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The Texas Age Confirm Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 23:13:49 Id:4a1598 No. 708
I loved the questions, but maybe dropped the pass / fail rate down. No funkin way zoomers have ever been exposed chocolate rain or O RLY? Those two alone would suffice.
>>737 bump.
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Just in case if this becomes the norm. Here are my answers to the questions I got that let me in.
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>>759 thank you bro~♥ My mother tongue is not English, and I cried while doing the exercises/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
im fuckin retarded man
A hint for one of the answers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA
Another hint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIyixC9NsLI BTW, I know someone posted the answers already. I'm just being a rascal.
>>747 Ami won't let me answer question 2
Pretty good age confirmation system. Reminds me of Leisure Suit Larry's age confirmation questions.
>>708 Literally not even in the fucking US.
lmao, i know all of this and i 18 y.o, fucking normies
>>767 Spoiled American brat
I don't understand why I get these questions without being in the USA
Isn't it obvious that it's a fucking April Fool's joke? Do some people here really think that questions about old memes are supposed to hold underage shitters out?
Over 9000 and Chocolate rain is old meme now? Damn I'm old
>>759 Pretty sure the large number cutoff is 9000 (It's over 9000 meme)
>>771 Made less obvious it was like a day or two early
What Why and lets go straight to REMOVE
>>754 I tried it, it doesn't work at all because the website can't verify that I'm a human, I don't know why.
So wtf i actually live in NJ and im getting these questions. And ive tried every combination and i still fail.
Honestly this thread makes the joke so much better lol
>>782 Jokes are meant to be funny. I passed the check easily, but expecting someone to have been terminally online for the last two decades and know all these references, even if it is temporary, just ain't it, chief.
>>791 Oh please, the references were generic as fuck. Not to mention people can set aside their porn addictions for a fucking day
>>710 Literally on the other side of the world and i still get these, its bull.
>>773 leet
>>793 it's a bloody april fool joke
Honestly just decided I Dont wanna use the site anymore. This is fucking stupid, I'm 25 and in the UK. How to does this even stop /b/ from raiding? Well done site staff you fucking useless cunts. I look forward to watching your ship sink.
>>796 Hahahahaha
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GenZ mf'ers know every line from Skibidi Toilet and Pedopie's dick circumference, but get cockblock'd cause they fail to recite Chocolate Rain.
I was in middle/high school for most of these memes and remembered most of the top of my head. That being said, its a shit-designed quiz since some of them have multiple valid answers, depending on what you're referencing. "NO WAI" is a valid meme response to "ORLY" "All true warriors strive for" can also be "Dinner" if you're an oldfag YTP fan Two examples. Quiz was gay and got a chuckle out of me the first time I saw it but really should have left a way to get in
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"Gen Z won't get anything in these questions" I was born in 01 and I had some exposure to these, Gen Z is older than yall think
>>762 I'm sorry I slept on this song the first time, like damn
I stg people here are the densest I've ever seen. >don't recognize it's an April Fool's joke >think these questions are legitimately supposed to stop minors from entering >get mad since no access to the site and throw a tantrum and claim to never come here again >can't use Google Did I miss anything?
>>804 how legendary the mods are for this trolling
I live outside the US, so I wasn't sure if it was a prank or not.
Good one! "Restrict" artistic expression and sexual feelings, in fact this site isn't all about sexual, many of us love to view pregnant art because it's warming, beautiful & empowering. F0ck U Texas and f0ck your Lone Star beer.
This shit is retarded
>April fool's day >What's a good joke >I know, let's render the website unusable This is why I hate this holiday. Every year, a handful of sites decides to just shut down for the funnies. Hell, I've already stopped posting/sharing/editing/helping and transitioned to just lurking because >>607 went ignored.
>>807 this right here is the truth the puritanicals want strip everything that they don't want and porn and sexuality is just the edge cases they use to do more authoritarian things like the rights of others they deem lesser than themselves.
>>804 >think site is run by puritanical Texans >can't read thread for the answers >can't stop cooming for 1-2 days
you know if you have ublock origin you can just zap the questions away
>>792 Looking for who asked.
At what point will the questions be removed? It won't let me get past the second question.
next time trial test it to make sure that it works on mobile instead of being terribly formatted and being unable to scroll to be able to click "next"
Desktop mode It exists Try it you fucking dumbass faggots It doesn't fucking hurt
>>804 Oh I do realize it’s an April Fool’s Joke. But boy is it an obnoxious one. And since it’s still here I’m wondering if they locked themselves out with it.
Sorry boys and girls. Pool was closed because of Baby Shark apparently.
