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Separate board for loli Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 21:54:07 Id:b93db9 No. 319
Please isolate it into a separate board. I don't want to see children every time I browse this fucking site.
>>319 Seconding.
>>319 I understand how you feel, but I don't want to see /r/ art. I feel like /r/ or /f/ will get separate boards before loli
Not disagreeing here, but the likelihood of it happening isn't very high. Same thing has been brought up regarding the ryona/guro shit. The simple fact is, there's not enough of it to warrant giving it its own board. Not to mention that giving it a dedicated board is just going to encourage people to post even more of it. The only thing I can maybe see a new board for any time in the near future is AI content, and even then it's probably overkill.
>>323 I'm actually not against loli preg at all, so them posting more of it would be fine to me, I just understand how it may bother some people, and I can't see this happening anyway.
>>319 If any of us sane people don't get to complain about Simpsons porn, uncanny valley 3D CG, AI art, suspiciously-similar-to-animal furryshit and guroshit, neither do YOU. Shut the fuck up and go touch some grass.
>>319 Of all things that have been complained about to give a separate containment board, loli is the most tame out of all of them by far tbh.
I don't think the site is active or big enough to warrant further board divisions.
