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preg memes Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/01/2022 (Mon) 22:41:12 Id:ed6cc2 No. 142
Sometimes I get bored and make memes
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>>142 Mpreg fan, huh? Here's one I made a while back.
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I'm done with politics put yourselves on this compass
>>223 Well, technically...
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I got high and noticed a trend
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>quarter of the thread is unfunny mpreg enthusiasts bemoaning lack of mpreg porn
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>>782 make a meme then, it's not that hard, 30 seconds in gimp
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warning: offensive
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>>922 Who's the fucking chud who made this?
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>>925 It was me.
>>922 I recognized the kid on the bottom left right away.
>>923 I will claim u as my enemy
>>927 She got more kids than Mrs. Wayans... ... DAMN!
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>>924 prince harry is a walking meme
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>>981 41 yourself.
>>1013 It's fallen to 40% actually. Enjoy losing forever and Top G ain't getting freed today. :P
>>981 >t.roon
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>>924 >>925 >>1133 Absolutely malding
>>1132 The parents: "Lemme explain...our daughter had a lil' ball under her dress...childhood innocence". :-/ Parenting today: I worry about our future. xD
>>981 I want to be the transwoman Lieu-Sgt-Gen to command forces (God, what gender am I???)
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Does this count?
>>1543 Captain Waifu commands me to make a heir to the throne with her womb.
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I thought this goes here.
I can’t figure out what to do with this, but I just found it and I feel like I need to share it with you guys.
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>>1543 We can try, if we can find a kit on sale.
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Mpreg guys are such faggots. Just transition already so you can get your mental illness validated And then hopefully kill yourself a little sooner.
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>>1808 Imagine being the first kid born from a dude's asshole. You would never hear the end of it. You wouldn't even be able to go to school. >lmao anon's a butt baby >BUTT BABY >BUTT BABY
>>1876 “Hey we’re you a front butt baby or a back butt baby?”
>>1832 Whatever you say, Ted Haggard
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>>1832 This guy definitely listens to Joe Rogan instead of helping his wife raise the kids
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>>1876 You sure talk a lot about stuff you don't like.
>>2566 Sauce on that belly?
>>2580 shit we hate constantly gets shoved in our faces >YAS HECKIN REPRESENTATION! It gets called out >UGH WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH STUFF YOU DON'T LIKE? you faggots really do have the thinnest skin
>>2582 Whatever you say, snowflake
>>2583 Yeah sure faggot who had to make up new gender for xerself just to be different
>>2584 I'm a cis male, idk what you mean
>>2582 >shit we hate constantly gets shoved in our faces Oh, so how we all usually feel about the loli boards? >WE HATE FAGS AND TRANNIES, ITS FORCED IN OUR FACES AND I HATE IT!!!! >Loli aren't isn't real lol if you don't like it literally don't look lmao cry harder >Both posts are made by the same poster.
>>2586 >we Who's we, faggot? Loli is based and redpilled.
>>2586 Loli is cute and funny Mpreg is gay
>>2587 >>2588 >I'd rather be a pedo than a faggot Yeah, fucking kids is way better than just ignoring mpreg! >Loli art isn't real anyway kek Neither is the mpreg art but here you are bitching about it :^)
>>2585 We both know not even your parents think that.
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Y'all can shut the fuck up now. Get back to posting memes.
>>2586 >assuming I like loli Weird how lgbt fags always blame others of pedophilia to defend their bullshit.
>>2589 We're not all bisexual. get over it
Fuck faggots and trans, mental disorders and weak genes
>>2594 >>2592 Miss the point harder. The point was people ignoring loli boards but somehow getting butthurt whenever there's mpreg.
>>2582 >>2587 >>2588 >>2595 >>2592 You're all retarded and insecure. Lgbt is fine, loli is fine, mpreg is fine. I don't prefer mpreg but it doesn't make me go full Elon-stan like you morons do. I love loli, but I'm not a authright cuck who fantasizes about murdering other people. Just try to be decent, and stop giving loli lovers a bad name, this persecution fetish that cis-weebs have turned back on them(our)selves is so retarded.
>>2598 YWNBAW
>>2598 >I'm not a authright cuck who fantasizes about murdering other people. Yet I bet you support abortion.
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>>2600 who doesn't?
>>2600 Anon thinks abortion is murder? In that case, every time you ejaculate you 'kill' 500 million potential 'people'?
>>2602 >dumbass doesn't know the difference between a sperm cell, an egg cell, and a zygote Honestly shocked you didn't go with the bundle of cells argument with that sub-temperate IQ.
>>2603 You really wanna come at me saying that with your hands, soaked by your millions of half-baked batter decendants?
>>2603 This whole exchange is moronic, but zygotes and embryos are 'barely' counted as people, and they rely on the host, the mother's body to survive: they're basically parasites. If society decides to give deference to the 'paratisized', the mother, instead of the fetus/embryo, I think that's the sign of a society that values individual human dignity (of living, existing humans) and is therefor more mature.
>>2604 >he thinks sperm just magically becomes a baby by itself Please go back to highschool before you start acting like you understand basic biology.
>>2606 >whines about lgbt and mpreg >castigates other anons for being pro abortion while feigning superiority about the "moment life begins" yep
>>2605 >hur dur babies are just parasites It's incredbile people can believe something so ghastly and mentally retarded. Like imagine thinking a body naturally produces its own parasites via a conscious act by an individual. Sure anon give some vegetative senile octagarian with brain rot more rights than a child in utero with a functioning cerebral cortex at 6 weeks of gestation. A society shows far more issues when a woman is not expected to show any responsibility for her actions and is given free reign to murder her child because she couldn't keep her legs closed. People seem to never bring up bodily autonomy when it's in reference to how the baby got there in the first place.
