/c/ - Chat and Stories

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Post Your Stories Here Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 22:51:14 Id:2f9e07 No. 3192 [Reply]
This thread is to serve as a repository for stories unsuited to any other threads.
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I'll start. The attached story is a commission for someone using the name HL. It was intended to be something of a horror story, and this first chapter served as setup, but no further chapters are planned for now.
>The teacher looks on the class in an annoyed disapproval >”So it's come to my attention that there's a new elasticant making it's way around school”Jill I will need you and your boyfriend for this” >Jill exchanged a look with her boyfriend, who was massively pregnant. >They stood and walked solemnly towards the front of the classroom. >”Now start having piv intercourse. I suggest cowgirl for obvious reasons” >Within moments Jill climaxed. >A small jet of fluid streaked from her vagina to his scrotum. >His pregnant belly swelled in all directions >She was about to change techniques when the teacher put her hand of Jill’s shoulder >”Jack here has been a great student, but I need to get a point across. If he's still intact next period not only will I fail you, I will pop your dad.” >Jill looked across, attempting to look into Jack’s face but the belly obscured it >”It's okay my love, live happy and take care of our children” >She tearfully got to work again, within thirty seconds, his belly swelled once more, his thighs and ribs joining in. Several classmates blushed at his testicles swelling into view >”As you are well aware, is squirting women can not only impregnate men with our own ejaculate, we can do so on any man on any part of his body any more of times. Without a means of safely giving birth, even with C-section, the best course of action for childbirth is to swell him with young until he pops.” >Jack swells more, his chest and thighs are all but one with the enormous baby bump, his shaft now has a visible bulge in Jill. >”Elasitcants promise a more safe birth for those of us with romantic delusions” >Behind Jack’s belly, Jill flips off the teacher, the impression of a cockhead appearing above her breasts

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New Catalog in the Drawn Section Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 06:59:05 Id:913eb4 No. 3204 [Reply]
Hey here the news, Kemono is down, I want to ask you all to include all of Pencil-Junkie works, including the Patreon excluded stuff in the Drawn section Here the Patreon link for those who have a Patreon account and access to Pencil-Junkie works https://www.patreon.com/penciljunkie

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OTC hyperovulation Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 21:51:15 Id:3d9e3f No. 2922 [Reply]
I know that gonadotropin injections can greatly increase the chances of conceiving multiples by inducing hyper ovulation, but obtaining them requires a prescription and medical supervision. Are there any over the counter or herbal protocols that can work as an alternative? My wife is already taking some fertility supplements and vitamins already, and we're trying to include cassava in her diet but we really want to fully maximize her chances for multiples for this first pregnancy.
3 posts omitted.
>>2950 Had no idea about the steroid trick. One of these stores even has FsH. Thanks brother, you put us one step closer to the dream.
Do you and your wife just really want twins, or is she "in" on living out your fetish? Kinda interested in this thread because twins run in my wife's family.
>>2961 She shares the fetish
>>2987 congrats! are you planning on just having one batch of multiples and making the most of it before settling down to raise them? there definitely would be some ethical issues with abandoning them so you're free to go back for seconds (even if you do have a legal safe haven/baby box to surrender them to), but speaking as someone with ptsd from childhood emotional neglect it's not *that* bad and therapists probably have a better toolkit for dealing with something that straightforward than with whatever the hell i went through. anyways whenever you do decide to raise them, here's to a big happy family (and lots of photos to savor)

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 20:39:44 Id:97d9e1 No. 3173 [Reply]

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 23:16:50 Id:b98480 No. 3163 [Reply]
A while back, a dude going by JackOfferman posted his incest preg story Incest Island on ao3 and linked it on this board. Unfortunately, he had to edit the story to bump (heh) the ages up, and then I think his account got deleted. If JackOfferman is still active on this site, what's up, love your story, I'm glad I saved it in the short window between completion and you editing it.

Anal sex while birth 05/30/2024 (Thu) 06:37:38 Id:d77529 No. 3133 [Reply]
Does anyone have anal sex while birth video

Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 06:34:18 Id:2a48c2 No. 3132 [Reply]
Can anyone share thisvid account with me :((

Porn games with birth stuff Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 13:16:05 Id:bd434e No. 2973 [Reply]
Does anyone know any porn games with good birth content? (that isn't tesy's birth story, I've played it way too many times lol) possibly only humanoid birth, none of that gross insect stuff
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>>2980 ew that's all loli shit or rape stuff, why is it impossible to find normal birth porn?
>>3074 >why is it impossible to find normal birth porn? birth porn itself isn't normal, you dongus
the /d/ thread >>1139 and /b/ thread >>367 both have a lot on them if anyone hasn't seen those
>>3122 It can be normal when it doesn’t have y’know, pedo and rape elements. Then yeah it can be totally normal in terms of preg stuff.
>>3123 you make a good point we need a /q/ thread and an /f/ and an /r/ thread too

Preggophilia Down belliesrlovely 05/27/2024 (Mon) 04:34:13 Id:86e645 No. 3117 [Reply]
Anyone know why Preggophilia is down?
No idea. Hope it won’t be gone forever.
>>3117 FYI, Preggophilia has a Twitter account. Admin says it's a problem with the server host, and repairs should be done by end of today.
Site's back.

Russian chat on Pregchan Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 07/08/2022 (Fri) 15:40:28 Id:4eb9ac No. 148 [Reply] [Last]
Русскоязычный чат на Прегчане? Почему бы и нет! Будем рады всем сообщениям на великом и могучем ;З
62 posts and 8 images omitted.
>>2629 Що нi?
Всем привет Никто случаем не знает сайты знакомств с беременными. Ну или беременные ночные бабочки?
Покидайте пожалуйста чаты в телеге/ВК/где угодно про наш фетиш
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