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Human Birth Human Birth 02/17/2023 (Fri) 07:58:08 Id:5f976d No. 11449
Couldn't find the last one so here we go Human birth only
Mr. Fresh will only eat the cat food that has just dropped. Because before that he ate bird poop in the cat food. so he only eats fresh cat food.
>>29369 Trauma momento
>>29301 Sauce?
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Hi, i started drawing recently, i just was playing Stardew and then i have this idea, i hope you like it.
>>30637 Great work! Simple yet exquisite considering its SV,and a birth artwork at that.
>>30637 More please!
>>14058 Doesn't work anymore :(
>>31103 Yep.. i really want to wait it. Because the animations which is made by Mixie7 make me speechless because the animations is really nice and good to watch it
>>31269 Well thank you, ik that mixie7 is a good animator but in this thread no one has the 5 dollar or the other member for mixie7, I think we need to have a thread or something about mixie7. Kemono party has updated but only adding vote part 10, not animation, and who uploaded that post needs to update more frequently not posting one by one. Or you can ask the one from my link and if lucky upload it here too. The newer animation sometimes got uploaded mixie7 well mixie7's official channel. We can see the birth animations but usually mixie7 upload it like the free version but adding 1 second only to have a last cut. I guess what to do is lurk the whole internet if your lucky finding these on some web.
>>31103 Please dont do this :(
>>31103 A very quick and easy way to ruin it for the rest of us.
Ain't my fault tho, the users from the link uploaded them, I just lurk the internet
(17.88 KB 1280x884 received_1920568251469196.webp)
Someone have the complete picture?
>>32227 Dude just delete your post that's not cool the artist himself is very active on this website
>>32227 So some held a gun to your head and made you repost said links?
(9.72 MB 2600x3200 000 (368).png)
>>32230 By the way , the artist is yumuyumu(幽夢(ゆうむ))
>>32234 Probably just "yuumu". ゆうむ is how to read 幽夢.
>>32232 Ok, so yeah i don't know the password to delete so can you report?, I'm still new to pregchan.
>>32233 I just thought that posting will help because people in here post mixie7 animation but not full, I posted them because I just want to make people's curiosity now gone, but ig I make a big mistake here, im very sorry to ya'll in this thread, can you forgive me, if no it's okay I see why
>>32187 oh yeah btw mixie7 I'm greatly sorry for my mistake, I just want to watch your animation but ig I can't so I must deal with it and just dont force myself. I'm terribly sorry for my mistake, because of that I promise to myself that I will stop talking stuff like this on pregchan, can you forgive me?
>>32234 Thank you so much, i'm going to follow the artist too
>>14056 Seems like They don't update their Mega link anymore for a while. Did they already give up?
>>12879 Mary chan wa kaerenai part 2
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does anyone know the artist for the last two images?
>>32943 hmm, judging by the artstyle, maybe 420screaming on dA?
>>14058 Hey I can't get the other ones from pixiv
>>33108 The second image was literally posted to the draw thread today, how did you mess that up
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artist name?
>>33535 Slitherydemon. Used to post a bunch of preg and stuffing art on tumbler, then disappeared. They were pretty consistent with how round and taut the bellies were drawn, the stuffing images could be mistaken for preg if it wasn't for the text that usually accompanied it. Your best bet of finding any art from this artist would be Deviantart reuploads or tumbler archives.
Can somebody upload the lewdrather birth animation full version?
(3.09 MB 720x720 SPOILER_Ea9cNgAXxClZykaI.mp4)
>>34063 Hi, A Rather Lewd Kinda Dude here. Had to private my lewd Twitter cause some goobers were harassing me. Here's the HD one! Enjoy!
>>33535 I messaged them years ago when they first disappeared asking if they still had any preg art saved and they confirmed that they didn't - they had deleted it all. From what I recall, they got a lot of very creepy guys in their DMs constantly as they revealed they were a female artist, and that (combined with I believe irl people finding out about their art) made them go nuclear with all their preggo content. Shame really, they were great. Did some fantastic slime egg content.
>>34163 damn, love that one
>>34163 omg thx
>>34176 Thank you! I have more, so next time I unprivate and post a new drawing, feel free to save, share, etc Or just DM me there and I'll let ya follow lol
>>34242 >>34163 This is really well done. Thanks for posting this.
>>34288 What do you need help with?
