/d/ - Drawn

Anime, manga, video games, renders, etc.

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Edit Thread XXXIV: That One Guy #dDUkLF 02/10/2023 (Fri) 01:25:54 Id:261fe3 No. 10683 [Reply] [Last]
Not Sure I should be doing this but the other thread was full so... anyways Rules: -Basic /d/ rules as usual. Only post drawn images, nothing furry, etc. -Try to avoid spamming requests. Patience is a virtue after all. -Please be Polite to others. Have arguments elsewhere. -Remember to thank the editors for a finished request. -Please limit the amount of requests and revisions, let others have their requests done and give editors a break.
499 posts and 350 images omitted.
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Can somebody make her onaka bigger ?

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Manga Pregnant Thread VI Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 17:48:07 Id:5e9aaf No. 33863 [Reply] [Last]
>>33862 Since Manga Pregnant Thread V is lock, so Manga Pregnant Thread VI began with Manga Only. This’s one from Aida Ni Hatachi.
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Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi suru Koto ni Natta Ken ch 130
Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei Shita Hazu ga Marie Antoinette Deshita ch 12
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Innocent Rouge - ch 3
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Jumbo Max - ch 59 - ch 66
>>35149 Pardon my French, but how old?!

Lewdlemage / Dr. Worm Edit Thread Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 05:35:04 Id:0cd1b3 No. 29191 [Reply] [Last]
Another thread for sharing/requesting edits of Worm's non-pregnancy art. Twitter: https://twitter.com/lewdlemage?lang=en Tumblr: https://lewdlemage.tumblr.com/ DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/dr--worm Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lewdlemage
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Made a lil' somethin' from a stream sketch. (Now, while I do still enjoy a preg belly sporting a navel ring. I have since learned that one can't just go slapping one on every preg edit they make and that not everyone likes them. So I made both a regular and pierced version.)
>>34927 Navel rings are a wonderful thing. Thank you for your service.
Does anyone have the elma animation edit? It got lost in the old thread.
Never mind I found it.
>>35153 Elma has to be one of my favorite anime characters, so it sucks she mainly gets stuffing and WG/BWW art as opposed to preg art. The trait of being a big eater character is a double-edged sword.

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>>34872 >>34877 Both bellies look perfect
Has anyone succeeded in generating the one with GPT-4o?
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Simpsons Thread #2 belliesrlovely 12/09/2023 (Sat) 03:39:35 Id:9ed199 No. 25996 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for sharing screenshots, clips, fan art, and AI art of Simpsons characters.
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from the same episode as pregnant manjula the woman had non-uplets makes me wonder how big she was at full term
There's really nothing new?
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The Simpsons s18 ep 12 - Little Big Girl

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Robot pregnancies 05/19/2024 (Sun) 02:25:31 Id:b2705a No. 35116 [Reply]
Generally keep this thread within the realm of robot girls, preferably x-ray / artificial wombs. Cyborgs welcome aswell!
Still and gif
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Pregnant with Aliens Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/14/2023 (Tue) 08:51:41 Id:95b5be No. 11275 [Reply] [Last]
Women acting as brood mothers for horrors from beyond the stars
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The husband returns home after his service to be engulfed in his mate's presence. Liquids exchanged and breath and pulse were harmonized. In the brief moment, the bride, the groom, and the offspring are one. Despite already inseminated, the internal seed release is to mark this breeder as his. Likewise, her odor from her sweat. milk, and womb mark him as hers.
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Alternate X-Ray of the fetus
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She still has a fight in her, but her spouse reminds her to reserve it for something much more productive... or reproductive.
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Does anyone have a full video of this? I saw this off of a different site

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The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 20:19:14 Id:c9669c No. 23083 [Reply] [Last]
Saw a stream of this game for like 30 minutes and I have a furious need to get this psychotic murderbitch leyley pregnant but so far I think this might be it as far as google is concerned idk talk amongst yourselves or send pics
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>>34409 I dont think you are a bad artist I just think youre overprice art
>>34411 Dude no one cares go to the AI thread if you want to gush about that shit
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Some people say I overprice my comms, but I think $20 is a pretty decent price for a flat-color character don't you think? ...and then there's Butch Hartman, who charges ten times the amount to draw what are essentially eye-burns that made an already bad situation much worse. Like holy Qlipoth shards, even NSFW artists offer much, MUCH better artwork at much, MUCH more affordable prices and if I were a 13 year-old fetus at the time, I'd really pay porn artists over someone who (indirectly) mentored Randy Staire.
>>34590 Honestly, while I do agree that 20 bucks is more or less fine for flat color...I will say that your anatomy could probably use a bit of work. Like, given the choice between an alright piece for 20 dollars and a GOOD piece for a higher price, I'd rather spend a bit more to get a higher-quality commission. Basically, it might be more worthwhile for you to improve your skills and charge more for that compared to charging 20 for your current level.

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Futanari thread Somegirl33 11/04/2023 (Sat) 00:50:10 Id:1463af No. 23951 [Reply]
Since the Old Futa Thread got Deleted we might as well start out another one from scratch.
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>>34257 AI bullshit
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Two of my edits. One artist is tittyfrutty (gomzai), and I forgot the other.

Pregnant Lolis Thread NEO falloutghoul 06/25/2022 (Sat) 13:28:07 Id:3d7ce6 No. 269 [Reply] [Last]
Here are where you post your pregnant lolis.
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Got this Nagi Sanzenin commission done by Mochii89 recently! Their comms are actually open again right now, and they just started a Patreon with great alts like X-rays, and fetal movement. Please go support them if you have the money to spare. They're new, and make absolutely stellar stuff for low prices https://artistree.io/mochiii https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/9276152 https://www.patreon.com/Mochii495?utm_campaign=creatorshare_fan
>>34630 Yeah this artist is quite unique. The way they draw faces, the characters have a kind of melancholic air about them.
>>34630 Oh but forget all that. Hayate's got some esplaining to do
