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ATTN: VPN USERS Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous Board owner 11/30/2023 (Thu) 15:51:44 Id:57110a No. 557 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for VPN users affected by the ban on VPN posting which was implemented to (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for years. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which will be exempt from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD when you make the post. If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation.
60 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>557 I always use a vpn and recently i wanted to start posting and making requests.

Unable to Upload Files PTD 08/30/2024 (Fri) 00:24:04 Id:fde1c6 No. 1072 [Reply]
Heya, I have an issue regarding the files uploads. I don't see a box that said "drag or upload an image file here" in term for making a new thread or replying.
Bump, removed my name
in simlar issue, a lot of imaages and threads seem to have vanished to half vanhsihed. (they show up on main page but threads and actualy images are missing
>>1075 My web browser on my iPhone is still here. But my web browser on my desktop isn’t.

Nat 08/22/2024 (Thu) 13:17:29 Id:b539cc No. 1068 [Reply]
Hello, I'd like to discuss a sponsorship offer for pregchan .com website. Could the admin please contact me back? Telegram: estnat Skype: live:.cid.54cf15dcbe55f094 Thanks
lol no

guest post Melvina Brogdon 08/17/2024 (Sat) 19:41:37 Id:66b9a6 No. 1067 [Reply]
Greetings! I would like to contribute to your website by adding a guest post. Do you have any specific requirements I should follow?

AI Board Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 00:48:47 Id:26e662 No. 617 [Reply]
I think that in the coming years (or possibly months) that AI generated work will have enough content to warrant itself a new board. I am definitely not saying that this should be a first priority right now, but I just wanted to get the ball rolling on that train of thought.
>>617 I agree. Given how much is posted in the A.I. art threads -- and the debate over A.I. art in general -- I think it should have its own board.
would also help keep it out of other boards
No. N. O. NO. Ban AI posts on this site; only good art and videos are allowed. Quit tainting the internet with shitty AI posts, and develop some art skills, damn it.
>>1064 I agree. We should ABSOLUTELY ban videos like this.

guest post Melvina Brogdon 08/11/2024 (Sun) 20:23:29 Id:8f4891 No. 1062 [Reply]
Greetings! I would like to contribute to your website by adding a guest post. Do you have any specific requirements I should follow?
eata da poopoo

Artwork posted without my permission Chao 02/01/2024 (Thu) 23:43:56 Id:b6580e No. 604 [Reply]
Heya, so some dirtbag posted some work that was private from a discord server. I need to know if any of the mods can help me remove the piece in question. I'd really appreciate it as I had no idea until someone recently brought it to my attention.
1 post omitted.
>>605 We've tried that multiple times but the same user just keeps reposting it and mocking us about how there's nothing we can do about it, we tried explaining that it was a personal piece but that just seemed to encourage them to keep doing it. We admittedly did get pretty heated when they kept posting the art and taunting us about it, but both my friend and I were sick of the user's behavior. They resorted to using ableist terms and slurs against us to deliberately mess with us. The original thread and argument were deleted but they came back again to continue trying to keep the fight going, neither my friend or I have responded since yesterday but they're still carrying on. At this point we're just sick and tired of this whole mess, all we want is for my friend's personal art to be removed and kept off of the site. We would really appreciate it if there was something that the mods could do to help us out.
>>1056 you sound like a faggot, eat shit.
Once shit is posted to an online forum, private or otherwise, you sacrifice the rights to that piece. It's the nature of the internet. Doesn't matter if that place is full of friends or you trust said individuals, you always assume the art can and will be reposted elsewhere. What you're doing now is calling attention to something that probably would have died with the thread within the year and blowing it well out of proportion to the point people will repost it out of spite. It doesn't help that you and your friend were actively being assholes AFTER the thread was deleted, and continue to be assholes in another thread. This is the bed you have made, and now you must sleep in it. Welcome to the internet.
>>1056 >ableist terms and slurs Buddy, you're on a chan site. That's just par for the fucking course. I saw the way you and your friend were acting. You absolutely brought this on yourselves at this point. This is what the internet is like.
Shouldn't have shared it wherever you shared it. Take the L and turn into a Learning experience.

Time to Split /d/? NekoSabrina 08/05/2024 (Mon) 13:07:07 Id:ba480e No. 1052 [Reply]
I've noticed there's been quite a bit of activity on /d/ lately and it feels like threads are getting shuffled about like crazy (some are already down to near the bottom of the board with their most recent posts being less than a week old) Maybe it's time to divide /d/ up? As-is, it can remain the normal art channel with general threads (Drawthread, Edit thread, AI thread, birth thread, anime thread, mpreg thread for those into that, etc), the split off would be for artist-specific threads (Lewdlemage thread(s), Arkone thread, Metalforever thread, just to name some examples) and "Who's the artist?"/source threads. Seems like a reasonable enough way to divide the load so that there isn't so many bump posts or threads having to start over because they got nuked in days

Someone got doxxed on /f/ Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 21:45:54 Id:c3f8b6 No. 826 [Reply]
Someones doxx is in the Cookie run thread on /f/ video unrelated, i just thought it was funny
Yeah someone doxxed fossil I don't like him either but what he does isn't doxx worthy
I find it funny that a bunch of gooners that have proven themselves to be utter failures by posting to this site like the rest of us decide to waste time and attack an Autist that may or may not be an egg who Jack's off to baked goods, yall aren't special, we're all dipshits in our own rites

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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/29/2023 (Fri) 22:19:08 Id:827df5 No. 512 [Reply]
Remove the cp on /d/ mods Now please
>>512 I don’t know how to report threads
There's another one in /b/
not related but in /b/ someone has been posting very hateful comments about people named starseeds in the thread that says: >Tfw the people who share your niche fetishes are also the shittiest artists alive Or alternatively: >Tfw the actual good artists who share your niche fetishes throw their other fucked up fetishes in their art that turn you off
>>1027 Would any mod delete those comments or not?
>>1028 >Asking for something in /b/ to be deleted
