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Pregnancy Mods Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/13/2023 (Wed) 16:18:01 Id:d3960a No. 3693
Mods that put preg content into non-preg games.
(400.25 KB 2560x1440 1151-1611286384-1615470501.webp)
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>Mods that put preg content into non-preg games. For that matter, the game doesn't even have to be non-preg to begin with. Just post mods. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1151 Cyberpunk 2077 >gives the player character a pregnant model
>>3693 Where do you get this mod?
(943.24 KB 754x917 A2pregNikke.png)
rate my poor texture editing skills yes this is Nikke no you can't get banned for texture mods as long as you don't make it obvious which account is doing it yes I am not an artist
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and here's a kinda scuffed mod based on an old mod for Xenoverse which is now an accessory mod in Xenoverse 2. I say scuffed because I improvised since I can't properly extract the model and I don't know a thing about using Blender so I can make it a proper accessory that you add to anything. It also has breasts pre-attached so it has clipping issues with clothes that have smaller breasts and fits snug right under other modded clothes that have larger breasts. I fused another mod together with it and used a trick to get it to overlap with the clothes just right to get this appearance. The belly button is also drawn and not modeled so it looks weird either way. Definitely possible and could be far better if someone that knows how Blender works with Xenoverse models worked on it and turned it into an accessory that worked with multiple clothes.
>>3950 Its never crossed my mind to take a screenshot of my A2 with her alt skin and post in on edit thread. Thanks for the idea. Might also try with 2B for edit request.
I come to pregchan in a time of need, are there any good Skyrim pregnancy mods?
