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Unbirth thread Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/17/2022 (Sat) 00:20:57 Id:5fa011 No. 4668
It's basically just reverse pregnancy, right? Artists: Rubbishappeal ? Modeseven Demonl0rd9(?) Red3dx
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If anybody thinks they can make a better translation of these, then do it. Typesetting is a pain in the ass. Artist: unknown Source: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4478757 Original Japanese text: 早く出なさい ママのあそこ っと緩く なっちゃうでしょ Artist: Rana Yume Original Chinese text: 1 我永远不会忘记那一天 被卖做了妓女十二年 , 这样低賤卑微的我,也能 得到原谅和救赎。 如同往常一样地,被当成物品随意摆弄 倒不如说我不应该有期待什么的资格 可他们下手实在太重,我很害怕,害怕到 开始祈求有人能来带我逃离.或者结束我的 痛苦. 2 没过多久,奇迹发生了,一个看起来像是 组里的人冲了进来,一边喊着“打伤了女人的 脸,让我们怎么做生意!“接着一拳将那个 老大打倒,那个家伙就像一堆烂泥一样拍在地上, 哈哈哈哈.现在想起来那句话镇是一言难尽呢。 3 但是当时的我却瑟瑟发抖的蜷在沙发上,他看着我, 吓人又扭曲的怒颜逐渐变得平和,可这样温和的目光 照在我肮脏下贱的身躯上,让我羞愧得无颜以对, 接下来发生的事情,却是一生都不曾想象过的美好。 4 他托起我的脸.. 粗糙的长满拳茧的手却 让我感到从来没有过的温柔 5 十二年了啊... 为什么像我这样的人还能得到幸福.. 我想不出这个问题的答案,只能将我卑微的人生 全部给予带给我幸福的人 6 听说当时打伤我的那个头目...之后 便被做掉了, 他不知用了什么办法 将我从组里的风俗店赎出, 更加 神奇的是...我那饱受摧残的子宫 竟然怀上了孩子, 上天竟然给 我这样一个低贱的女人如此 沉重的礼物, 获得自由, 怀 上孩子...阿...那是我这一生 中最幸福的时刻了 7 不过...果然上天不会这么慷慨的啊... 将孩子带来, 却又夺走了我的丈夫, 到那天我才知道, 我的自由...是他 以替头自顶罪换来的, 难怪不肯 告诉我...十五年啊! 但我不会再说 什么我卑微的人生不值得你 牺牲这样的傻话了, 我会 养大我们的孩子, 一直等你 到回来的那一天的! 8 虽然我知道我很下贱...但是漂亮话说完... 寂寞还是没法排解...做了那么多军的妓女... 让我早己有了性瘾...他不在了以后, 更是难以 压抑,只好在小真睡着之后, 偷偷的自慰。 如果能一直这样也好, 只是.… 9 只是渐渐地已经买不到能够满足我的 工具...所以我... 那种事情在是难以启齿...作为母亲的我 竟然用儿子来满足欲望... 呐...小真, 妈妈有件事想请你帮忙 而且是不能说出丢的那种事情...你... 只要是妈妈, 什么事情我 都愿意啦! 那, 你想不想...回到妈妈的肚子里 看一看呢... 10 就这样...我和小真之间不可告人的快乐 持续了好几年...小真他...总是能找到 最能让我兴奋的部位... 作为自慰工具的小真过于美 让我忘记了节制, 不知从什么 时候开始, 变成了他的主动索求 既然是我最珍视的孩子的请求 无论如何我都会去满足... 可我没想到的是...哪怕 我如何努力的锻炼自己的 性器...人总有极限,可小真 却在一天天长大...渐渐地满足 小真的愿望变得越来越艰难了。 11 自从上次不小心被小真拉伤阴道, 已经过去了 四个月...在那之后一直都没有做过了, 但今天 是他的生日, 无论再怎么艰难...至少今天... 我应该满足一次他的愿望。 过了今天, 他就十二岁了啊... 虽然在同龄人之中只是一个 矮个子...但即便这样对我来说 也足够辛苦了.... 已经把这个东西放进肚子里 整整三个晚上了, 应该..足够 装下小真了吧。 12 到了这个程度,我已经 找不到更大的能用来扩张 的工具,也没有钱去定制 不过这个游泳圈其实还蛮 好用的,只是拿出来的 时候有点困难. 183.182厘米,应该够了吧 只要这次轻一点的话.…. 嗯..还好提前塞住了肠子 每次下面塞满了东西之后 肠液都止不住的流,连不是 性器官的地方都变得莫名其 秒地配合.. 接下来该把泳圈弄出来了。 13 嗯~~这几天.. 完全没有碰过阴道.. 变得这么挤了, 14 呃~~啊..终于,出来 一半了.哈~嗯!!! 没想到会这么 15 喂!!!呼~阴道堆在出口堵住了, 小真说他最喜欢的,比棉花还软的 肉壁,卷成一团被挤出来了。 16 呼..呼..必须要.休息一下 没想到充到这么大的,比.. 小真还要辛苦.. 嗯,这样下去. 阴道要撑不住了.. 得一口气生出来才行。 17 呢 呃..好累,好想睡觉 可是还要收拾.. 18 妈妈!我回来了 哟 小小真! 不知不觉已经 放学了! 得赶紧起来准备..
Unf0cused burned bright and fast. You got any more than Rule34.xxx's 13 pics? I've never felt cooler looking at his pics
There was a page of a doujin with a newborn coming back to the uoubg mom, using the umbilical cord.
>>6780 >>6780 Title? Or u have image?
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Can never find decent, wholesome unbirth, so made my own Artist: me
