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Fantasy Scenarios That Could Result in Being Pregnant With Adult? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 08:02:37 Id:c047e1 No. 7105 [Reply]
Basically what the thread title says. What are some explicitly fantasy (by fantasy I mean unrealistic or fantastical) scenarios that could result in a person/character being pregnant with a fully grown adult? Normally not into something that extreme but it’s not something I see often and so I’m curious about it. The most I can think of myself atm are those SUPER overdue cases and possibly clone impregnation. Maybe my imagination is underdeveloped, idk. I tend to make admittedly self indulgent video edits from image/gif collages and so I work with what I have. Sometimes, it’s a bit difficult to think of situations that could work so I go non-traditional every now and then. Kinda feel sheepish admitting it even on an anonymous board but I guess I’m feeling adventurous.
39 posts and 14 images omitted.
(5.99 MB 480x480 CuriousCaseOfThePregPot.webm)
>>7242 >>7247 Sorry if this turns out to be a bit too goofy or underwhelming, as I don’t exactly have high end editing software. I took the idea and used some of the generated images you were referring to. Even if maybe it ends up not being what you imagined I had a lot of fun making it so thanks for the idea!
>>7456 Good as a proof of concept but the dialogue is just too funny. Then again, the concept itself isn't the most serious thing in the world. 6/10
https://bingato.com/item/playing-for-keeps-1-seekgr-44043 30 seconds, more mainstream vaginal vore concept, extremely impressive first-person view of the one who is enveloped, great belly kicks at the end. It's too bad Seekgr went to a more sadistic vore direction in the following Playing For Keeps, and that's a turnoff.
>>7456 https://pregchan.com/d/res/37021.html#q41274. I got my variant, it's in the AI thread now, I'm pleased with the result - it conveys the whole shapeshifting nice and has the right mood
>>7463 That’s a REALLY good generation ngl, I like the gradual transformation from vase to vase emblem to statue to woman

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Rapid Pregnancy AI Thread belliesrlovely 08/17/2024 (Sat) 18:09:37 Id:d1d3de No. 7046 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread exclusively for AI-generated artwork & videos involving rapid pregnancy. Furry content is also welcome.
51 posts and 51 images omitted.
After all of the drama and whinging in the last thread, here's another one..
Could people share some of their prompts?
>>7379 very nice
>>7379 That's awesome!! Yeah the whining was pretty irritating to me too. This is one of the best so far!

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Burning Library of Nhentai Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 22:38:17 Id:518c7c No. 4865 [Reply]
I heard there's a purge going on in Nhentai, a lot of stuffs is gone there including the infamous 177013. Is e-hentai, sadpanda and etc still safe?
7 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>4866 Oh you sweet summer child
>>4870 Hitomi I get, but ehentai has ads?
>>7388 yes it does ex doesn't but that's why there's hoops to jump though just to get on it.
>>7386 It's still up for me
>>7386 >>7391 Yea still up for me too must have only been temporary or something.

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Preggo games? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 03:38:15 Id:b236a6 No. 367 [Reply] [Last]
i know the usual ones like hazumi, seeds of destiny, and the animations that squark does, but what are some other games that have preg (or at least bellies) in them? pic unrelated
224 posts and 97 images omitted.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 has dwarves, and you can find this particular Goddess statue at some of their encampments. I don't know if there's any lore behind the statue/goddess (since of all the Gods/Goddesses that play a role in D:OS2, she isn't one of them, and I haven't played much of the other Divinity games), but the designer definitely knew what they were doing.
Some screenshots from the end of Nobody Wants To Die(2024)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auVRqSqd5n4 Sorry about the farts, but anybody got this game?
fuck guys, I'm too lazy to look for myself, sorry, has the free cities pregmod thread already been created?
>>7290 >Sorry about the farts jej i'm afraid to click on this

