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Fate Pregnancies Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 22:47:21 Id:6e0e13 No. 13467
Post art of the girls from The Fate series, from Fate/ Stay Night to Fate/GO, and beyond the Grand Order to other Nasuverse properties, please. Figured that we were due for one of these.
what happened to the last one?
>>13537 got spammed off the board by spambots.
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>>15500 new preggo
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>>15635 Sauce for the Sheba pic?
>>15681 The artist is Mabeelz
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>>17246 Holy cow this one is great, what's the doujin?
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Mireille the hottest and ultimate Fate Grand Order waifu. She appears in the few fap pages in the manga adaptation Mortalis Stella.
>>18422 First Historia and now her. Farmer-kun seems always win ultimate prego waifu.
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Every day I hope for Jinako Karigiri pregnant fanart
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Does somebody have pregnant artoria lancer by shiiki love saber ? They removed it from pixiv
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>>24001 I know it's the "wrong" thread, but this brings me joya
>>24001 Get this male preg shit outta here fag.
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>>28690 arkone come back ;-;
>>18422 What chapters?
>>13467 We need more pregnant art of Barghest and the other Fairy Knights (and Morgan), I'll start.
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>>29897 Well she is a mother of nine in myth so this fits
>>29906 Yeah and also amazing to say this is first the preg picture of her
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>>34880 A classic
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A Humble Tribute for our beloved Kohai
>>37837 damn that's really good, could you also draw Taira no kagekiyo or Maou Nobunaga (both in their 3rd ascension)?
>>37840 Sorry, i decided to only drawn Servants i currently have in my account
>>37845 Who do you have then?
>>37851 Do you have any class in mind?
>>37845 alright then. >>37855 for me, assassin class
>>37856 Got a lot of assassins actually. I have Gray, Eli Bathory, Osakabehime, Shuten Douji, Kiichi Hogen, Summer Okita, Consort Yu, Mata Hari and Corday
>>37855 Moon Cancer, Alter Ego, Foreigner for me. >>37857 No Kama make me sad, Corday is cute tho.
>>37857 nice line up you have there, i would like Consort Yu. do you have any avenger servants?
>>37858 Moon Cancer - Both BBs Alter Ego - Kingprotea, Bazzet Mac Fragga and Sitonai Foreigner - Yang Guifei, MIX, Summer Abby and Dark Koyan
>>37859 Jalter and Ranmaru X
>>37860 Yus, BB! BB plz! Need devilishly preggo kouhai! BB-hotep (summer 3rd ascension) is best but any Beebs is a good Beebs. I’d honestly like to see Dark Koyan eventually too though. She wants to be a mom, so pregnancy is kind of on theme for her.
>>37860 BB Summer and MHXX are good too >>37861 Jalter is also good
>>37862 good choice, i like her 3rd ascension too
Preggo is honestly on theme for BB too, not only is she literally made from feelings of love, but she has the mother goddess authority of Potnia Theron. The same authority Tiamilf has.
>>37860 MIX. That idol body is hot and pregnancy is a scandal
>>37866 ah i forgot about idol MHXA
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Yu mei Ren (also have her summer form)
>>37912 these are really great, can't wait for what's next
>>37912 Love em, especially summer trying to look like a badass.
>>37916 imagine being pregnant with a Biomechanical war centaur
>>37920 I could maybe believe Xiang Yu’s original humanoid body had a cock and semen, but the idea of Qin Shi Huang installing a horse cock onto his new body and reproductive fluid that reflects the modifications to his war machine is just funny. Alternative, after Ritsuka agrees to be Yu’s sperm donor, she jacks him off with a disgusted look on her face. She collects the semen, has a dick installed on Xiang Yu’s body, and has him fuck it into her.
>>37921 It would seem unlikely since Qin Shi Huang prefer immortality than continuation of his dynasty
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I finally got her, she'll be the Next
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Some Sabers for you guys
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>>39428 >>39429 Oh look, and beginner artist, time to belittle and bully them off the face of the internet/satire
>>39434 Nah, I've been drawing for about 7 years actually, these are just doodles for fun. But don't worry, i'm a chill person
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Silk of Venus inspire some unwise acts
>>39428 Hmm I’m not sure if I recognize the first one. The Trung Sisters?
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Alter Duo
>>39720 Awesome!
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>>40288 Holy shit imagine passing those horns through ur pussy. Hope they're born as eggs
>>40290 Tiamat’s birthed much worse than that. Remember that the demonic beasts of Babylonia are her (and Gorgon’s maybe?) children.
>>40288 You'd think there'd be more pregnant Johanna content, given her myth.