>>2607 >anon castigates others for being supportive of murder >supports murder themselves
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Even the smallest embryo is a baby and thats what I fully believe in That said I also fully support abortions and killing them, no I do not take criticism
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>>2608 >>2609 Ladies and gentlemens mask off moment
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>>2608 >society shows far more issues when a woman is not expected to show any responsibility for her actions and is given free reign to murder her child because she couldn't keep her legs closed holy shit, America is the new Afghanistan
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>>2613 >America is the new Europe ftfy
>You don't like mpreg threads? You must love lolipreg threads. No, there's no way people can think both are shit and shouldn't be on the board. >Babies are just parasites, sweaty (he says on PREGchan of all places) >Oh, also if you don't support abortion all the way you must think life begins at conception and everyone who masturbates should be arrested for abortion (doesn't know that egg cells and sperm cells on their own do not grow into embryos) >Why did loli have to be taken over be authright cucks Holy shit, liberals are retarded gay pedophiles.
This board is a whole ass Trainwreck and i am busting a lung laughing
Look at these low IQ retards thinking a single gamete is the same as two fused gametes
Well here goes another thread, lost to anti-trans dumbfucks
>>2618 Found muchbirth! Just another reminder to go give a blowjob to a loaded shotgun you pedo troon!
>>2619 Nice try but im the cookiefag
>>2615 I don't know being a preggophile is 1970s hippies or today's Alt Right. I love the sight of a pregnant woman, but I never had an urge to tell her to have a baby against her will. She looks so beautiful...and it's her choice alone.
>>2620 You're a fag, for sure. And a retard.
>>2622 Least I'm not a pedophile
>>2621 >it's her choice alone. But that's completely untrue. No woman can just become pregnant without having sex with a man. It isn't just her choice and never was.
Another thread ruined by retards
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>>2625 Exactly what i said, rest in peace meme thread
>>2626 >not blaming the trannies that started this shit.
>>2624 IVF, sperm donation. There are ways without sex. But in a moral society if a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, she alone can choose that and not get pregnant. If she wants a baby that's her choice to start trying, but that's when other men's choices come into consideration if they want to or not. That or she chooses the expensive solo baby making route.
>>2627 I went through the thread until the shitstorm appeared and I don't know how can you get to that conclusion
>>2629 >thread about pregnant memes >some retard had to push his trans fetish with mpreg memes >everything goes down after
>>2630 Take your meds. It became a "retard pushing mpreg memes" because you let it, Senior Schizo.
>>2628 In a moral society a woman owns up to her life choices. Not sure how this asking much of a person to be a responsible individual that takes responsibility for their actions.
>>2631 Oh shut the fuck up, if someone posted a meme about how women should shut the fuck up and be simple breeding machines you'd shit yourself.
>>2600 I hate trannies but I also support abortion, transgenderism is a misogynistic philosophy. Forcing a woman to pregnant is slavery and troons are an abomination.
>>2612 Transgenderism is the reason why abortion rights in America got set back and Roe vs Wade was overturned. The woke ‘left’ were more interested in fighting for the delusions of men in skirts then defending women’s abortion rights and the alt-right were more interested in attacking women’s abortion rights than defeating transgenderism. Either way women suffer. TERF gang rise up!
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We have a political containment thread for a reason now, you fucking retards. Either sage your ranting or go there. Maybe harass the fuckwit who genuinely believes Mao fucking saved China and all that shit while you're at it. Now take this fucking Circumsnail and stop flooding the front page, you absolute mongoloids.
>>2636 Cope and seethe, faggot. We'll stop posting about how troons and pedos are ruining the board when they stop ruining the board. Or are rounded up and executed. Hopefully the latter.
>>2637 Except you have a dedicated thread to rage in specifically for this purpose. Grow the fuck up, shit-for-brains.
>>2637 Dude no one fucking care about how valid LGTB-phobia is, and this is coming from a straight ma,
>>2630 It wouldn't go to shit if the retards weren't hostile to otherwise harmless memes.
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>>2641 >unironically posting stonetoss
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>>2640 >he forgot about the trans chimpout that required edits to be divided according to gender.
If it makes the trans retarda cry then it works. Then again literally everything makes them cry.
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>>2641 Based
It's bad enough that this board even needs to have the political containment board in the first place. If you absolute fuckwits genuinely cannot go 5 seconds without trying to start shit on a fucking fetish imageboard, then you're so beyond worthless that even your fucking organs would go in the bargain bin. Stop acting like you have fifty extra fucking chromosomes.
>>2647 >Stop acting like you have fifty extra fucking chromosomes. Stop ignoring yours
>>2647 Lol, so mad! You're too downsy to actually say anything worthwhile so you're just going to fling insults like every other failed abortion on the left. Those troon pedo degenerates fuck up every other board with their mpreg and kiddie porn, they're not quarantined. Just the people who know what reality is. So fucking funny that you're all brainwashed.
>>2648 Fucker, I just want you retards to stop flooding the front page. Couchy finally fixed sage, so fucking USE IT. You can be a retard all you want, but if you're making the site miserable for EVERYONE to use, then you're just a fucking cunt and should hang yourself. >>2649 Spamming the board like a fucking child throwing a tantrum isn't the solution. If you wanted to act like a fucking civil adult, you'd do what was done with the gore/bursting threads, and ask them to maybe fucking spoiler it or something. Instead, you're flooding the site like a brain-damaged chud.