>>6492 Are there move comic pages?
>>6984 This is great, can you draw Kara from Detroit Become Human unbirthing somebody?
>>7055 Nah I don't do nsfw fanart of characters, only original characters
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>>6492 More pages. Not bothering with the original text this time.
Regrettably not much new porn these days. I might share an idea in the chat about an unbirth story I had.
>>8762 Go ahead man!
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anyone has the other sequences of that picture?
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>>8767 Dang that was quick, thanks a lot 😁
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>>8768 missed two
Wait this thread exists again Time to reintroduce the concept of amnion unbirthing
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>>9006 Life has many doors, Ed boy.
>>9002 That reminded me of that Dr Who episode, Daleks in Manhattan, when a Dalek quickly covers an ambitious businessman in a similar sack to merge with him and get human's ambitions as a beneficial feeling. This time, a boner is more justified though.
>>9005 Now this is good. Shows all the cool sides of this final stage of intimacy. Any more gifs like that?
>>9016 Those aren't gifs. There's audio for most of these too.
>>9005 I love that WOOOB sound
The second Unf0cused pic captures what I like in unbirth perfectly. The girl is stronger, bigger than you, she will carry you not just for a moment, but for the rest of your life.
>>9451 what happened to him anyways. Anyone know?
>>9453 Moved from unbirth to increasingly vanilla preg stuff, before changing username and doing SFW stuff almost exclusively; still fairly active though
>>9470 Anyone got some of the harder to find works of his? R34 is missing a lot of them
>>9470 Can you show the new account? I'll just go to these new images and imagine the unbirth part in my head being the pervert I am
>>9005 whats the difference between the two?
>>9514 In one of them, the guy isn't turning into a pussy juice. I'd prefer to stay alive too: to be born from her again in a couple of hours... or days... or years...
Something very great about watching someone being absorbed into uterus 💓 You start envying beyond belief
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And they lived happily ever after
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I'm sorry I don't want to be adult I wanna live in my girlfriend instead
>>9003 I know it's a meme but god I wish that were me
Whenever I think of unbirth, I think of that scene from American Gods: https://vimeo.com/305130711
>>8790 Artist?
