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(152.08 KB 600x684 vemmy_by_deztyle_dd0y5hd.gif)
Rapid Pregnancy Thread #2 belliesrlovely 02/14/2023 (Tue) 22:39:10 Id:263946 No. 1334
Looks like the first thread is gone. Time for Round 2! Furry and AI art are welcome.
Damn I don't think I saved some of the stuff from the last thread. Didn't know they were going to purge this board so much. This thread is in that much more risk of dying now. Why not have it on /d/ or /f/?
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>>1354 I want both human and furry art to be represented here. Hopefully, another idiot won't spam the site again any time soon.
>>1376 >not having Rita say "make that Ranger grow" C'mon Zero, how'd you miss an opportunity like that?
>>1335 Third pic needs context
>>1374 Fair enough. Lots of good furry stuff out there for rapid preg.
>>1382 Are these Only 4 pages?
>>1383 Unfortunately yeah. I would have liked to see it continue too, maybe the security guard would go to help her but be overcome by lust and pump her up again. This artist has done a few other comics and rapid preg stuff but they typically aren't that long. This one is just the two pages.
(1.35 MB 1600x1200 Tabitha_gregert.gif)
>>1398 Love the gal with a blue shirt matches her eyes. Long dark hair...and light skinned (is she East Asian?) I saved it and want to reedit for my own files.
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This is still my favorite rapid preg pictures of all time. I believe the context is this raccoon girl hooked up with some hyper fertile guy at a party and wakes up to find her self swelling up like a balloon.
Idk if this counts https://youtu.be/GPBQPM0HMvY
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By Zdemian
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Old flash rapid pregnancy animators from DA. Furry: https://www.deviantart.com/barn-flakes/gallery/28802315/interactive-expansions https://www.doom-the-wolf.com/gallery (Doom recently moved all their old flash animations to their website) https://www.deviantart.com/preg-fur/gallery/28746888/animations Human: https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/ https://www.deviantart.com/sqwarkdemon/gallery/68981919/interactives-and-animations https://www.deviantart.com/lusty38 They all have rapid pregnancy content that you can play if you have flash installed. DimPixel and Doom have non-flash animations too.
>>2509 Source
>>2502 sauce?
(869.42 KB 1280x2080 Edit.png)
Minor edit I did to an old picture that I don't think was initially intended to be rapid preg. I think this is an old Marazan pic.
>>2553 It’s MetalForever.
Straight from this old comic by the artist name of Mamabliss: https://e-hentai.org/g/921112/329897d1bb/ Comic is about a type of demon called a Lagomorph that is summoned, and a breeding frenzy ensues.
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>>3080 >>3079 Sorce?
>>3119 it's from a hentai called Tentacle and Witches, i believe.it has a couple decent preg moments.
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>>3680 I already posted those.
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Time to cleanse the front page.
>>3739 When Neco-Arc is considered cleansing by comparison...
>>2007 Followup to this
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Not sure if this counts but...
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Anyone happen to have any rapidpreg resulting in immediate labor/waterbreak/birth? Feels like it’s rare to come across any good ones.
(8.60 MB 1280x720 ugly americans.mp4)
>>3987 Does this count?
>>3880 Okay, this is great. Is there any more like it from that artist?
>>3990 who artist?
>nothing posted in almost a month Why does it feel like we are getting less of this art than we used to? It's always been rare, but this sucks.
>>4153 Maybe if they up the file size limit; frickin' cheapskates.
>>4153 pregchan is also a bit slow and this is slow bit of the year, and let's face it, world is kinda fucked some artists aren't up to do art any more or no many folk comm em.
>>4155 I have a rapid preg com in the works. But I dunno maybe it has to do with a generation of artists that were exposed to certain media that aided in developing this specific fetish have gone through their artistic careers and have now moved on without more people replacing them. It just feels like we'd casually get more of this art a few years ago compare to now.
>>4171 That, plus there isn't a lot of current media that features rapid pregnancy. The best we've gotten recently is that scene in Prey For The Devil, but that's about it.
Here's some stuff I made with Bing Image Creator.
Here's some more. I'll try to refine it and see what works best. Prompt: cartoon of a student in her uniform and pleated miniskirt suddenly becoming pregnant
>>4250 >>4251 Take it to the AI thread.
>>1334 >Furry and AI art are welcome.