>>2637 >when they stop ruining the board. The entire front page of the site is nothing but you tranny obsessed faggots seething. They're unironically easier to ignore than you getting mad about it.
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>>2660 Kys
>>2660 I wonder is lead poisoning the catalyst for this
>>2662 Most likely
>>2661 Ky-ACK
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>>2666 "Good guys" do the synthetic 'left' really lack the ability to tell the difference between Marvel films and real life?
>>2667 Marx is the only one worth a shit out of all of those gusanos. He wasn't a politician, or a statist. Unsurprisingly, a man from the 19th century was homophobic. The rest of them are traitors to the revolution. Anarchism is the truest distillation of communism, statism and nationalism are corrupting elements
Lol Conservatives as in the arepublicans? They won the Civil War As a percentage were more for integration and against Jim Crow (D) laws They are against the mutilation of children They are against gay porn and drag queens molesting the minds of kids Literally rhe Dems are the low IQ bad guys every time
>>2666 Kek you pissed em off
>>2670 Make good on your username pig.
>>2670 Careful now, your ignorance of history is showing. Its almost like the parties evolved and changed overtime or something do to the southern strategy, or do you believe in the pragerU propaganda nonsense that the republicans have remained consistent even though they literally supported contradictory positions if you go back before the era of civil rights? Hmmm
Oh god don't actually engage with the retard with a real response. The neocon boomer is just tilted
>>2668 arent you the crowd who often believes in objective morality? Thats rich LMAO
>>2674 Nah dont worry, its fun getting to shit on chuds for me
>>2676 Have fun
>>2673 >muh southern strategy So why did the southern states still vote democrat until the early 2000's? Why did it take until the 1990's for the democrats to vote for their first black senator, something the republicans did a century beforehand? This whole "party switching" narrative really doesn't make any sense when you take more than 5 seconds thinking about it
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>>2675 You're the crowd who thinks American Imperialism is ok if it has rainbow flag on it and thinks that opposing existing socialist countries is ok as long as you have troon rights with your imprealism.
>>2673 This kind of ignorant downsy shit is why we need to wipe the slate. Put anyone that would actually admit to supporting the lgbtqP or that voted democrat in a tree, then in the ground.
>>2670 >They won the Civil War So all those people flying confederate flags are democrats? That's your claim?
>>2678 Because they only switched to the republican party in the national elections.Many Democratic politicians in the south were still very much on the right. It wasn't a sudden flip over night you realize that right? its almost like these kinds of things are more complex and nuanced than just "oh they switched ideologies over night"
>>2683 Yiff in hell furfag
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>>2682 Or, and here me out the parties didn't change all that much but the demographics and political ideologies of locations did. You can't argue only racists switched to the republican party when landslide victories for Republican nominees occurred in all US states. Saying that Nixon and Regan only won because they appealed to southern white voters ignores that they appealed to progressive Northerners too. Hell even political ads at the time ignore this idea of appealing specifically to racist whites.
>>2661 only fags tell people to kill themselves
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You guys are aware a thread exists EXACTLY for venting/political arguments, right?
Is it over yet?
>>2679 Oh look, Mao's cum dumpster decided to join this thread too.
>>2679 Any real leftist knows that Bush Obama Trump and Biden are all authright neoliberal war criminals
>>2690 It's never ogre, Shrek is eternal.
>>2692 And they say don't hate Blacks, Jews, Gays or Women (this is like 4chan pol) like don't use a word or talk about something involving them in their presence or no jokes about/mocking/ "appropriating" them. Meanwhile, inequality and inequity continues, thrives and grows larger.
>>2691 Mao is in hell with Hitler, Stalin and Tojo. I'm more socially Liberal than one thinks. Just NO ped0philia, I'm for Trans rights and identity, and legalize sex work/ers.
>>2670 California became the main force of American culture to some extent where it's very Liberal and a Democratic superstate in the last half century. They made money and became the new elites. Let homeless people starve and dogs have status like humans - their fucked up moral relativity is there.
>>2689 OK, where is it? Unless it got locked a while ago for turning into an extremist civil war shitshow.
>>2685 Woke capitalism started right there, esp the 80s McDs commercials honoring Martin Luther King Jr and Walmart's in the 90s in Spanish, honoring the former co-executive Hillary Rodham Clinton as a "great woman" and even closed captioning was a new concept for television. These companies are exploiting Blacks, Women, Latinos and Disabled people.
>another /b thread overtaken by political retards fml
what happened to this place
>>2695 Than you're also a false leftist Stalin and Mao were heroes. Transgenderism is bullshit and a product of capitalist decadency do you know any troons in DPR Korea, Vietnam or Laos? No, the movement has only ever emerged from capitalist countries.
>>2700 People couldn't just leave others be and decided to start a war over nothing
>>2701 Laos? You mean that country that boarders the SRS capital of the world? 🤨
>>2703 Doesn't mean anything has Laos adopted any other aspects of Thailand? No, has Laos ceased being communist because it boarders Thailand? No, for that matter has Thailand become more communist for being near Laos, Vietnam and China? No. Besides Laos has a very rural population and if you're working hard on the farm no way are you going to ever be inclined to degeneracy like troonism
Stalin and Mao killed many more people than Hitler. Mao had an IQ of 65 or some shit the great leap forward qas a complete disaster, the idiot told everyone to smelt their own metal and everything was just useless slap lawl
It never fails. Everything eventually turns into a WW2 argument.
