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Soyjak raid spam Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 09:58:04 Id:ef5f68 No. 910
They're back
Got some more popping up; seems like just one idiot this time, so it's probably Kisame throwing a hissy fit on his own.
man those new measures really worked.
>>915 It keeps them from wiping the catalog, since they literally can't create enough threads to do so Also, again, turns out it's most likely Kisame being his faggot self as usual.
Wait it was a raid? Got one replied to my post and I took it personally lmfao
Seriously, if it starts to wear on you, I can help moderate, Couchy. I can prove I've been using this website for a long time and am trustworthy. >>917 lol
>>916 Let's be real, it probably wasn't them. But it's very funny to see them seethe on the other board.
>>919 Eh, honestly it seems like the rest of them have more or less lost interest now, and he's desperately trying to egg them on to do another raid. Between his typical schizobabble, that is.
>>921 Kisame is straight up fucking with them now. How did our biggest lolcow become our greatest weapon.
>>922 That's honestly the thing that surprised me, though. They seemed to actually understand that we kind of don't have the power to keep some of the more degen shit out. Combined with the whole Kisame thing, I got the vibe that they've more or less lost interest. I think it's in our best interest to just not antagonize them or generally shit-talk them at this point.
Meds. NOW.
another one
Common chud L tbh, they need to get a life
Here's documentation on how to perform a backup, Couchy: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/backups/
