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ATTN: VPN USERS Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous Board owner 11/30/2023 (Thu) 15:51:44 Id:57110a No. 557
This thread is for VPN users affected by the ban on VPN posting which was implemented to (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for years. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which will be exempt from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD when you make the post. If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation.
Been a long time lurker/requester, mostly around /f/ but will wander to other boards when it gets slow. I at least try to quell the sperg/drama that breaks out but sometimes feels like in vain. (Doesn't look like you intentionally set a password.)
Edited last time by couchy on 12/09/2023 (Sat) 16:23:38.
I’m a longtime lurker primarily in the furry side, I typically like to put up requests or share images in threads from time to time, I tend to avoid drama as I don’t enjoy having conflicts (APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 12/09/2023 (Sat) 16:22:59.
>>577 That password was intentional by the way, unless you want me to have a password that's a little less muscle memory. (Fine, APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 12/10/2023 (Sun) 18:14:48.
Sometimes lurker, sometimes poster, this site doesnt work for me without proxy. (APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 12/21/2023 (Thu) 03:51:27.
For some reason i can't reply again despite using the same password on >>559 , I'm barely made reply for the past weeks, did it get revoked somehow?
>>581 I think there was a bug - try it now.
oh this is why activity has been nuked for the past bit
>>582 It's working again now, thanks for the response admin!
Hi i just started pregchan months ago, i usually asks question in the human birth thread, then I was on kemono searching and found something good but just need drive link recover, so i went to the human birth thread, but i can't because it was blocked, so please let me able to post again on here For your info I'm using croxyproxy as my proxy
Mainly post in Drawn section to keep threads alive (with actual content not just "bump") Started the thread "sex during birth" (APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 01/09/2024 (Tue) 15:48:19.
>>589 Bruh, could you at least try to come up with a valid reason for posting besides "begging for pirated content"?
>>591 What level of justification is required for VPN privileges? (not the above poster btw)
I make morphs on /r/ and AI art and I'd like to start uploading again (APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 01/09/2024 (Tue) 15:47:44.
>>592 It's really just a convenience/courtesy for frequent posters unless your ISP/country totally blocks this site.
>>557 I almost always lurk, mainly on /d/. But just in case I want to post on a request threads or something.
Hi, i've been for knowing about this website for a year. I also wanted to keep the threads still alive.
Please let me lurk again
I'm an occasional editor who's done some edits on /d/ and released a bot in the chatbot thread, and also a pretty constant torrent-er and someone who really doesn't want to access the site without my VPN for fears of future CP spam.
>>607 Oh, and also I try to help out and give info and shit like that when possible. For instance, I've archived and released a game that was deleted from itch, and I leaned about this because I was trying to give >>/b/4850 (not sure if that's how that works) some info about CaveDuck.
>>612 >believes privacy is a right >uses a username on an imageboard >uses an email on an imageboard I kek
Hi, long-time user and lurker (since the old site). Mostly keep to request threads as necessary
(210.13 KB 1200x1500 Back to normal.jpg)
Finally purged the CP this is great.
Trying again
I post stuff in the ai thread and want to be able to use a vpn again
I want to post in the AI thread, request, etc. (APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 04/09/2024 (Tue) 15:22:44.
The Anime Japan,China thread doesn’t go up to the top of Catalog of /d/ after an image or a comment is posted. Why is that?
>>811 1. It's probably reached max bump/reply limit 2. This isn't thread for this kind of question, just create a new thread for questions
Been on this site for a while and just realized that I need verification to post with VPN. Most of time I'm a silent reader and mostly active on /d/, where I discussed about manga/manhwa that includes pregnancy. My country block this site so I need VPN to access it. (APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 04/09/2024 (Tue) 15:22:19.
I want to post something on /d/. I need to use VPN since my country block this site. (APPROVED)
Edited last time by couchy on 04/14/2024 (Sun) 12:52:42.
I wanted to ask something in the /d but it says I can’t because of my VPN, I don’t even have a VPN.
I mostly lurk, can’t use this site without VPN because it’s blocked and I’d like to make some requests on request threads
I'm an artist that likes to engage in community conversations, but I'm scared of psychos that might have the intention to harm me irl because of the stuffs I draw, so uh, ples allow me to use VPN 🥲
>>935 You're pretty far back in the line of people who would be harmed By someone here. Anyway, we can't see your IP address, only Couchy can.
>>936 Well, that's delightful to hear, but I think it's better safe than sorry
I am long time lurker, tried to post image in AI threads, but my country blocks this site and just block cloudflare, so i need VPN.
Added last few passwords.
Lurk most of the time but I have started a few boards in random (also that CSM in drawn) and rarely post on others. Hopeful did the password thing right.
Couchy, I am trying to use archive.org to save the latest thread of Impregnator Kings, since its reached the 'no more bump' limit. However, cloudflare is interfering with this. It simply tries to verify, forever. Then, the attempt fails. I tried googling the issue with "cloudflare and archive.org conflicts". It says possibly the firewall for bot detection is detecting archive.org as something malicious by default and shutting it down? https://community.cloudflare.com/t/exclude-the-internet-archive-archive-org-crawler-from-bot-protection/316554/ Is there any way archive.org could get an exception? Using archive.org to maintain Impregnator Kings is what has allowed me to continue working on it for so many years.
>>952 archive.org bot should be whitelisted now - try again.
Edited last time by couchy on 05/19/2024 (Sun) 14:45:01.
>>952 I've been using archive.is lately, and it tries in a loop, but usually succeeds, and I just kick it to try again if it fails.
>>953 Thank you, that worked.
MaiKatz14 here Can u help me to gain access to pregchan? I'm using VPN since the internet is getting worse here and I cant share my stuffs anymore
>>951 >>956 Added
Hey it's LtBarclay from bbwchan, hit me up on discord again when you have time please, trying to implement this password system but I'm having an issue or two that I wanted to run by you.
Can I please upload too. Just found some Pregnant scenes
I’m just a lurker trying to post on the /d/ drawthread
Yo, just another longtime lurker on here, I was just trying to post a request on /d/ drawthread
I'm posting for the webcomic pages in /d/ & /f/ threads
>>557 I always use a vpn and recently i wanted to start posting and making requests.
