/c/ - Chat and Stories

Text-focused board for discussions and erotic literature. Images aren't required to start threads.

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(272.98 KB 733x899 I had to upload an image.jpg)
Board Trade Center Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 06:36:01 Id:51e3d7 No. 1860
I'm a writer who would really enjoy trading stories in exchange for artwork, and I figure I ain't the only one who wants to trade something he can do for something he can't, so this is a thread for artists and writers who would be interested in this to congregate. I put this in /b/ when I first made the thread, reasoning it to have been better than having several of these across the boards, but /c/ feels more appropriate for the new Pregchan. The basic idea will be to make a single post advertising availability, along with a link to a portfolio, email addresses or other details, trade conditions, and similar considerations. I expect discussion to happen in the thread until deals have been reached, at which point people will become more private. Remember that contact information is better for verifying an identity than a post here. This can also be a way for people to acquaint themselves with others. Lastly, try to prefer email addresses or something else others are likely to use, as not everyone has or should be expected to have accounts with certain businesses or websites.
Bump, I suppose.
