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Giving birth large babies 03/31/2024 (Sun) 16:53:59 Id:2df1f4 No. 32302
Pretty straightforward, yet a rare sight to see. If you have an art that potentially has a woman who is REALLY struggling to give birth a large baby, feel free to drop some. Btw the artist is hakosaku on Pixiv : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117277588
>>32767 Well this explain a lot
>>32350 Do you have any more from this artist?
>>32780 His name is BoB-Babyonboard, you can find him on Deviantart or Patreon. That image is from his patreon that I got access on Tumblr by a random dude (in other words, to see all of his images you need to pay). But I have another pic from his patreon
Speaking of birthing massive baby, by the way...
>>32830 Didn't expect to see you here, if it's actually you
I'm always interested to see what people thinks about me, so searching my own name is something I do a lot on Google. And that should explains well why I'm here~ The picture is an open end btw
A really massive baby yes? Here's one
>>33617 this and the crowning parts of toriel (non-death) are my favorites. not a big fan of gore but when your niche is oversized offspring you can't exactly beg or choose.
>>33631 You can kiiiiinda choose, bad ending is not for everyone after all But thanks anyway~
>>33634 Kek, nice try
>>33646 apparently that image is actually like a full image set but pixiv is page not found
So maybe try ask the artist about that image, and if you got it please upload the full or not just send Btw here is the link https://www.deviantart.com/finalixerx/art/Umi-Birth-01-Clean-Version-276509723
(267.24 KB 1079x1000 illust_99301205_20240427_021508.jpg)
>>33882 >kiwi harpy that poor, poor girl and her vagina/cloaca
>>33957 That is for sure one of the biggest things birthed in this thread
Welp, I gotta keep up then
>>33968 Man. I sure hope she gonna be fine right after the head is out. Plz do.
(164.88 KB 1280x939 mm aaaaa - Copy.png)
(299.74 KB 879x1000 mm aaaaab.jpg)
Artist: flittermilk
(232.57 KB 1113x1096 hepcat.png)
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(376.65 KB 1330x1500 baconmaster pp 4.png)
She's using morphines in the pictures if you're wondering.
>>34057 Can you give the source?
>>34057 nvm found the source with sauce so
>>34073 Artist?
>>34088 DarkHunter5168
>>34099 Thank you
(1.77 MB 6485x4961 big_birth_sketches_1.jpg)
Here's some actual good content from clone66
>>34154 The goat actually did it holy shit.
>>34154 Where you can find his new posts? If Im not wrong he deleted almost everything from himself.
>>34187 He's on discord, he posted on the server im in
>>34191 what server?
>>34192 preggo belly paradise
>>34193 search finds nothing.
Send the discord link
It's a private discord. Don't bother.
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>>33715 artist?
