor force a woman who denies him Remembering that Ed had knocked up most of the staff back in his father's residence, I snicker at the thought of him just walking along, encountering a scullery maid doing her job, mischievously lifting her skirts, and she just sighs with a "oh, why not?" attitude and lets him go at it. Presumably they didn't call him the "Mad Rutting Beast" because he wined n' dined every woman he had children with.
>>3009 >Remembering that Ed had knocked up most of the staff back in his father's residence Replace "most" with "all," and this is what happened. He was heir, impulsive, young, very attractive, and had nothing better to do. Surely there was some outside the immediate 'residency' too. Edward estimated he'd fathered 10 or 20 shy of 100 children in Virilia.
>>3051 Couldn't remember if every member of the staff was "of age" or not.

You ever think about what it must be like to be these kids in 15, 20 years? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 05:09:07 Id:18915f No. 3060 [Reply]
Sometimes I get taken out of the experience when I'm jerking off and an intrusive thought pops up about this. Imagine learning in like 20 years that your mom showed off her pregnancy for fetishists, when she was pregnant with YOU. That's gotta be such a weird feeling. Would you feel violated? or would you just not really care because its not like it actually had anything to do with you. but sorta like its gotta be weird, right?
Yes, I do. It's weird, but also makes it hotter sometimes. On one hand, we've built a mass humiliation machine with the Internet. On the other hand, I would've masturbated to myself already, if I'd had the option.
Yeah, that's why I mostly jerk it to pregnant anime women. Doesn't give me those bad brain chemicals.

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 05:18:14 Id:ba8c7a No. 2800 [Reply]
Who has personal experiences with having a pregnant classmate? This can be high school, college, or both.
>>2800 I have. She spent most of the time in the bathroom and had to leave 15 minutes before uni class ended. She did her section very quick though and we got good marks for it so meh.

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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 09:41:13 Id:272e3f No. 3063 [Reply]
skibidi victory

Bad end birth/gore stories? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 12/04/2022 (Sun) 05:00:58 Id:8cad32 No. 827 [Reply]
I know this is probably going to get me called for being a complete degenerate (Theyre not wrong) But I was curious if anybody had such stories, like a woman dying while giving birth, or a preggo in battle being stabbed and having her baby taken out of her and such. I think tumblr has a few, but theyre probably buried beneath all of the tags, so im hoping that at least someone has an idea of what im saying
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https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/10619420 Compilation of short stories about pregnant women who meet their tragic end.
https://www.deviantart.com/stosssgebet/art/Harvest-Parasites-979549723 It's parasites bursting out of a woman so there's no actual pregnancy, but it gets pretty close
https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=21528465 It's about virus that makes men want to punch pregnant mom in near area. https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=21038954 Only the prologue has snuff/abortion. Tho the rest is still filled with pregnancy ero story. https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=19448304 Story about miscarriage from the baby's perspective. https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=20152619 Kagura Chizuru vs Big Black Dude. All of them are in Chinese
Need more stories about Dangerous Birth. Especially if the mother or the baby is not survive those dangerous situation
https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/68601489/post/5464811 > war and soldier type of story > 2 pregnant woman fighting > one of them having twins > the first baby of the twins is survive but the second one is stillbirth > the baby from other pregnant woman is also stillbirth

Exhentai PregLuvr 04/18/2024 (Thu) 19:57:58 Id:ab8e26 No. 3036 [Reply]
Anyone having any luck with ExHentai? My one used to work but now I get a white screen
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>>3040 I've had no luck with deleting and adding cookies etc unfortunately
>>3044 does e-hentai work for you or is pure white as well, the whole procedure is 1completle delete e- and ex cookies go e- and login go to ex and delete ONLY yay cookie also make sure your browser allows saving cookies
>>3048 E-Hentai works. Thanks will try the full procedure as maybe it's because I'm looking at it on Incognito Mode and it doesn't save cookies
nope both still busted.
>>3048 For me simply logging in into ehentai forums and clearing exhentai cookies fixes it completely. Not sure why others are having problems I always did it the same way.

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 14:06:04 Id:4c09ea No. 3052 [Reply]

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Vent Thread belliesrlovely 02/18/2023 (Sat) 20:51:33 Id:96b862 No. 1173 [Reply] [Last]
Wanna get something off your chest? Let it all out.
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>>2967 Bullshit, politspergs are simply a minority of really loud tards.
>>2969 Not that anon but let ask you this: How many people can take a shit in a swimming pool before you decide to get out?
There is a narcissistic sense of entitlement that comes with expecting others to care about your boner being killed. If you feel the need to whine about it, then you deserved the boner death.
why are most of the pretenders either crossdressers or trans i wanna see a sexy woman with a fake belly, not a man.
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>>2967 You came to a fetish imageboard filled with mentally ill degenerates wanting and expecting to have a meaningful discussion about anything? Why?

Loli/shota preg stories? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 05:34:56 Id:42a252 No. 3023 [Reply]
I remember there being a thread of loli preg stories here, and I was wondering if anyone had some. If this thread is like, not okay or causes an issue I will delete it

Ideas for Pregnant Episodes or Movies Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/25/2022 (Sat) 03:57:57 Id:3b1a8e No. 70 [Reply] [Last]
This is for those who have an idea for a pregnancy themed episode or arc for pre-existing television show or movie. Live-action or animation. This is basically fan-fiction, but I think it would be nice to see ideas for what could have been or what could be done.
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Had this idea for an animated sitcom, while it's not pregnancy based it does have a pregnant character in it. "Creeptown, USA" Takes place in a small American town where the supernatural and paranormal are common to the point where they co-exist with the mundane (basically Gravity Falls meets Ugly Americans). One of the recurring characters is a woman named Alicia Cruz, a heavily pregnant woman who owns a bakery/diner. There's a running gag where she's obviously pregnant with a demonic entity but she's completely oblivious.
Idea for a Two and a Half Men episode. An alternate take on the episode "Repeated Blows to His Unformed Head" where Berta's heavily pregnant daughter Naomi shows up at the house to clean, except in this version her unborn baby can physically talk.
"Hailey's On It!" - "Midwife Hailey" Beta reminds Hailey that one of her list items is "Help deliver a baby". Hailey tells Scott that when her mother was pregnant with the twins, she admired baby delivery and added it to the list, only to see the pain and suffering that she went through. Nevertheless, Hailey must complete it... somehow. Hailey and Scott end up in an elevator with single-mom-to-be Marsha who claims that she is due in a week. This turns out to be wrong and she goes into later, forcing Hailey and Scott to help deliver Marsha's baby.
Bluey (in light of episode The Sign) Very Special full lenth (or longer) episode where Chili gets pregnant and Bluey is happy.. till its revealed Chili having twin boys and the Family then plan to move to a bigger house... one far away. ends with them finding a nicer house thats much much closer but still having to move and the stinger ending is Chili going into labor.
>>2999 How about instead, Hailey and Scott get visited by the Professor who is heavily pregnant, leading to this exchange: Hailey: "You're back again, I was going to ask - Woah!" Professor: "Yeah, I just needed a place to... what are you guys staring at?" Hailey: "You're pregnant!" Scott: "Like really pregnant!" Professor: "Huh? Oh yeah, I got knocked up." Hailey: "I didn't even know you were married." Scott: "Who's the lucky guy?" Professor: "I'm not married! I'm carrying this for someone! Why are you guys shocked? You've seen me pregnant before, haven't you?" Hailey: "Nope." Scott: "Never." Professor: "Oh... right, time travel."