Idiots like this are why we need Trump. Once he gets made president again he's going to wipe out those lgbtqPEDO crimes against nature. Then this whole board will be fixed right up, all those worthless people will be hanging, ashes, or in mass graves, and then nobody will be flooding places like this with confused, retarded women or kiddie shit. Then we can take care of the baby murderers and those so-called doctors giving everyone the poison shots.
People who use Pregchan as a political discussion site don't deserve rights, but LGBTQ folk sure do
>>2699 >>2700 >>2702 This is now the designated shitting thread. Please do the needful, sirs.
>>2709 MuchBirth pls
>>2709 Autists like you will be wiped out too.
>>2709 Agree on the Troons they need to be wiped out but not abortion rights see >>2635
>>2717 Transppl can include women, you braindead fucks.
>>2717 Conservatives who pretend to care about womens rights and virtue signal about it is hilarious to me
>>2621 Hippies weren't overwhelmingly homosexual and they had children, some had 3+ children. Current crop of leftists is made up of fags, eunuchs and childhaters.
>>2718 No! Trans’women’ are men and trans ‘men’ are women >>2719 Not from a conservative perspective but a terf perspective
>>2721 There's no distinction between the two. Terfs and conservatives are literally allies with each other and agree with gender roles. Most terfs are fake feminists pretending to give a shit about womens issues when they never have in the first place and they just call themselves feminists as a smokescreen to hide their real agenda. Anyone who believes otherwise is either knowingly lying or is blatantly ignorant
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>>2719 Trannies actively work against women's rights
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>>2722 >There's no distinction between the two. Yes there is >Terfs and conservatives are literally allies with each other and agree with gender roles. The enemy of enemy is my friend, you need to understand real politic >Most terfs are fake feminists pretending to give a shit about womens issues when they never have in the first place No they do care about women’s issues and one of those issues is mentally sick degenerate freaks cos-playing as women. >they just call themselves feminists as a smokescreen to hide their real agenda. No, you just pretend to be women to hide your real agenda which is living out your sexual fetish, destroying women’s rights and destroying real left wing movements especially anti-imperialist ones. >Anyone who believes otherwise is either knowingly lying or is blatantly ignorant YWNBAW TIM
>>2722 >These women's opinions don't matter! >He says while claiming people don't care about women's views or issues. Gotta love the immediate hypocrisy of trans supporters who shit on women while claiming the opposite.
>>2725 Thats not what hypocrisy is, nice try. Also you should look into what a strawman argument is and get back to me. (you're ignoring that terfs can be men too, though you conveniently left that out.)
>>2724 "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" implies that they have differ in anyway when they dont. You're the one who doesnt understand this.Btw im not even trans you fuckin dumbass retard. You cant even be bigoted right LMAO
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>>2727 They differ on a lot even a customary look at their views would show this stop getting all your information from woke reddit groups and breadtube. Plus most actual socialist leaders and movements oppose troons are they on the same side as conservatives now?
>>2723 No one says this ever. This meme is literally made up fantasy and therefore makes no sense but this doesnt shock me since the right has to resort to strawman arguments and fantasy scenario's in order to argue their position
>>2726 You actively denounced the viewpoints of women as being anti-feminine. You unironically act as if you know what's best for women while ignoring their viewpoints and desires. It is hypocrisy of the highest order.
>>2728 You cant even name me a single thing they disagree on
>>2730 What about the women who dont agree with your position? Why are you using generalized language to try and act like all women hold this transphobic position when they dont. You're arguing in bad faith and you know you are. Again this is not how hypocrisy works
>>2732 The vast majority of those combating trans people entering women spaces are women. Most women are fervently against men taking over their spaces. The TERFs you denounce make up the majority of women.
>>2733 I dont know if finding one terf website is enough to convince me that there's much of a distinction but Ill take it anyways just cause there's likely no actual data on this. That being said I do find it rather telling you couldnt find me another example.There might be a couple positions where both groups diverge a bit but Im still convinced they agree with each other on most issues regarding gender roles and such
>>2734 Do you have actual data and studies to prove this? Cause it sounds like to me you're talking out your ass
>>2724 A woman is not: can I say this? A male with privilege. TERFs are worse than the postgender 1990s BS.
>>2721 Implying Gay Trans women are offensive to cis women and PoC? "The Nazis killed ppl like me toos".
>>2737 I don't mind a woman can be president elected by the majority, I don't care a man wants to babysit or raise a child, and I don't understand why trans women or trans men can't do whatever they want either.
>>2736 The transbian sex crime perv panic is recycled and revamped from the Gay male school teacher panic of the 1970s-90s.
>>2720 But, but, but they founded NAMBLA and were so hated to the point 99% of Gay men opposed them for good reason, hippies weren't into little boys or little girls implying they were all sicko weirdo men.
>>2739 >>2741 Toons have invaded lesbian spaces and women’s only spaces online and this is so blatantly obvious that you would have to be blind not to see it.
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>>2743 Do we need real ID to proof someone is a woman on the internet??? I can't trust anyone on here as Anonymous. Any real women esp pregnant ones? in here? That would be great to chat with one :-)
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>>2747 https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/21140/stupidpol-has-a-thread-taking-aim-at-the-two-x-chromosomes-sub-being-overrun-by Holy shit the original lesbian groups get overrun by tranny freaks so they start a group for actual lesbians and it gets overrun by tranny freaks. Troons are a literal cancer upon the human race. https://archive.ph/WUjrN
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>Not showing up on the front anymore Based mods
>>2748 LGBTQIAP are 8X2X2 separate identities anyway - intersectionality is a large part of the umbrella term. I'm sure there are more inclusive Lesbian groups.
