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(1.06 MB 1280x1004 pregnant pony shopping spree.png)
Banner Thread Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 19:05:54 Id:320c4f No. 925
We could use some more banners. I've already contributed one, but I'd like to give another. What would it take to get an MLP banner in the rotations?
this one again?
You already had every variation of this MLP banner rejected years ago.
>>926 Well, other people can use it too. >>927 Yeah, which is I want to know what it would take to get one approved, so I can make it.
(6.16 KB 300x100 preghub.png)
>>930 >Nothing furry. People can and will sperg if a pregnant pony ends up on the fp. >Topical memes seem to do well. An original meme made personally that's well received by the community may have a higher chance. >Takes on other website logos Something like PregHub or something, I dunno. I put in minimal effort into my example. >300 x 100 Seems like all the images are this size, so this seems like a requirement.
>>932 Turns out the pornhub/pregchan logo already existed and I just forgot. Still, example stands.
(1.57 MB 350x272 a65.gif)
I give it two days until this thread implodes in on itself.
