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Pregnant Noodle (& Other Tomboys) belliesrlovely 02/13/2023 (Mon) 18:05:56 Id:d84288 No. 11215
If you're a fan of Gorillaz or tomboys in general, share your favorite pics here. AI art is also welcome.
>>22656 The last looks really cute. >>22808 >>23433 >>24091 >>24849 Yeah, they have good art.
i know aria isn’t exactly a tomboy but she definitely has the energy for one
(303.03 KB 1085x1838 FrankiexBloo_A01 (1).jpg)
(320.85 KB 1085x1838 FrankiexBloo_A02 (1).jpg)
>>26166 where’s the pregnant part of this?
>>26167 You have have to use your... imagination.
>>27018 >>27019 I think you posted in the wrong thread.
(2.65 MB 2102x4176 gamer oc3.png)
>>27226 Never really saw Nikki as a tomboy, but it's good to see her nonetheless.
(85.95 KB 510x680 GHXkmsOWwAAqWTY.jpg)
(1.52 MB 1024x1024 doc1034.png)
>>31288 sauce?
would farm girls be considered tomboy ish? seeing as how they’re more rugged and act like boys than most other girls?
>>32030 I say, sure, why not. It's a different flavor than, say, the skater or jock tomboys, but yuh.
(86.18 KB 723x1115 fancyelena_alt.jpg)
(573.82 KB 2500x2000 not_a_word_by_zombina983_deuptmy.png)
>>32861 Who is the artist?
>>32862 Hellbrain
>>32864 Thanks
>>25381 I just love the poses this artist draws
(93.18 KB 1222x2048 FuxOqRYXoAA0zjw.jpg)
(69.29 KB 1112x2048 F0JwMhdXwAE9iLp.jpg)
>>12511 >Pissypants anti-AI crybabies Get with the times, loser.
>>33945 You're just jealous that some autistic kid a few boards over is drawing better than you ever could
>>33954 I'll take AI over BigBellyBirdy any day.
>>33973 Not who I was referring to bud lol