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my personal collection xiao hong shu 02/12/2024 (Mon) 18:21:29 Id:e8824b No. 4894 [Reply]
😆 GqALzotOqFxON9V 😆 http://xhslink.com/XpmSnB😆 d3NJ11VNfxvdDFc 😆 http://xhslink.com/HCnSnB😆 BwmQrn0oZGPNPDO 😆 http://xhslink.com/E3lSnB😆 Bp5dLo3Z2uJ1jVa 😆 http://xhslink.com/5WoSnB😆 hVs7DNBbDMee4y8 😆 http://xhslink.com/pgoSnB😆 SnxOYeMVQsuNf2A 😆 http://xhslink.com/iipSnB 😆 kaZJbHaSQllophz 😆 http://xhslink.com/fiqSnB😆 Li2pI6v7RNhimJJ 😆 http://xhslink.com/j5pSnB😆 G3tQy56tXzSuNiD 😆 http://xhslink.com/5SpSnB https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 😆 ga9iqoyu6pBuaiL 😆 http://xhslink.com/ulsSnB 😆 kuiI5afGiZsgS6e 😆 http://xhslink.com/AurSnB 😆 PTKwzENnNGvCMPf 😆 http://xhslink.com/EYsSnB 😆 QchMpFAqH1d8dHv 😆 http://xhslink.com/p1sSnB, 😆 5YapbVnKM1l7NcO 😆 http://xhslink.com/RGuSnB😆 3hT0nmDkyHzEaHL 😆 http://xhslink.com/7wuSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 2 Ali1ce.z发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 g7n8kqfzDsoak8p 😆 http://xhslink.com/PhvSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 48 Ali1ce.z发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 BNu4m55QTFUZ07o 😆 http://xhslink.com/6AvSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 67 Ali1ce.z发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 ApxBUp02OEkKGrN 😆 http://xhslink.com/dhxSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 59 常飞飞-飞飞发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 E4Ned1HFLmsj5kg 😆 http://xhslink.com/AnwSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 76 L.Tyi 👑发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 q1J7KnoqTR2hB02 😆 http://xhslink.com/GmxSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 4 九的妈发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 6RxM8mdOfppcTil 😆 http://xhslink.com/tvzSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 20 给我哭!(二胎备孕中)发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 58MqUWX3uDvQHbH 😆 http://xhslink.com/lHASnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 47 给我哭!(二胎备孕中)发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 9CEFpZ00sfmtDQX 😆 http://xhslink.com/CqBSnB,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容!

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26 posts and 21 images omitted.
67 伊颗糖呀发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 8uARRjBuX4TQ6ia 😆 http://xhslink.com/E8ItZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 87 张依依🐰发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 djLzS03SEyDRkPD 😆 http://xhslink.com/kqYtZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 33 鹿Lu发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 GkJ9sUikGKLb4zT 😆 http://xhslink.com/OfbuZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 50 99大王发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 bABO2yUYPbjmXhq 😆 http://xhslink.com/Q7euZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 86 雷亦菲发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 C0hWQFMIaBIPfEN 😆 http://xhslink.com/MLnuZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 63 ME。发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 9iYeAvijE4Y4p5l 😆 http://xhslink.com/lNquZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 86 QN Studio倾宁影像孕味馆发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 Ajq56nTK6QdwP7Z 😆 http://xhslink.com/jmwuZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 72 Cc.🍭发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 FPAsFDOPHPYXfd9 😆 http://xhslink.com/xhDuZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 23 敏儿✨发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 OHJJGzq1g1TjuS1 😆 http://xhslink.com/FpMuZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 19 嘉斯敏发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 vhgcO4STqUchrf2 😆 http://xhslink.com/ozTuZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 86 大脸旋子(孕期版)发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 3xQQCT7bA52blxI 😆 http://xhslink.com/TxYuZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 45 kexiner崽崽日常(孕期版)发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 4aumxCploFBJyls 😆 http://xhslink.com/nH4uZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 38 王星辰辰辰发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 FWmIIc9KLdd3lJd 😆 http://xhslink.com/Yh9uZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 1 一只只(主页进群)~发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 B0RDuOe50Vdqcom 😆 http://xhslink.com/ngevZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 31 小星星麻麻发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 6VTdKgD5OVstELu 😆 http://xhslink.com/ueBvZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 53 周卉如发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 O7OW6PLrtwmonBT 😆 http://xhslink.com/FlHvZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 94 我们这一家发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 COOrKo998kOVBfr 😆 http://xhslink.com/vWNvZJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容!

