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latest posts list on main page aristocrat 12/31/2022 (Sat) 22:43:52 Id:446d56 No. 355
A humble request. As it is currently, the ten latest posts are shown on the front page. Furthermore, the board they're from is marked by a small letter which is easily missed. It's hard to distinguish if a post is made from /d/, /f/, /c/, etc without closely looking. This is in great contrast to the previous pregchan,here: mail.pregchan.com You can see, there's a listing of the past 30 posts, the board name is bolded and set apart so you know exactly what board it is, and the title is set off again by clean lines, followed by a brief sample in normal font. Can we go back to using this format? Or at the very least, extending it to 30 "latest posts" in the list? I very much want to rebuild momentum for my Impregnator Kings story, but since the latest post list is so short, I can see it's very easy for the notification I've updated it to be pushed off the page. Therefore, readers won't know from a quick glance, and it will potentially take longer to gather votes before I can move forward. I believe this will help the site in general as well, so I make this request in the form of feedback. Thank you.
I changed it to be a bit more like the old style, but it still needs more styling. LynxChan is kind of annoying to customize.