>>871 Let's get back to the original theme of the thread. I found this posted on New Years day/eve (a lot of us want a baby around that restart of our lives). Gravidaphiles are compatible w/ us Preggophiles.
I hate this fucking site can we go back to mannequin fuckers?
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>>2707 >Stalin and Mao killed many more people than Hitler. Falsehood based on vastly inflated figures >Mao had an IQ of 65 Mao Zedong was a master of guerrilla warfare and managed to defeat far larger opponents using only ordinary farmers. Plus he was a philosopher
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The biggest problem is that the tranny memes aren't funny. "How do you do fellow troons wouldn't it be great if we could get pregnant" isn't funny. Its like watching boomers on facebook post minion memes about how much they hate their wife
Fact. Stalin and Mao killed many more people than Hitler. Fact fact fact fact. Fact. Mao was a retard. Fact. There have been many rebellions in Chinese history, the Taiping rebellion was closer to the ground with simpletons and very successful. China you just throw bodies at a problem.
I swear to fucking god, it's so painfully obvious that none of you shitheads have ever actually knowingly met someone who is trans in person. For every fucking chronically online or insane retard who claims the trans label for themselves, there are hundreds of otherwise completely normal people just going about their lives. You only ever hear about the lunatics because the rest of them are just trying to mind their own business and live in peace. You know, like any other human being. It's easy to be a fucking hate-spewing edgelord from behind a computer monitor. Not so easy when you know what the target of your hate is actually like in person.
>>2779 Why would we actively try to seek out someone with a severe mental illness that's part of a minority that's less than 1% of the earth's population?
>>2780 Nearly half of Americans personally know at least 1 person who is trans, and the percentage is rising. You don't have to actively seek anyone out, you just need to fucking interact with other human beings every once in a while.
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>>2783 >Nearly half of Americans personally know at least 1 person who is trans
>>2784 Nope, Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-u-s-say-their-gender-is-different-from-their-sex-assigned-at-birth/ >>While a relatively small share of U.S. adults are transgender or nonbinary, many say they know someone who is. More than four-in-ten (44%) say they personally know someone who is trans and 20% know someone who is nonbinary. Just because you don't leave your house doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either.
>>2785 Debating the mentally ill is pointless, so I'll get to the point Tranny made an unfunny thread and made unfunny memes Combination of unfunny memes and disgusting trannies made people mad People started calling out trannies for being unfunny trannies Trannies got mad and started dilating and went back to the mpreg central forums to whinge about how transphobic every community they try and force themselves into is
>>2786 Having actually read the thread, it seems more like some dipshits couldn't ignore a few pictures and started telling people to fucking kill themselves, and the thread spiraled from there. So, no, the trannies didn't fucking start it, retarded chuds did.
>>2787 The trannies made the thread
>>2788 And? You fuckers were the ones getting mad at dumb little memes.
>>2789 But you're the one that's "you fuckers". And what's the point of the thread if the memes arent funny?
>>2790 Your entire argument has been reduced to "b-but the memes weren't funny!" So fucking what? Just because you don't like a meme you tell someone to kill themselves? Do you realize how fucking asinine that is? Creating the thread wasn't the problem, and the memes weren't the problem. The problem was that people like you fucking threw a fit over fucking memes on a fetish imageboard. It's beyond childish. Just...take a second and fucking THINK about how utterly STUPID this looks from an outside perspective.
>>2791 >Just because you don't like a meme you tell someone to kill themselves? Uhhh yes? Did you just find out about the internet yesterday?
>>2792 You're not REQUIRED to be an asshole just because you're on the internet. You can have civil discussions, it's really not that hard. You should try it sometime, it's nice to actually have a positive social interaction online, believe it or not.
>>2793 Being an asshole costs nothing
>>2794 So does not being an asshole.
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>>2795 Too bad
>>2796 At least you've admitted to being a dickhead just for the hell of it. Now we can all confidently ignore you.
>>2797 And the rest of us will confidently hate you.
>>2798 Guess what, dipshit, I'm not trans, nor one of the people who posted the memes. I'm just someone who understands that people like you are almost always fucking pathetic bastards whose self esteem is so low that they're compelled to wish death on others to feel superior about their shitty life. I pity you, and hope that someday you can move past your anger and hatred. But I also know that unfortunately, it's often a self-perpetuating cycle that many don't even wish to escape. You are welcome to your opinions, as is everyone. But if you want people to take those opinions seriously, you're going to have to act like a well-adjusted adult and be fucking civil about it.
>>2799 >Guess what, dipshit, I'm not trans, nor one of the people who posted the memes. I'm just someone who understands that people like you are almost always fucking pathetic bastards whose self esteem is so low that they're compelled to wish death on others to feel superior about their shitty life. I pity you, and hope that someday you can move past your anger and hatred. But I also know that unfortunately, it's often a self-perpetuating cycle that many don't even wish to escape. Ok. >But if you want people to take those opinions seriously, you're going to have to act like a well-adjusted adult and be fucking civil about it. Nope.
>>2785 That only further proves what cancer they are upon the human race and the degenerate hell the U$ is because this certainly isn't the case in China, Russia, Laos, Vietnam or DPR Korea Also >Young adults I don't speak to zoomers I hate their generation so much
>>2803 I love how you looked at this fetish imageboard and decided "Ah yes, this is the perfect place for me to gratuitously suck off the communist countries of the world!" At least the trans shit is tangentially related, this is just fucking retarded as hell and annoying.