(6.62 MB 440x471 ezgif-1-74a148a3ae.gif)
Made this with Pika AI Video Generator: http://discord.gg/pika Obviously it's bad, but the fact I could even do this much is impressive.
(9.96 MB 600x338 Belly Bloat.gif)
been infatuated with this video for years. a shame there's very little info on its origin/who's in it.
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>>4296 Where's that from?
>>4298 “The Void”(2016) watched it for the scene. wasn't a terribly interesting movie. that gif though... obsessed with it.
>>4295 title?
More AI
(2.90 MB 6000x4800 4596488_WildeGems_img_3208.jpg)
>>4316 I almost asked where did you find these old comics.
>>4318 I wish they were real comics. lol
>>4303 Just watched that clip. Not really rapid pregnancy. More bursting/extreme belly movement.
>>4328 My god. Absolutely amazing. Real shame it seems like the only preg thing they have done though.
>>4340 Source?
>>4328 >>4344 Can't really say it's preg definitively, but it is a really cute animation for sure.
>>4356 Check the file name.
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Something I commissioned recently. I have also commissioned part 2 where she will get bigger, wake up and react to what has happened to her.
>>4468 Holy crap that's awesome.
>>4468 I was checkin this out in an Aldi parkinglot and the guy next to me may have seen this gif.
>>4469 It's pretty neat isn't it. Made in Abyss' concept of relics work really well as a prompt for rapid preg via magical artifacts trope. I totally forgot I hadn't uploaded something else I had commissioned which is a 6-page mini doujin following the same idea, because the last time I tried to post it the upload failed. I'll try again later. Made in Abyss itself does feature a kind of horror preg scenario, but it's not meant to be arousing. I doubt anybody would find it to be anyways. >>4470 Did you look him in the eye afterwards and assert your dominance?
(134.14 KB 220x114 thats-hot-hot.gif)
>>4468 Bout time we got some good content around here. lol
>>4470 >Two men of culture in the wild
>>4468 > tgis is fucking amazing holy shit what artist did you commission for this?
(9.24 MB 4299x6071 1568731-1.output.png)
Here's that other thing I commissioned recently. I'm still having trouble posting it for some reason, I might have to post each page individually.
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>>4483 I'll post the second part of the animation when it gets delivered. It should be delivered within a few days.
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>>4357 It's some sort of living thing growing in her womb. That's preg in my books even if it's just some weird meatball. The artist even said they wanted to make it a fetus-like thing originally but they chickened out. Hopefully they go all the way in the future.
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New Worm pic
>>4484 Fuck yeah, do you have a TL for this?
(2.77 MB 1920x1398 1883155-1.output.mp4)
>>4468 Here is part 2. It's going to be tough not being distracted by this at work today. Higher quality version is slightly too large to be posted so you can download it here if you want https://files.catbox.moe/5w7w3d.mp4 >>4499 I do not. I ran the images through google translate and that gives the basic gist of what's happening, but it might still be confusing if you don't know anything about Made in Abyss. I could try to typeset a rudimentary translation myself, but I haven't felt like it yet.
>>4502 That’s fuckin great, will it have sound also do you think they could end it with like bursting or maybe even painful birth?
>>4502 Who did this?
>>4508 No that is all for now. The focus was just on rapid pregnancy, not what comes after. But you can go ahead and assume her multiple births will be painful when the time comes for that. I may do more with this situation in the future, but it won't be birth or bursting. Maybe she'll experience one more growth spurt now that she is awake or she'll try to go about her life as normal despite barely being able to walk, that would be in-character for her. But I only have so much money to spend.
>>4468 >>4502 infinitely based people are already posting it on /a/
>>4502 We need more like this (and all the other animations)
(1.90 MB 1920x1080 stork.mp4)
>>4510 Who's the artist?
>>4502 who did you commission?
My name is electro and I am 23 years old
>>4706 ok?
>>4706 Who?
>>4364 The second image raise me a question: Are bullets made of maternity shots? O3O
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Its been drier than a desert out there this past few months. Here's a sensory deprivation pit doujin that's got some rapid preg. https://exhentai.org/g/2858697/565dc5481d/
>>5162 any other links? can't view sad panda
>>5164 Just replace the "x" with "-"
Migrating this from drawn
>>5432 Good stuff.
