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Exhentai PregLuvr 04/18/2024 (Thu) 19:57:58 Id:ab8e26 No. 3036
Anyone having any luck with ExHentai? My one used to work but now I get a white screen
>>3036 still works just fine?
Thanks must me something on my end
dead white for me too.
Just checked and it works fine for me. Maybe the site's cookies got deleted? Try logging back in on E-Hentai.
the problem is probably elsewhere, the site no longer has sadpanda picture, for deleteing yay cookies you have to do it different way
E-Henatia dead too
>>3036 Clear cookies from both e-hentai and exhentai, login to e-hentai and only then get on exhentai. Should work.
>>3041 >>3043 I tried the deleting cookies thing but it hasn't worked for me unfortunately
>>3042 E-Hentai works for me still
>>3039 At least I'm not the only one
>>3040 I've had no luck with deleting and adding cookies etc unfortunately
>>3044 does e-hentai work for you or is pure white as well, the whole procedure is 1completle delete e- and ex cookies go e- and login go to ex and delete ONLY yay cookie also make sure your browser allows saving cookies
>>3048 E-Hentai works. Thanks will try the full procedure as maybe it's because I'm looking at it on Incognito Mode and it doesn't save cookies
nope both still busted.
>>3048 For me simply logging in into ehentai forums and clearing exhentai cookies fixes it completely. Not sure why others are having problems I always did it the same way.
In the end, it must have been something to do with my account that was not letting me into Exhentai. I reckon because I reported some disgusting comics on there I had to create a new account and wait for the 7 days and now I can get onto exhentai
btw how to delete e-hentai and exhentai cookies?
>>3081 i dont really remember something that disgusting to be reported be generaly anyhing goes in ex, as long its not duplicated (pointlessly takes up space) there even countless doujins rewriten instead of translated (not most not tagged like that tho) and theres nothing you can do about it >>3082 usualy its done from your browsers settings