>>2804 It's relevant to the discussion in the thread because it's worth pointing out that troonism and wokeness are aligned with Wall Street and Imperialism plus that the only countries that reject this globohomo ideology are countries like China, Russia, Laos, Vietnam and DPR Korea
>>2835 Too bad you ignore that fact that queer theory, crtitical race theory, and the modern trans movement are all movements that trace their origins to marxist philosphers. The modern "globohomo" ideology literally all spawn from marxist doctorine, so much so that if you take their manifestos and replace "race, gender, or sexuality" with "class" you get the exact same talkinh points Marx pushed. Just because some authoritarian regimes reject these viewpoints does not negate their communist origins. You are unironically supporting the very thing you despise.
>>2722 >Conservatives and radfems who hate trannies are the same thing Intersectional left is completely brain-dead and this is the proof.
None of the trannychasers in the thread realize that every new of their arguments contradicts the older one. "Trans people are a poor oppressed minority, they're just 1% of the world's and USA's population, they need protection more than anything!" But also "Half of Americans know somebody who is trans, the percentage of trans population is rising, akshualy way more people are trans." "All the loud retarded trannies on the internet aren't trans, they just appropriate the label." But "Of course a lot of people who say they're transgender mean it, they would never lie, accept them now." Trannyfucking is not the fetish of intellectuals, it appears.
Trannies don’t deserve rights
>>2836 >Too bad you ignore that fact that queer theory, crtitical race theory, and the modern trans movement are all movements that trace their origins to marxist philosphers. They really do not you politically illiterate retard every communist leader and thinker would have rejected their subversive nonsense. Wokness and troonism was created by Wall Street to destroy the actual left hence how it was used to destroy occupy it's COINTELPRO >so much so that if you take their manifestos and replace "race, gender, or sexuality" with "class" you get the exact same talkinh points Marx pushed. No retard you get something that is complete revisionist betrayal of Marxism at best. >Just because some authoritarian regimes reject these viewpoints does not negate their communist origins. This isn't just some 'authoritarian regimes' it's every communist and anti-Imperialist country that has ever existed and every serious communist thinker. >You are unironically supporting the very thing you despise. You are a complete low iq retard who is ignorant of both politically theory and history. Wokeness and troonism serves Imperialism and Wall Street. It's the complete opposite of communism. It put emphasis on race, gender and sexuality nonsense so as to divide the working class and destroy anti-Imperialist movements, this classic COINTELPRO strategy. The woke left also always side with Imperialism they oppose the DPRK, Russia, China, Laos, Vietnam etc. They attack any actual leftist who has solidarity with them as 'tankies'. Just as they attack any actual feminists as 'terfs', notice a pattern here? Yes they wreckers both for socialist movements and for feminist movements they're true goal is to take over left wing movements and align them Imperialism, Wall Street and the ruling classes. Hence why they oppose anti-Imperialist countries, why they support large corporations, why they oppose class struggle. If they were actual leftists they would have solidarity with the DPRK in it's struggle against American Imperialism, they would have solidarity with President Putin against hohol Nazis, they would support the workers against big business, they would oppose anti-materialistic nonsense such as transgenderism and they would want to see women's spaces protected. Yet they are the complete opposite of all those things which makes them the American Imperialism, wall street aligned, COINTELPRO created synthetic left
>>2838 You realize that the first two points aren't necessarily exclusive, right? You put 23 people in a room, and the chance that at least 2 of them share the same birthday is already over 50%. You bump that up to 75 people, the chance jumps to 99.9%. If trans people are 1% of the population, and you know a hundred people, there's a decent chance that one of them is trans. Believe it or not, people have social groups larger than their family or close friends. They might just be a coworker or something, but by definition you still personally know someone who is trans. And yes, when you see someone completely losing their shit spewing utter insanity on twitter, they're probably someone appropriating the label. The vast majority of trans people will just like... be very happy internally if some stranger gets their gender right from their appearance. Unless it's someone they have to deal with regularly, they most likely won't even bother correcting a mistake on that front, because they understand and expect it to happen occasionally. They're not going around shoving it in people's faces, they'll just get excited if someone happens to validate them. Think of it this way: if somebody is online so often that they're constantly spewing insanity on social media, then it doesn't matter what tyeir political views are, they're probably just fucked in the head to begin with. Also, stop engaging with Mao's cum dumpster, people; the fucker is either literally delusional or just a fucking CCP shill. They're not worth actively conversing with.
>>2847 >how it was used to destroy occupy No you dense retard. It wasn't used to destroy Occupy, it was used because Occupy fucking failed on its own. Marxist leadership saw that their ideals weren't spread because they were seen as a joke because of their trust fund baby support ans turned around to use race and gender as a means to push their retarded socialist policies. Why the fuck do you think BLM is all about redistributing wealth?
>>2848 >when you see someone completely losing their shit spewing utter insanity on twitter, they're probably someone appropriating the labe Aw yes the "No True Tranny" argument.