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What in the ass is happening here
what in the ass is happening here?
73 深圳邑白Studio发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 n42b0BJuwlvyK3e 😆 http://xhslink.com/BAHnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 90 企鹅白不白 🐧发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 FuRRavYTeEiwIvg 😆 http://xhslink.com/12LnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 94 小小豆不小发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 Ix8MlWv79l2H4xb 😆 http://xhslink.com/TJLnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 88 岚💗发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 wgZZYQxjZdOKNWB 😆 http://xhslink.com/fqPnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 87 嘟万万发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 KT9prBeV8G99UNv 😆 http://xhslink.com/yNQnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 99 珮珮超哇塞✨(孕中期)发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 Bx2oWWpWTNEywA1 😆 http://xhslink.com/MJRnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 76 🐑发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 tglYsTR8GLS4hLw 😆 http://xhslink.com/kuVnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 77 YaInGy发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 bPPH88kSQbQTQeY 😆 http://xhslink.com/VNXnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 73 杭州孕妇照-纪田摄影发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 N8nUae4ulsSungJ 😆 http://xhslink.com/5bZnSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 85 Si's Wong发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 ROFOAPKLJklKRiY 😆 http://xhslink.com/9a2nSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 93 c秋舒发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 Ct44Tnohn8V1utg 😆 http://xhslink.com/sR1nSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 75 煤气罐罐瓶(孕晚期)发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 YEpISbDsrX99MHP 😆 http://xhslink.com/5U3nSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 84 那缕阳光Catherine发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 qPQDQnKatcw7WV9 😆 http://xhslink.com/0u5nSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 56 Ananas吃一半发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 znCxVU9wyWxF78U 😆 http://xhslink.com/Jz7nSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 67 Yifanfanni发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 GCsiakCyFlRbvln 😆 http://xhslink.com/b6aoSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 87 YaInGy发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 o0MXehlSOobdJDI 😆 http://xhslink.com/0JboSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 51 🌈小红帽-滘心舞蹈培训发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 mj761952yaSyOv0 😆 http://xhslink.com/UjdoSN,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容!

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91 小狮子希希发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 bkJvxW2XdYKhRve 😆 http://xhslink.com/A/4VEHqJ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! https://www.xiaohongshu.com/discovery/item/669b5697000000000d00d7a8?app_platform=ios&app_version=8.52&share_from_user_hidden=true&xsec_source=app_share&type=normal&xsec_token=CBbfSkHvktghgqPZiZyd-79iIEVaIuTATcqONgSUk3fkw=&author_share=1&xhsshare=CopyLink&shareRedId=ODxEQ0ZISEs2NzUyOTgwNjdHOTo3PDZC&apptime=1725275407&share_id=2d8393c19ade488c83c80655c8666a89 https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 98 雷亦菲发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 IAvBRrnnJLuCDhc 😆 http://xhslink.com/B/LILwMQ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 54 溏心蛋发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 6IodPhplnfYYabH 😆 http://xhslink.com/B/zgCwMQ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 4 辣椒赛文发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 xgh6K7SnWzGwxo9 😆 http://xhslink.com/C/dAsESd,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 91 萌娜莉鲨发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 sfIeUtRZ2oM8jnO 😆 http://xhslink.com/C/HIsESI,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 29 大鱼发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 bz2FbigtbljQOY5 😆 http://xhslink.com/C/CusESU,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! https://www.xiaohongshu.com/discovery/item/669b8e600000000025003fb1?app_platform=ios&app_version=8.52&share_from_user_hidden=true&xsec_source=app_share&type=normal&xsec_token=CBbfSkHvktghgqPZiZyd-79hl6emYsYoMq1x7z91X6H44=&author_share=1&xhsshare=CopyLink&shareRedId=ODxEQ0ZISEs2NzUyOTgwNjdHOTo3PDZC&apptime=1725275512&share_id=855e9ae980f8441bb5dc7b7fcbc70aa1 https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8 64 hello1wan发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 7Kd8YuD6oxRszRX 😆 http://xhslink.com/B/R9nwMQ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 52 小九爱拍照📷发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 a2ZLiKsQikUXSyL 😆 http://xhslink.com/B/eBwwMQ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 27 不是羊羊懒🐑(模特版)发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 hHaSBXtjQDAgrHH 😆 http://xhslink.com/B/W4jwMQ,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! 21 是小麻薯呀发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 Z5u5YfppUobHCUM 😆 http://xhslink.com/C/7AsESR,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id741292507?l=en&mt=8