Anyone got any unbirthing with age regression?
>>10410 https://hentaiporns.net/groblek-anatomy-physiology-unbirthing/ This one but the post-nut clarity might make you feel bad about yourself haha
Bilefangz expressed what I want: to be in the warm, buzzy, hugging, lubricated android vagina
>>10824 Nice, now increase his size !!!
What's your preferred unbirth? Mini or same size?
i prefer same size unbirth
>>11461 same
>>11490 Kinda like Mini more
I think like 5% of unbirth artists remembered what a placenta is even during the peak of the fetish popularity...
No ground breaking art this month it seems
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This one's ok
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>>12418 Who is the artist for the first, third, and fourth pics?
>>12419 I dunno but it can be found in google by searching unbirth belly bulge. Also at least some of it is vore but the artist draws many of these pics in such a way it can easily pass as unbirth
>>12422 >unbirth belly bulge Thanks!
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I am back with quite a GIF... would prefer to still have my body when unbirthed, feeling the juices on my chest and back
>>12795 I LOVE how pregnant she becomes subsequently. I hate that she can't do anything but roll over in her sleep and die.
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>>12970 I'm conflicted about this, is there a part 2 or something?
>>10433 That's vore.
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It'd be kinda cool to be a girl obsessed with your girlfriend to the point of wanting to be in her but I'm just a horny dirty old man
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Canyon would make a good mommy
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>>13782 I love that second gif. lol
>>13782 I knew exactly where it was going, and yet I kept watching.
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I want that kind of a feminist in my life
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Spoilered because shota and loli; art is old, by the way.
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@shin50530001 on Twitter Quite good
Rapid preg, followed by unbirth, more rapid preg and finally oversized birth. What a combo. Here’s the “main” pages. Sauce: 2D Dream Magazine Vol. 122
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I just want a kind nanny type girl who would wrap me in a blanket or maybe put in her womb for safekeeping
The womb is the ultimate comfort zone...
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>>14622 Middle pic, even knowing the theme of the thread so having an idea of what was really going on...it still got a laugh out of me.
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>>9015 Wait what? Post it
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Unbirth is a smaller part of this one, but this is a doodle comp I made awhile back inspired by Carrion where the monster falls in love with a scientist and shenanigans occur
Slapstick unbirth occasionally makes me horny
I want a gf who would cover me in blanket and lie above me hugging me in the blanket. That's the closest we can get to unbirth in real life.
>>15190 As a person w/ a fiance who's into unbirth; get gf a really oversized shirt or hoodie. Lay on her all curled up under the hoodie/shirt, and just cover any exposed limbs with a blanket. Helps if the hoodie/shirt is thick and doesn't allow much light
>>15326 lucky
>>15326 Quite a cool idea thanks
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I hope it smells like an ocean there 💖
4ofswords has a rather unique style
Maiesen if you read this I need more unbirth
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This Kraken doesn't look half bad
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Too bad that unbirth used to be a bigger fad years ago but not today
some I collected over the years.
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>>16708 have you uploaded this art somewhere on your platform
>>16709 nope
Favorite unbirth artists: unf0cused, modeseven, maiesen
This count's right by the way artist is demonwave2003
>>17161 Weirdly arousing
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>>7976 Three more pages. There are another three beyond these, but they don't have any unbirth or pregnancy in them. Would anybody want to see them translated too?
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>>16339 hear ye hear ye
>>17225 damn its nice to see your art again!
>>17225 damn your back
>>17225 This is great thanks :3
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A girl with insomnia finds a solution after meeting a girl with a futon (which is a traditional Japanese style of bedding) in her womb.
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>>17241 wow its been like 4 years since i last saw this
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The queen keeps her lover boy safe (and young forever)
Artist: thehelmetguy (?)
>>17289 Even when she's this hot, I don't think I could crawl up my GF's pussy after fucking her, but I have to admit they're cute in a twisted way.