>>2849 >No you dense retard. Yes it was you low iq retard, see image >race and gender as a means to push their retarded socialist policies Something that is inherently anti-marxist and is built to spread division amongst the working classes. Why do you think Caleb Maupin an actual communist involved in leading Occupy had come against this woke bullshit so hard? Because he saw first hand how it was used to destroy the movement. >BLM is all about redistributing wealth? BLM is not about that at all they may placate to such ideals but their real aim is to divide the working class Also answer me this if the woke 'left' are such big Communists why do they always take the side of American Imperialism? Why do they always oppose the DPRK, Russia, China etc. And support America's Imperialist wars? This is a very anti-marxist line
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>>2851 Forgot the file
>>2851 >Why do you think Caleb Maupin an actual communist involved in leading Occupy had come against this woke bullshit so hard? Because he got pushed put of his position of power. Are you going to argue that Trotsky wasn't a marxist because he was critical of Stalin? >BLM is not about that at all they may placate to such ideals Black Lives Matter's co-founder Patrisse Cullor is a self admitted Marxist. The whole point of reparations is the redistribution of wealth from the bourgeoisie white class to the working class blacks. As for gender ideology, the founder of queer theory Gayle S. Rubin was an admitted marxist and designed queer theory in line with marxism to destroy classist viewpoints on gender. >Why do they always oppose the DPRK, Russia, China Because marxists always eat their own in a desperate struggle for power. Have you never asked why international women's day was a soviet creation? Because marxists weren't just concerned with tearing down the concepts of class but also race, sex, and sexuality as it was partially responsible for their views of social inequality. I reiterate, YOU SUPPORT THE VERY SHIT YOU DECRY.
>>2853 >Trotsky wasn't a marxist because he was critical of Stalin? In a way, Trotsky was a traitor to the Soviet Union and most Trots end up becoming necons >Patrisse Cullor is a self admitted Marxist. He can call himself whatever he likes but he is certainly not a Marxist >The whole point of reparations is the redistribution of wealth from the bourgeoisie white class to the working class blacks. That's why Wall Street and countless capitalist cooperations back then along with the CIA and the American military? >As for gender ideology, the founder of queer theory Gayle S. Rubin was an admitted marxist and designed queer theory in line with marxism to destroy classist viewpoints on gender You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about you're so ignorant of political theory it's embarrassing. He's not a Marxist he may call himself what ever he wants but he's views run contrary to Marxism and is completely aligned with US Imperialism, he along with Frankfurt are COINTELPRO funded by the CIA to subvert the left and turn to the interests of the American empire. Also transgenderism is purely capitalist decadency serving purely as a way to get mentall sick freak to be junkies for pharmaceutical companies. >Because marxists always eat their own in a desperate struggle for power. You're just going of right right talking points with no understanding of political theory again. They're against anti-Imperialist countries because their ideology is not Marxist but neo liberal bullshit created to subvert the left. They make up for this contradiction by saying "well American Imperialism is now progressive because we have trans rights", "north Korea is actually fascist because B.R Myers says..." Or "Russia is the real Nazis there's no Nazis in Ukraine it's conspiracy theory sweety". You see they hide behind anti-marxist identity politics to excuse their support for Imperialism and the ruling classes. Unless you're going to claim American corporation and the US military are Marxist now >Have you never asked why international women's day was a soviet creation? Because Marxism is feminist and the liberation of women is aligned with class struggle. Women played a key role in labour movements as well building the Soviet Union, modern China, Vietnam, Laos, DPR Korea, Albania etc. You know what runs completely contrary to both Feminism and Marxism? Transgenderism it's a completely misogynistic movement that seeks to replace men with women and throw women's rights in the trash heap, it also opposes material reality which dialectical materialism is founded on.
>>2854 >Because Marxism is trans and the liberation of trans people is aligned with class struggle. Trans played a key role in labour movements Wow it's like marxism literally fits with any retarded minority in a vain attempt to gain support for the most retarded economic system. Transgenderism isn't contrary to marxism, its unironically more in line with Marxism than anything else. It attempts to break down gender roles in order to remove any means of classification, you know like destroying the concept of class. Yes the marxists that created gender theory were indeed marxists you can bitch about how they they aren't real communists but their views are completely synonymous with traditional marxism.
>>2856 Yes, completely ignore my other points >Wow it's like marxism literally fits with any retarded minority in a vain attempt to gain support for the most retarded economic system. Except troons have done nothing but wreck labour movements and class struggle >Transgenderism isn't contrary to marxism, its unironically more in line with Marxism than anything else. It attempts to break down gender roles in order to remove any means of classification, you know like destroying the concept of class. Your ignorance of political theory is showing once again Marxism doesn't seem to destroy classification but follow the revolutionary trend of history based in historical materialism. A trend that saw slavery replaced with feudalism them feudalism with capitalism the next stage then would be the replacement of capitalism with communism the next stage. Transgenderism is the opposite it's an attack on biological reality and women in general as the misogynistic cult that it is Also you ignore the fact that Marx himself said that faggots are worst that pedophiles so he would have thought even less of troons and that Stalin would have put these freaks in a gulag. >Yes the marxists that created gender theory were indeed marxists No! Also troonism has only emerged from capitalist countries and has only been supported by capitalist institutions like pharmaceutical companies. Name ONE troon living in the DPRK I date you.
>>2858 How would you even fucking know if there are any? It's not like the citizens have open access to the fucking internet. Also, again, have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, the fuckheads who hijacked Occupy weren't actually supporters of existing LGBTQ movements, and were instead planted there to fucking pit Occupy against the actual movements to prevent them from working together? You're assuming that they were created to interfere with Marxist movements, but have you ever stopped to consider that that's exactly what the government wants you to fucking think? >>2850 So a Christian is allowed to denounce shitheads like the Westboro Baptist Church or Young Earth creationists and it's perfectly fine, but trans people aren't allowed to fucking distance themselves from their own online retards? Newsflash, fuckwit, much like any other group of people, the vast majority of them just want to live in fucking peace.
