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Western Animation Fan Art Thread belliesrlovely 08/18/2023 (Fri) 22:25:52 Id:e5b56a No. 19898
This is a place for posting fan art of Western animated characters. Disney and Simpsons characters have their own threads, linked below. NO AI ART. Animation clips/screencaps: https://pregchan.com/d/res/288.html Simpsons thread: https://pregchan.com/d/res/980.html Disney thread: https://pregchan.com/d/res/11525.html
>>32967 Lol just delete the post and repost it, sans traffic
>>32967 im more interested in the traffic photo now, whats the backstory behind that?
>>32967 Nah bro, you get my interest. Something happen to that white Jeep?
(53.30 KB 498x490 image_2024-04-11_192652402.png)
>>32974 >white jeep >O.J Simpson died today Hmmmmmmmmm.... Anon, What are you planning?
>>32903 I remember watching those episodes when i was younger and being super weirded out. I had already developed a strong preg fetish by that point; and it felt like i might as well have been watching gay porn. pretty much stopped watching the show after that. To this day I'm put off by Mpreg in any media.
>>32980 Yeah, not too fond of Mpreg. Mpreg is gay. Now before y'all decide to derail the thread because of this, i'm just saying that the concept does sond gay
>>32980 >>32983 Distended bellies on men are just gross anyways Women look great with them though, almost as if it was literally meant to be And yeah the whole mpreg shit in the fairly odd parents also gave me the ick as a kid
>>32967 Lil bro so getting datamined with this white jeep photo.
>>32967 I don't know what just happened but that white Jeep was mysterious.
>>32992 Yeah big belly good on wamen. I just wish women could stay like that
>>34082 Perfect 👌
(2.26 MB 4871x6242 connverse.jpg)
>>34082 Who's the artist who made this one?
>>34511 I hope that one day the drawing will be canonical
Marjane Satrapi from Persepolis
>>26845 You can see more of my comms on my discord server: https://discord.gg/DnWYKk2G
The only pregnant image I could find of Reagan Ridley from the sadly cancelled Inside Job.
(314.06 KB 1100x1600 PregnantPickles.png)
That character from Wakfu.
>>34512 Source?
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>36619 I haven't seen that show in years
>>36657 click the post number
>>37044 Don't mean to be annoying, but sauce?
>>37219 Sixonesixone
>>37222 Many Thanks! - Heavy Weapons Guy from popular VALVe game Team Fortress 2
Here's the proper thread.
Toast from Bee and Puppycat
>>38941 By Yoshi1027
If only television sensors weren't so wussy back then, we could've gotten something close to this. The artist also included his AI art at the top for comparison's sake.
Duck Dodgers he's fucking Tyr'ahnee!
>>40847 “You know I always thought you were quite a looker…for a chick without a face.”
Debbie Turnbull from Robotboy