>>17290 You made me think of a reverse idea where her pussy is medically cleaned and prepared
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Maiesen and Shadowfaps
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Today I also calculated what size would a girl need to be in order for me to crawl inside her vagina to please her. I'm a bit broken in my brain, I know. My length from shoulder to shoulder is 50 cm but let's make it 55 cm to fit the caliber. The avg vagina diameter is 3 cm. 55/3=18.33 So, a girl needs to be 18.33 times bigger than an average girl. Avg girl height: 162 cm (5'4) 162*18.33 = 2969.46 cm, 29.695 m or 97.424 feet Or a 10 floor building (incl ground floor) Someone can make giantess unbirth comics using those proportions now
>>17323 Yeah, but when a girl gives birth, the kid is definitely bigger than a penis. I know typical labor/birth is painful, excruciating to the girl, but there are cases where the infant is small or unhealthy (unviable), and the mother doesn't even know she was pregnant. Think of that famous tabloid show
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>>17323 BTW provided you've got Ant-Man shrink rays you just can shrink down 18.33 times and find any ordinary girl who wants this
>>17293 I have to admit, I had the trailing thought that my comment was a weird thing to say even in context.
>>17327 Unbirth at the doctor's is one of the oldest subtypes of unbirth. Slug girl unbirth is far weirder
This one is older than 10 years I think
>>16708 Have you ever thought of doing the opposite, and put the pregnant mothers inside the daughters?
>>17940 nrver thought I'd see flipnote unbirth
>"Ah~ Kagamin, it feels so warm and good inside you!" >"Hey! Konata! Cut it out. Hurry up and get out of there!" >"Eh? No way! I'm living in your uterus from now on! Ah, wait... If I do that, I won't be able to play MMOs. Kagamin, could you try and see if you can get a PC in here?"
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>>9005 Artist?
>>18161 zihilism
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>>18342 that probably belongs in /f/ but too late now
>>18170 No I asked about the animation
>>9007 I haven't seen this anywhere, even though I know pixiv page of the artist
>>18614 CeilingSocket (unfortunately prefers anal vore)
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>>19096 you got the sauce for the first one? :0
>>19099 Unfortunately not, I skim through hentai sites very fast to skip crude drawings and the ones already posted here
Anyone know what happened to miing?
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>>19578 >>19579 >>19580 I love unbirth with a mix of age regression.
artist must not like men very much lol
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>>18342 IS THAT THE GUY FROM YIIK?!??!?!
>>19578 This one's good, I'd become a daughter of some cute yandere like that. Other comics from the same author are too sadist
>>19578 >>19579 >>19580 Who's the artist?
>>19582 Thats just the entire appeal of Unbirth to me. >>19669 passiveactive
>>19672 Interesting. This artist's unbirthing seems to allow: immortality, race swapping, etc.
>>19672 Wish the author drew a blonde young woman who is unbirthing a kid who just has nobody to trust and is never feeling comfy
IrateLiterate. Very good!
>>19672 Oh crap she took white washing to a different level
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>>19858 never knew there was a sequel to this
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>>20096 I actually read a story based on this pic.
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Brilliant POV by snuggleproxy Yesterday before sleep I wrapped myself in a blanket and imagined I'm there
Do you have a link or something to the artist's gallery? >>19943 >>19857
>>20148 These are from g4, use unbirth tag
>>20256 What is G4? Looking it up all I find is stuff for a defunct tv station.
>>20263 Eka's portal It's a vore focused page but has pregnancy focused content
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>>20947 Sauce?
Hey, I remember this pic of Sadi and Domino unbirthed Nami and Robin. With big bellies and everything. I can’t find it. If someone has it please post it here. Thank you.
>>4668 Wow, it's the one year anniversary of this thread.
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>>21428 it's true, time flies. i still wonder why the sudden change of website
>>21418 Source?
>>21418 Thank you!
>>21444 Artist spooky-gh0st
>>21441 source?
