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Punk/Goth Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 22:13:07 Id:de476a No. 29446
Post any goth/punk/tattooed/pierced/bad girl mom-to-be art here.
These are mpreg, but I couldn't resist.
(103.15 KB 519x826 gothy_lolita.jpg)
(108.51 KB 541x833 gothy_lady_1_color.jpg)
(4.92 MB 3072x4096 Goth Goblin - Schoolgob.jpg)
(1.15 MB 2048x2048 1617757798147-0.png)
This one's straddling the definition, but you could say it's 'military-punk'. I believe this is a character from a Borderlands game.
(2.19 MB 2500x2500 World_Goth_Mothers_Day.jpg)
(31.81 KB 480x679 riot grrl.jpg)
I wish someone could edit this so that the belly was closed.
The most pregnant punk image I've seen and the artist bailed.
(183.77 KB 942x1760 1587070452652 - Copy.jpg)
(434.22 KB 806x1200 80063445_p0.jpg)
(80.27 KB 781x1398 FjTpLWuaUAA-Sui.jfif)
>>30802 Forgot just how much the survivor girl does it for me. We must repopulate!!
>>32309 Isn't this supposed to be animated?
>>32613 No clue. It was a still when I pulled it from DeviantArt.
>>32613 >>32619 The original is a gif of her expression turning to shock as her belly expands out
(2.33 MB 356x488 goth.gif)
>>32626 I forgot that Icarus Illustrations animates occasionally but when he does it's pretty damn great.
>>30991 Artist name plz?
>>32710 Mistr Ghost (Mr. Ghost) https://twitter.com/MistrGhost
(175.62 KB 1620x2160 GHYh3sQWwAAigqc.jpg)
(37.82 KB 572x900 GKg4QGkXgAESMyl.jpg)
(43.63 KB 617x680 F_LJPauXAAACvvj.jpg)
(42.02 KB 680x550 GHtOfirXIAANhRU.jpg)
(209.28 KB 2048x1319 GHzMe64XIAAapow.jpg)
(33.18 KB 492x900 GHoTNQwWYAAd7HZ.jpg)
(176.83 KB 1534x2048 F-H8Ax8XUAADt-m.jpg)
(108.17 KB 1522x2048 F-H8Ax_XsAADMA0.jpg)
(151.55 KB 2048x1646 F-H8Ax8XcAEWuvA.jpg)
(196.14 KB 1620x1904 F2PoPojXgAE_USn.jpg)
(231.23 KB 1620x2160 GAn11KDWAAAPRPH.jpg)
(186.23 KB 1646x2157 GDcIaMgXIAESRos.jpg)
(159.33 KB 1536x2048 GDwunXQW4AAEivW.jpg)
(213.24 KB 1704x2048 GG0Zw2_XgAE84vK.jpg)
These are AI, but they looked too good to not put up here.
(73.23 KB 810x1080 288505171.jpg)
