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The Aftermath Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/12/2023 (Sun) 17:06:37 Id:0b1760 No. 393
So were you keeping backups or not, Couchy? Do you plan to start now? If you want to get some staff to handle spam, there's more than enough namefags who can identify themselves well enough to be candidates. Do you plan to limit new thread creation or make the boards larger to help counteract this in the future?
I heard there was a raid and that catalogs got deleted which was kinda worrying but i looked and it doesnt look too bad. here's an idea: give some mods a panic button that stops new replies and threads for 1 hour while popping a sitewide header and emails auto sent to an admin saying the button has been pressed. this way you get receipts of which mod has pressed the button and you can review if it was done appropriately. then, admins can extend the new post preg-vention as needed. This works because this is a slow site and raids/spam rely on momentum and speed. I would say 6 hours for smaller spammers and 24-48 for larger/more sophisticated ones until they fizzle out.
>>393 I hope there is. Man i lost a lot of sources for mangas with preg content in it on pregnant manga thread.
>>395 Well, i think ehat is gone is gone since theres no sign of them returning
>>395 Was that 4344? I have https://pastebin.pl/view/9ff37acb. Images too if needed.
>>402 You are the best! And yes images are definitely needed for reverse image search
>>403 https://anonfiles.com/McZcv0Zfyd/4344_zip File should be a zip. Use an adblocker.
I like to see the pregnant dress-lifting threads back! Edgy but cute, something done in RL or baby showers, just like shirt-lifting to show the big belly these women love so damn much.
>>402 I clicked on your link and it said 404 not found. I want the power! office ladies threads back too.
Anyone know what happened to the rapid pregnancy thread that had the gifs of bears?
>>413 The period at the end shouldn't be part of the url. I also have thread 10117, with the subject "pregnant office ladies" if that is what you are looking for.
>>414 If that was thread 7 on /b, I think that got deleted. I also have an archive of that though If you want it.
>>416 That would be cool I have nothing to trade though
>>418 That's fine, I don't really care for trades. https://anonfiles.com/s640wee3zf File should be a zip, use adblock. This is only the raw json data/images for the thread. I can try to render html, but I'd imagine that the wayback machine would do a better job; this is mostly useful for getting the original full-res images/videos for the thread which don't seem to get archived.
>>419 Thank you so much