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>>2860 >How would you even fucking know if there are any? It's not like the citizens have open access to the fucking internet. Such capitalist decadency is not tolerated in the DPRK. Wokeness as a movement emerged on websites like Tumblr and Twitter and didn't start to come into force until after Occupy when its usefulness in break up left wing movements had been shown. The government wants me and most of the world to think that the American empire is heckling woke and progressive. They want the US military to appear woke, regime change efforts to appear woke, US war hawks to have their war mongering stamped with the rainbow flag, they want the left wing movements to be completely consumed with woke politics so they don't focus on anti-imperialism, they want to strip the class struggle and anti-imperial elements out of communism to make them a slightly more left wing democrat or labour camp. This has been a colour revolution against the anti-imperialist Marxist-Leninist left.
>>2892 Care to explain what exactly how Kim Jong-nam ended up with a face full of VX nerve gas, since in your mind North Korea can do no wrong?
Wtf happened here
>>1013 Pregchan has fallen Billions must die
>>1832 Pregchan has fallen Billions must transition
>>2588 >>2892 The military has fallen Billions must die
>>2895 He was directly colluding with the CIA to conduct regime change in the DPRK.
>>2901 And? The VX didn't magically end up shoved in his face. Like it or not, his retard half-brother who you adore so much had him killed because he dared to criticize the horrendous conditions the citizens are under. Now fuck off.
>>2903 No, he was killed because he was directly colluding with the CIA to conduct regime change in the DPRK. Sometimes you have to make the tough call but because his Jong-nam was planning such treasonous act there really was no other choice. Respected Comrade Kim Jong-un is no retard he's a genius who has advanced the DPRK in so many ways and is now at the stage where the world will have to accept that the DPRK is a nuclear power no matter how much the U$ seethes about it all due to his great leadership. If you want retard leaders just look at Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer, Hillary Clinton, G. W. Bush, Tony Blair, Volodymyr Zelensky, Nicolas Sarkozy, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau and Liz Truss.
>>2907 The west has fallen Billions must die
>>2908 Would you fuck off? It's at least somewhat entertaining to fuck with Maofag here, you're just spamming stupid shit. >>2907 North Korea is basically a fucking open-air prison, you retard. The only reason they even really have cars is because years ago some Swedish idiots decided to try to sell them some and made the mistake of not getting paid up front.
>>2911 Wrong you're just reciting Western propaganda with no questioning of the mainstream Western media besides America has a far larger prison population than the DPRK and DPR Korea make their own cars they don't need to import them. This in accordance with the Juche Idea by your own means and by your methods, Manse!
>>2916 >>Population of North Korea: 26 million >>US prison population: under 2 million. Sorry, bud, as fucked as the US prison system is, the entire country isn't subjected to those conditions, unlike North Korea. And no, actually, pretty much every single photo out of North Korea that features cars involves the exact make and model of car that they literally fucking stole from the Swedes. It's not fucking US propaganda that makes this shit obvious, it's the garbage that North Korea themselves are putting out lmao
>>2917 The entire country is in no way subject to prison conditions that is Western propaganda to say so. The DPRK has many types of cars and vehicles you can't just claim they're just one model because that's clearly not true. US propaganda makes up constant lies about the DPRK https://archive.ph/sXGAt
>>2911 Trolling has fallen Billions must die
>>2919 The automotive industry has fallen Billions must die
>>2848 Have you heard of "It's ma'am, it is ma'am" incident? >>2860 If trannies wanted to live in peace they wouldn't insist on everyone bending over for them. "Accept and validate me or I'll kill myself, bigot!" >>2911 >>2919 Why aren't you in North Korea then?
>>2937 Gender has fallen Billions must die
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>>2937 Try harder, retard. Also, why the fuck did you also ask the the anon fighting with Maofag why THEY aren't in North Korea?
>>2941 Ragebait has fallen Billions must die
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what's the point of a meme thread if the memes arent funny?
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Lmao, what the fuck? Now *chess leagues* are trying to ban trans people too? Can't exactly rely on the "muh physical advantage" argument there, fuckheads.
Bro why are the communist here with their shitty abortion ideas? Can't they just fucking be killed like in 1956 Budapest?
>>3062 Ttoons should be banned from existence
>>3068 You mean that imperialist backed colour revolution that was crushed by the Soviet Union and only came about because of Khrushchev's weakness and revisionism?
>>3115 *Troons
>>3115 Venezuelans literally farm gold in Runescape to be able to buy food, retard. Sorry to break it to you, Maofag, but you really can't blame all of these countries' many problems on the US. They're not blameless in fucking themselves over.
>>3120 Venezuela has had their economy of undermined by the American aligned capitalist class within the country and had several US regime change attempt made against them, America even tried to put a puppet in charge there. So it very much was the US who caused problems in Venezuela.
>>3370 You have an excuse for all of the widespread problems in each of these countries? Because I'd LOVE to hear them.
>>3116 >imperialist backed revolution Honestly kys romanian gypsy
>>3376 Not excuses but facts that the mainstream woke pro-imperialist media won't tell you.
>>3378 I don't know where your getting Romanian gypsy from because every anti-imperialist could have tell you the same thing.
>>3516 So why aren't you in any of communist countries? Do the CIA imperialist Nazi bigots hold you at gunpoint and don't allow you to leave?
Holy fuck Maofag really is still at it lmao
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shut the fuck up and post memes
