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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:34:07 Id:0a74eb No. 4954
There is literally no arguing with this
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Better yet, just don't worry about a drawing's ability to consent.
>>4954 Yes there is, here's a few points for you to swipe like a credit card between the last few wrinkles left in your smoothening twitter-addled brain. >The character design is unique to just that character. Megumin is small and cute, and very few characters share her specific "chuuni" design and attitude. Konata is a uniquely styled gremlin and there are seldom few anime characters that capture that energy as much. Ryuko has a cool design I haven't seen in another character, and she's 17. >The character basically looks like an 18 year old anyway. Marin (Dress-up Darling), Zero-Two (Darling in the Franxx), Yoko (Gurren Lagann), Lucy Hearfilia (Fairy Tail), Ryuko and Satsuki (Kill la Kill) to name a select few. >The character is 18+ but looks younger. Konata and Akira (Lucky Star), Mavis (Fairy Tail), and any loli looking mom from any anime ever. Most notably though is Tatsumaki from One Punch Man. She's 28 but looks younger, and even the manga jokes about this. >The character turns 18 during the series but looks the same and/or wears the same outfit. The entire cast of K-On turn 18 at the end of the series, and in the film they're even 19. Rem and Ram from Re:Zero are introduced at 17 but in the story now they're 19 and they look practically identical to when they were first introduced. Does it really fucking matter if we're drawing anime characters that aren't yet "of age" when so many anime characters either are 18 but don't look it or are introduced at 17 and then turn 18 and look the exact same? Are you going to throw a hissy fit if someone draws Tatsumaki heavily pregnant and naked? She's 28 so what's the problem? What about Konata? She's 18. Or would you rather us draw them in their original body shapes? At the end of the day it's a fucking anime character. A literal drawing. They are not real. If your gripe is with the written age that some random Japanese manga author gave the character rather than the body shape they were given then that's literally a you issue. Get better priorities.
>>5034 Found muchbirth
>>5036 Nah, muchbirth would be too busy projecting and attacking people to cover up the fact that he's an actual pedophile (which is different from liking cute anime girls that look like adults btw)
>>5046 Out of the loop on this. What has MuchBirth done/said?
>>5055 He's a known pedophile that has actively been molesting kids, posts a bunch of cp and then goes on moralistic rants defending it.
>>5055 Pedo who wrote a lot of fanfics with all kinds of fucked up shit in them (pedo/zoo/maybe even necrophilia, forced impregnation/rape, grooming, maybe gore) and claimed that he did it all to fight sexism, homophobia and transphobia; a couple years ago he either trooned out or started defending trannies.
>>5057 Didn't he also post pictures of him fucking his dog or something?
>>5034 Counter argument: Try making up a character who's actually of age
>>5063 You missed my point, but to be fair I didn't explain my initial point very well at all so I'll try again. Sure, I could make my own character based on Marin from Dress-up Darling but at that point I'd just be drawing a character that looks and acts pretty much exactly like Marin, but I've given her my own canonical age of 18+ which somehow makes it fair game. In a similar vein, if I drew preg art of Marin who is canonically 17 but looks older, that would not be okay. But if I drew Konata from Lucky Star who is canonically 18 that would then be okay because she's 18 and therefore of age; despite her young body shape. This is retarded logic. When it comes to art of anime characters, heir given BODY SHAPE is the issue, not their given AGE. If I drew Marin, I'd change basically nothing. She looks mature already, despite being 17. But if I drew Konata, I'd age her up to look 18 or older because she looks like a child and definitely not an 18 year old. Stop focusing on the written ages of the characters because in anime and manga it makes no sense. Focus on how they look and make an informed judgement on whether or not they require aging up based on how they look. That's all there is to it.
>>5058 Don't know, didn't really follow him, I saw him pretending to be a racist and false flagging to claim that the site is overrun with /pol/tards and we need to listen to commie propaganda indefinitely to counter them. >>5065 What do you think about characters who look 12 but are 50+ years old? Is drawing porn of them fair game?
>>5077 If you read their post a bit more closely, it's pretty obvious that when they're talking about aging a character up, they're talking about drawing them with the body type of an adult, which is perfectly reasonable in my book. Honestly, I personally don't see a huge problem with being attracted to a character unless said character is portrayed as immature mentally. Like, I will admit to finding characters with smaller frames somewhat attractive on occasion, but if there's even a hint of them being taken advantage of or otherwise not understanding the gravity of the situation, it makes me like deeply, viscerally uncomfortable.
>>5078 Or you lgbtqp retards could stop wanting to fuck kids. You could use all the spare time that frees up to go kill yourselves!
>>5081 >Makes the point that it's the body shape and appearance that should be changed because ages in media can't be trusted. >Specifically say to age up characters so they physically look actually 18 and not to just draw them as children based on their written age. >You come in like an illiterate retard and say "stop wanting to fuck kids" when it's literally the complete opposite. I'd tell you to kill yourself, but I'm worried you wouldn't know which end of the rope you had to use.
>>5082 - I want to fuck kids who look like adults, that's alright. - You're a pedo. - No I'm not, I only want kids who look older than 18. This thread summed up.
>>5090 If that's what you're getting from this thread then you're retarded beyond belief. That's literally the opposite of what's being said.
This thread was started by some pearl clutcher looking for a fight. Meanwhile, some edgelord thinks that telling folks to kill themselves is an effective strategy. Sure, I am a fool for responding to this bait, but whatever. The fact that a poster thought that a command was a valid argument is rather sad. I'm more into women in their late 20s-early 40s, but fixating on fictional character ages is silly. Folks often throw around pedophilia accusations like confetti at a parade without understanding what it means and use Jack Thompson logic when it comes to mere drawings.
what if you just kinda like the clothes but you don't like the body (cuz it's a kid) so you make the clothes adult sized and put it on an adult?
>>5092 >>5103 >t. pedos How about you stop being attracted to kids?
>>5122 😭😭😭😭😭😭
>>5121 Nice loaded question. Why try understanding what others are saying when you can call them farts? ("Pedo" means "fart" in Spanish). Go outside.
>>5124 >Why won't you try understanding kid diddlers?
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Imagine trying to moralfag on a fucking porn board.
This thread should have been nuked from the start, it's obvious bait. If the site had sufficient staff to enforce it, I'd argue that posting ragebait should be sufficient reason for an outright ban at this point, considering how often it derails threads or fills the front page with retardation. I sincerely doubt that the brainlets wasting their time posting this shit ever actually contribute anything of worth to the site, so nothing of value lost there. Like, I get that it's chan culture and all that, but this isn't exactly a massive community, so the retards are far more noticeable. Of course, without more staff, dealing with them reliably is just a pipe dream.
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>>5143 Never expected to see a chud in this art style, and I never want to see it again
>>5144 Latinx chud
>>5077 fun to pretend you're racist online for the LOLZ. "legalize being ped0, MAPs unite, lower adult age" - their movement isn't going to win a thing. "I'm legal in Japan and everywhere but America".
>>5147 Chicano virgin :-P racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, classist and ageist...IDC that's only a joke. would a queer AMAB person relate better to women twice their age (i.e. 18 and she's 36?)
>>5149 You sound like a faggot
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>>4954 Drawings don't have ages retard
>>5143 Vaush?