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>>13799 >@shin50530001 on Twitter Got more of this artist pics. On Google translate, they say a prey is like "a bug in your stomach"
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>>21526 The artist is talented beyond belief but got less active
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Something by edoara
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>>22128 Dude did you just spam entire home and not give single sauce?
>>22128 1 picture and a link woulda done the trick bro
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>>22129 And I'm going to do it again
Today I was in an embryo pose under my warm blanket with noise cancelling headphones and it felt exactly like this thread's main theme
>>22202 I just want to forget about all the stress, being pampered and healed. A little regression is cool too
Anyone have the link to Shrinking Purgatory?
Does anyone have the full images for these images or a place to find them
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I can freely post this here
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>>23836 Sauce piz?
Somewhere on exhentai... there was a really nice comic, sequence of pics, whatever, of a high school slumber party in which the teenage girls all lovingly unbirth themselves inside the unwilling belly of the new girl who wasn't yet in the know that this is what they do for fun. And I think the labored stress of the unbirth actually knocks her out and she's fallen asleep still humongously pregnant with all her friends.
>>24951 Nevermind, found it. Not quite as wild as I remembered. https://exhentai.org/g/1913518/c238598c18/ Don't click the link unless you're logged into ehentai. ("I got nothing!" ... Too late.)
big bump
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>>26132 That’s Varu!
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>>25855 Remember this from like early 2011
>>26654 This seems sketch as fuck dog
can you fucking stop please?
>>26965 This isn't really unbirth, just overdue pregnancy
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>>26965 Why is the main character evil damn
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>>30606 I'd probably stay there for a few days
>>31726 >>31727 sauce for these 2?
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Wooo that tickled me the right way
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Unbirthception! Maiesen came up with a sex fumo voodoo doll which makes you feel good. Wish the same about a girl and a boy she loves and he feels her vagina walls around him while just bathing
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Does anyone have full comic ofwendy wonka 2.8 by okayokayokok?
I'm looking for a specific image set that I'm pretty sure I saw in an unbirth thread on the old site. It was unbirth involving what I'm almost certain was some kind of yellow pokemon (know next to nothing about pokemon so bear with me). A girl unbirths this thing and later in the set gives birth to it again. Anyone got leads or tags I could search for?
Passiveactive (the artist) dialed back on sadism a bit... I wish he made a comic where the prey is willing from the beginning but just can't find the pred for many years... and then the prey finally found the pred <3
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>>32478 I managed to find the post, anyone have the original images?
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by passiveactive on eka’s
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>>34263 You're laughing? She abducted someone's child and transformed them, and you're laughing?
>>34265 Yes, it's pretty funny and we don't have to pretend it's not
>>34263 A future where trans-racialism is possible
Newsflash, that's basically what most unbirthing scenarios are about. 34265
>>34265 To me unbirth is way less about the sadistic side Passiveactive is showing and more about the sentimental gentle mommy gf letting you relax and finally making your brain less paranoid about stupid life stuff
Here's some RWBY Double Unbirth, with Yang pregnant with Ruby, and Blake with Weiss, while both girls are cozily tucked away inside Kali's womb, if anyone is interested.
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I found these, no idea where the rest of the comic is tho. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118203283
>>15676 SYMBIOSIS!
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Frootstand is more into preg vore territory
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This one by Frootstand is reminding me of Unf0cused. Not bad
And this one is too into vore. Although I occasionally enjoy it, I really prefer a "get into the womb and live there forever" thing :3
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And this one is too into vore. Although I occasionally enjoy it, I really prefer a "get into the womb and live there forever" thing :3
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I like these moments when they realize what's about to happen like in 2 here. Bonus points for "you aren't getting out" in 4
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>>35692 you ever think maybe we'd rather see the other kind of "bump"
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Maiesen returned with a cool one
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Close enough
>>36497 For some reason I love unbirth but get petrified looking at anal vore. Funny how that shit works
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I'm pretty sure my "mmmn!" would be happy until it gradually fades out. How about that feminists!?
