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Pregnant Disney Girls (Human Edition) belliesrlovely 02/18/2023 (Sat) 19:30:31 Id:aed5d9 No. 11525
Human version of the Disney thread in /f/. Edits and original art are welcome, but no AI art.
(217.86 KB 720x1080 Preg in thair.jpg)
(28.91 KB 460x572 pregchuy.jpg)
(264.74 KB 770x634 Anne eats that ice cream.png)
Here's some Anne, first pic by SB99, other pics done by me.
(138.72 KB 431x534 Luz new life.jpg)
Here's one Luz I made, she's carrying Amity's baby
>>23340 How come no one has done art of Luz and Amity both pregnant together? I mean, it seems pretty obvious, right?
>>23339 The one picture of Anne eating strawberry ice cream looks very adorable! I'm curious to know if you plan to draw her pregnant in her time skip adult appearance someday?
(135.48 KB 500x658 Preg lumity kiss.png)
Someone did suggest both Luz and Amity preggo, so here's a pregnant Lumity kiss
(322.18 KB 1500x2000 disney1.jpg)
(658.17 KB 1650x1900 disney4.jpg)
(378.43 KB 1800x2000 disney5.jpg)
Stuff from Lewdlemage
(1.06 MB 810x810 disney6.gif)
>>24967 and this.
>>24968 Wait this isn't pregnant, sorry.
>>26165 I'm guessing she's carrying Cassandra.
I’m disappointed that there doesn’t appear to be any preg art of characters from Strange World. I would like to see Callisto Mal with a pregnant belly.
(247.58 KB 1106x1080 boonchuy-milf3.png)
(269.54 KB 1115x1037 odalia2.png)
>>27168 go away
(225.29 KB 1280x2303 karmi_by_09111_dflx8xz-fullview.jpg)
The one with the striped shirt and long orange hair is Kate the vendor lady from "Inner Workings"
>>28727 That woman is amazing
>>28873 kida doesn't get enough love
I noticed a serious lack of Strange World representation like... everywhere. Can someone do preg art of my girl Callisto Mal? She's in desperate need of getting knocked up.
>>33648 there's plenty mrpreg of the rock floating around
>>32919 Sauce for the third pic?
>>33648 That dude is ugly
>>33649 >>33651 Don't be cheeky. I need my muscle gal!
>>33649 Though I have to admit that is pretty funny.
>>33652 I think you mean muscles man because that doesn't look like a woman
>>33657 She reminds me of Katy M. O'Brien. Also, if you haven't seen Strange World, which you probably haven't cause it bombed at the box office, check it out anyway. It's a cute movie.
>>33652 well, there's a few hentai AI generators out there that will alter a picture if you're desperate
I'm not sure what the artist was thinking with Luz's lips. Can someone fix them?
