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Celebs you wanna see pregnant? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 05:06:29 Id:81291d No. 3331
Ladies only, to be clear. Sometimes I think about a famous woman and just think "man, I'd love to see her pregnant." So if you could snap your fingers and make that a reality, who'd it be? For me, it's probably like, Ariana Grande? That's the only one I can think of off the top of my head at leeast
Lady Gaga. Can you imagine the outfits she would wear?
Ice Spice. I'd love to see her with a hefty bump, so large that she's barely able to fit into her clothes anymore.
Kamala Harris. I don't give a fuck about her personally, but if the first woman president is also the first to get pregnant and give birth while in office, that would just be amazing, you know? (And also get "family values" type conservatives very confused.)
No I don'tt want to see any celebrity pregnant, not even if they are members of a cult.