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Misc. Pregs belliesrlovely 02/17/2023 (Fri) 03:06:14 Id:3a3610 No. 1336 [Reply] [Last]
For pregs that don't have enough content to warrant their own thread. Furry and AI art is also welcome.
182 posts and 228 images omitted.
>>7162 From a little research, I can only assume it relates to this, with the elephant representing the Republican party: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_and_pregnancy_statement_controversies_in_the_2012_United_States_elections
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Have had a love for pregnancy and birthing in tribal/indigenous settings as a result of glancing at that one scene from Apocalypto at an unfortunate age. Here's a selection from my collection that I hope piques some interest...
>>7352 nice, love the detailed pencil work
>>7353 Glad you like those too. I didn't make them just just to be clear.
>>7352 these are pretty cool! thanks for sharing anon. and I remember that scene in Apocalypto too, it awakened me

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Tesy Birth Story 03/09/2023 (Thu) 12:42:02 Id:be46ce No. 1491 [Reply]
Anyone got the link to the original Tesy Birth Story? Last I remember it got lost along with the original site. Not talking about the game's remake.
17 posts and 2 images omitted.
>>1595 somebody asked for this a while back but I forgot to share. have temp URL for three days. don't wanna host it on anything substantial so once you guys download it, share it with others https://litter.catbox.moe/hm81f8.rar
>>7174 dont suppose its too much to ask for a reupload of 'labor in a mine'? i grabbed it earlier but had a harddrive problem and lost the file.
i just found it there was apparently a version of tesy birth story with bad endings? 1.0.7 or something like that? im not really into that sort of thing but i find myself curious how it was setup. if anyone could share a copy so i can see what it was like, i'd appreciate it.
>>7342 You asking about bad ending? Not that worth it tbh. Just too tired to give birth, blackout and then a dialogue how the preggo getting helped off screen

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Gender Transformation + Pregnancy Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 22:15:51 Id:012d2c No. 1004 [Reply] [Last]
Males being turned into pregnant females through various shenanigans. English tags: TSF, TG, TF, rule63, genderswap, crossgender, bodyswap. Some Japanese tags to help you search Pixiv and Twitter: TSF = sex transformation 女体化 = female-ification 入れ替わり = bodyswap 性転換 = sex change 性転換過程 = sex change process 妊娠 = pregnant woman 妊婦 = pregnancy ボテ腹 (or just ボテ) = pregnant belly 孕ませ = conception 受精 = fertilization
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some blackshirtboy

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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 04:52:47 Id:e48edb No. 7329 [Reply]
We should make a game.
>>7329 We should. But could we?
>>7329 I recently read through all of the Baby Game stories over on deviantart and that sort of inspired me to construct my own version of the game aided by chatgpt to help make a game board where the effects are supposed get progressively worse as a player moves down the board. There's still a lot of refinement to be done but as it is currently I'd be scared to play the game.

The Demi Moore Pose Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 15:19:45 Id:120dd8 No. 5719 [Reply]
Post any images that recreate the famous Vanity Fair More Demi Moore photo. This is a free for all thread so female, male, live photo, artwork, pregnant and even non-pregnant images can be posted here.
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Even Banksy got in on this.
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