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Virtual Personalities Catigan 07/12/2023 (Wed) 15:26:14 Id:8417a0 No. 2394
After weeks of playing around with different AI models like Character.Ai, Chai.AI, Venus.Chub.Ai, and local ones with SillyTavern using Phymalion on pc and GPT3.5-Turbo API, I found that while fun and interesting they all had their issues and none of them felt really interesting after a dozen or so responses. (Attached picture is me trying to get the damn AI to work) I had the best experiancea with Character.AI but the NSFW filters were so annoying, and most of the "work arounds" only made it more complicated to chat with and the way characters are describe will overwrite longer stories with them. Chai.Ai is not great, even their 13b model has terrible memory and just kind of goes off and it seems to stop generating responses after a dozen or so messages. Venus had the coolest systems, but never really worked and seems to be imploding a bit. SillTavern is great, but it's reliance on general models makes it difficult to have a genuine chat experience as the models are either to weak and slow (like the 6b models) or overly wordy, cautious, and repeditive (like GPT3.5 even with jailbreak). I realized that what I think we need to make is not a General AI but a Virtual Personality. I imagine it would be like in Koikatsu where you select a personality for the girl you make and that changes their voice lines and actual voice. So the VP would have a selection of tuned personalities or character archtypes (like Tomboy, MILF, femboy, etc) that users can select with each having preset default traits that users can then customize to their liking. This whole system can be a template that the AI model is built specifically for and will hopefully work better as it seems "AI" designed for specific tasks always outperform general AI. Maybe I'm just dreaming here. I only have a passing knowledge of how these AIs work, but I feel like a more focused AI designed for roleplaying would be far superior than all these general ones. It could be better fine tuned to work with a specific template to gain context instead of scrolling through mountains of text to generate a random result based on it. The template can also lead the user to provide certain information I stead of just a wall of text the user has to come up with and hope the AI gets the context right. If this kind of model works really well, then maybe an extra layer of animating a model can be added on top, then go full on simulation. A "Koikatsu 2" with full VPs wandering around that you can chat and NSFW with. Again, maybe I'm just dreaming. Would like to hear anyone's opinion who actually knows how these AI models work and if such an idea is even possible. If I was smarter I'd try it, but for now I'll just post it in a fetish forum and see what happens.
So savings conversations is a pain in the ass, but you can use the CAI Tools browser extension to save conversations. Format sucks, but better than potentially losing stuff. https://github.com/irsat000/CAI-Tools
>>2475 Wrong thread. Ignore this.
