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Simpsons Thread #2 belliesrlovely 12/09/2023 (Sat) 03:39:35 Id:9ed199 No. 25996
A thread for sharing screenshots, clips, fan art, and AI art of Simpsons characters.
>>27241 >>27243 The images of pregnant Marge are very beautiful
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can we get the other characters like Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon or Brandine Spuckler?
>>27833 I'll see what I can do.
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>>27833 I tried, but I'm not sure how I feel about how the AI did Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon pregnant...
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These are a little better, but not by much,,,,
>>27909 that last one is pretty good. what AI are you using?
>>27918 Bing Image Creator. >>26406 told me about it. It can be fickle but with the right prompts it can generate some good stuff. I've used it to generate some merch ideas for one of my friends.
(139.46 KB 1024x1024 OIG.jpeg)
>>27958 I find it really only handles Marge and Lisa well. It doesn't seem to recognize many of the other characters.
>>26237 Will there be more images of Marge like this?
Does anyone have any more Lisa pics or edits?
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It's not pregnancy as such, but I love when they draw Lisa with a pronounced belly in the comics, this image could be perfectly confused, well I think so
(427.18 KB 1080x1593 IMG_20240224_125729.jpg)
It's not pregnancy as such, but I love when they draw Lisa with a pronounced belly in the comics, this image could be perfectly confused, well I think so
(176.27 KB 968x906 IMG_20240224_202718.jpg)
There,s a Simpsons episode in which Homer tells Marge to be a womb for hire and she declines.
>>30259 Is she shown pregnant at any point?
>>30278 No. There's a funny pun though. "C'mon, Marge! It's uter-us, not uter-you!"
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>>33035 where is this from? And who's the artist?
>>33036 Old commission an artist has long gone MIA
In all my time on the weird porn side of the internet, I have never once seen a graphic picture of Marge Simpson giving birth. Has anyone ever seen such a thing?
>>33150 No, but I'd love to commission one. The show even has the "footage of Maggie being born" clip to use as reference.
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from the same episode as pregnant manjula the woman had non-uplets makes me wonder how big she was at full term