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>>37897 Artist?
>>35219 anyone know who commissioned this? one of the charcters looks suspiciously similar to the pfp of someone I know
>>37897 >>37899 The second art look's like also traced, but I don't remember from which one.
>>37946 It's the Lucoa fanart by Vale-City
>>37959 Yeah, you right
such an underutilized topic, also bump
does anyone have new unbirth works by this artist:吟提狂華 i think there is new unbirth works but i dont know if this is true or not and if anyone have kindly share, thanks
>>35800 I ADORE the concept of this one as well as the execution. Let me just be in there so tight it's a normal sized bump AT MOST... putting the "mommy" in "muscle mommy"
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Here's a comic I really like. Page6 isn't unbirth, so it don't belong here.
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Pages 4 and 5
Where did you find this
Where did you find this comic?
>>38963 Curious, I looked it up, and found it on Eka's Portal: https://aryion.com/g4/view/1031141
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Maiesen is my favorite artist, she fully feels the vibe of Unbirthing
Bump Why i can't upload image?
>>38990 >she Classic woman or trans?
>>39169 Who fucking cares?
>>39171 every sane person
>>39169 Frankly speaking, I myself do not know what gender the author is, but I assume that this is a woman, for the peace of my nerves I will continue to think so
>>38990 by the nine i am tweakin
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artist: me
>>39500 Looks very good, I like it when the artist isn't overdoing it and it's looking more believable
>>38990 He's a man
>>39683 thanks! ive got a preference for taller women unbirthing people so it ends up looking closer to a regular pregnancy. the one featured in the drawing is 8 feet (243ish cm) tall I believe
>>39702 You too? :3 can you draw a sports girl doing that?
>>39807 nah i don't really do requests, sorry
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Don't think this one was posted yet. Unbirth transport
>>40324 anon im begging whats the artists name
>>40346 sauce?
>>23360 >>38058 I found it on his DeviantArt account in less than five minutes, man.
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having a blast lately
>>40383 mistook a thread, it's for AI thread originally
>>40379 I really really wish I knew. I've hunted for it but with no luck. Thought this was the follow up but may be wrong
>>40410 It isn't. That one is from susfishious and it's a pregnancy transfer rather than unbirth
>>40379 Pretty sure is @milk_the_slime on Twitter
>>40412 I dont see it in their gallery but thank you for the source! I've wondered about that one for ages!
>>40615 Too bad this has a snoball's chance in hell of happening again. Or we get to see him be born again.
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>>40811 >>40812 >>40813 >>40814 Tried reverse image search to no effect and can't find any artist's signature/watermark. Who's the artist?
>>36522 >a hole for shit vs >a hole for love It's easy to choose
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>>34435 It's the next part of a Chinese comic, but author posted it on another account
>>31726 So damn cute
>>24168 rurirarako
>>40816 rana yume is the artist
>>40820 this is great, does rana yume have anything else similar to this
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Fuyunon always do a community suggestion in december. Man I wanna join that and ask for the next part of 2022 pic
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>>40890 that's not unbirth, just plain shrinking. she pulls her out of her pants right after
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Went to DesuArchive's 2019 thread, it's got some good stuff
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The guy is probably going "mmmph" because he doesn't like it. I'd be doing the same thing out of pure pleasure
artist: himitsudragon
The Hazbin Hotel mini-comic by Starcrossing is actually Anal Vore, not unbirth. https://pregchan.com/.media/t_e41568d10de1e0595dcc14104cb28b06d21405bd4991fa32dfa4640dd4d6c49d
>>40979 Many artists do implied tag without any explaination
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Am I banned from posting pic now?
>>41098 >>41099 probably the resolution of your image is the problem
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>>41102 That mean no ghislane ub then
>>41259 Keep the AI in the AI thread.
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