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New Catalog Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 06:55:48 Id:2383de No. 969
Hey since Kemono is down, I want you all to include all of Pencil-Junkie works, including the Patreon excluded stuff in the Drawn section Here the Patreon link for those who have a Patreon account and access to Pencil-Junkie works https://www.patreon.com/penciljunkie
Bro just subscribe for $3, download everything you want, then dip out again. Be the change you want to see.
>>969 >kemono is down Except it isn't?
Well Kemono is still is, it just there are storage and upload issuses and people aren't fixing it and Pencil-Junkie hasn't upload anything for 5 months, thus supporting what I'm trying to explain why we need to add all of Patreon included works of Pencil-Junkie in the New Pencil-Junkie Thread catalog in Drawn section
>>972 don't think this is the right site to post/archive those, especially if that thread reach bump limit or getting slided off the limit, everything is gone.
Well there has to be a way, is it?
>>974 Yes. Give them some of your money and save everything they posted.
Well I can't and besides, why do think I share the link as I believe some of the people or fans of this website have Patreon website, but if things don't work out, then we need to do something about fixing Kemono upload and storage issues on Patreon works.
>>976 The heck does this word salad even mean?
Well, I'm meaning that either we add Pencil-Junkie Patreon excluded stuff in Pencil Junkie Thread or we confront people behind Kemono about the website status through ask questions.
Okay, here my clear suggestion, create Pencil-Junkie thread on the Drawn catalog with all the Patreon only stuff included in there. Here the link for those who have a Patreon account and want to include all of Pencil-Junkie stuff. https://www.patreon.com/penciljunkie And here the Kemono link from where the latest work is from at least December 2023 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/177612
