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Alternative Pregnancy: Human Edition Gadget 02/27/2023 (Mon) 22:28:50 Id:3a3ff5 No. 12031
What it says on the tin. Anything nonstandard goes here. Breast pregnancy, ball pregnancy, etc. Personally I'm looking for a series of oral birth pictures that I had but seem to have lost at some point. They looked like they were drawn with colored pencils, and the subject was a woman wearing tribal-like clothing. Grass/leaf skirt, fang/claw necklace, etc. I don't have many more details, unfortunately. If anyone does manage to find it, I'll be eternally grateful.
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>>12032 >>12034 Oh shit, Boop art! Do you happen to have the others? I lost them in a hard drive failure. I particularly miss the 3 year overdue one.
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You mean this sequence?
Sorry about it being out of order
>>12074 Yes, that's it! Thank you so much!
>>12054 Sadly I think those are the only ones I have. Sorry friend....
These were in the old thread, I believe?
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>>12225 >BurningCore Oh man, that takes me back. They made some really classic stuff
>>12034 I found a couple but R9K is being a faggot and not letting me post them
>>12231 Agreed. Got any more of it? Their work is odd, but in the best kinda way. Wonder what happened to them.
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>>12225 >>12231 The fags come out at night, the fags come out at night!
Here’s some more I found stashed away.
>>12440 Man posts “worst bait ever”, gets shown more content of a similar nature
>>12741 Futa babies are mainly nourished by cum...I guess that would help explain how they exist...sure, why not.
>>12745 You’d think they would just make milk normally, but I *guess* not.
>>12735 Gay-mo.
Does anyone know where I might be able to find more of that ass pregnancy? Seems to be a hyper-niche fetish, rule 34 only has 1 result.
>>12964 I wish I knew how to help but I don’t know much though. Especially with humans. Out of the 3 B’s for alt preg, that one’s the rarest.
>>12969 I agree with you, there should be more of it.
>>12969 Technically there are 4 B's. Belly, Breasts, Butt, and Balls. God, Imagine having 7 wombs. That'd be wild.
>>12440 You sure do. Please go back inside.
>>13009 I'm not the one who faps to Futa.
>>13019 Eat shit and die, you fucking troll.
>>13002 Good point! I didn’t include the fourth because it’s *usually* not alt preg. (Though it can be, depends on what is pregnant and such) But yeah, 7-9+ wombs is pretty fun.
>>13023 >>13019 If you two are gonna be faggots, go to /c/ to have a sissy bitch fight
>>13057 Hey, I'm just telling the troll to fuck off, nothing more.
>>13135 More like feeding the troll retard
>>13023 Lmfao hit the nail on the head he did, faggot.
>>13138 Fair enough, I'm just sick of the spate of retards trying to start shit lately.
To respike the thread in the right direction, anyone got some of that good stuff?
Breast pregnancy is so rare to find... I'm glad there's a thread with some of it!!!
>>13647 Agreed! Wish I knew where to find more.
>>14319 who is the artist?
>>14326 Infernal-aces on Tumblr. They have other related stuff too.
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>>14384 Oh yeah, that one! Only seen one tail preg like that before (this one). Definitely an odd pic, in a good way.
>>14384 I mean, we've all had tails when we were embryos....
Does anyone have any good stuff with oral birth/birth denial?
I'm curious as to what breast pregnancy would look like with a male character. What shape and/or size would the breasts be?
Bumping this thread!
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>>17316 This is pushing SO many of the right buttons, wow. Do you know who drew this?
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>>17316 >>17331 source is me
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>>17333 Can you draw a vase which becomes organic womb after someone enters it?
>>14319 Now I need to know this, if they give birth from their breasts, then how would they breast feed?
>>17340 At that point you just bottlefeed them
>>17341 Just Formula feed them?
>>17332 Then you are doing god’s work, friend.
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artist is Eight World / エイト・ワールド
>>17340 >>17341 I mean, if this can happen in the first place, there could be a separate uterus or other "baby growing space" and they don't grow in the milk glands, so they might still work like that too. I guess. Kinda entered the realm of "sure, why not?" a while ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>17332 You do commission at all?
>>17379 >1 So feed them through where they were birthed? Ok... XD
>>17404 Maybe I just didn’t think about it too much, made perfect sense to me though.
>>17332 I should also ask, do you have any other work along these lines?
>>17316 I would very much like to commission you
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artist is おるかにうむ
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>>17401 >>17484 I have done commissions in the past but not now. apologies
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Hopefully this two-part sequence from Zdemian counts? I figured it belonged either here or in this thread's /furry/ counterpart, and erred here since the one laying the eggs is human.
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think someone could add some kick bumps to her butt?
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>>18153 Got you covered
>>18849 thanks
would someone be able to add some subtle baby kicks to this ass?
>>18853 You're welcome
Hi guys 🤠🤠
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Could anyone add a few baby kicks to her ballsack please?
would someone be willing to ad some subtle baby kicks to her arse?
>>21831 This isn't an edit thread.
Anyone got anything new?
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Birth machina
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good candidate for ass preg
>>24775 got the sauce for this artist?
>>24837 Thought’s appreciated, but not a request thread.
>>24775 HORRY FUNGKIN SHET Sauce???
I know this is a /d/ thread, not a /c/ one, but this was the only place I could think to ask... I've been considering a pair of altpreg oneshots, or possibly two parts of a singular story, set to the tune of a Ranma 1/2 fanfic involving Chinese Amazon magical shenanigans. Anyway, presuming the parents experience a month's growth per day, by what day would the expectant mother be able to feel their baby(/ies) kicking? The current idea is a Ranma Saotome ballpreg and an Akane Tendo breastpreg, if that's at all relevant.
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By me. And I do plan to be a plague on humanity.
>>25823 Great work and even better news! Excited to see what else you’ll cook. Are you gonna be posting ‘em anywhere?
>>25834 I only have a DA atm. I think about where else I wanna contaminate jk
>>25856 Neat! I am very interested to see what else you’ll do in the future, what other kinds of alt preg and such.
i know not everyone likes full body preg but it needs more love
>>25993 Do you have more of em? Where did you get those?
How does a full body pregnancy work?
>>26077 It just does. That's the best part.
>>26077 Logic isn’t the thing to look for there! Even if basically any other spot/organ could have some logic to it.
>>26077 Even though there is no logic behind it, mere explanations behind could make it more attractive, for some of course
>>26199 Absolutely! That is part of the sexy factor to explain the details.
>>18870 B U M P bro this would be hot af
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>>26264 not a request thread
>>26077 It doesn’t, it’s just retarded sphereniggery
>>26425 It’s not my cup of tea either, but that’s a pretty harsh reaction.
>>26426 Thats pregchan for ya
>>26423 reminds me of Brenda from slither
>>26426 he's a school shooter so that's normal for him he'd be a lot cooler if he turned the gun on himself though
Personally I like full body pregnancy or sphere pregnancy as some people call it
>>17332 Have you drawn anything else like this before in the past or do you have any type of social media/art gallery? I'd love to see what else you've drawn
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>>26432 imagine if you only successfully conceived in one breast and just had to go around getting more and more lopsided for 9 months
>>17523 >>17332 >>17316 Is there another place to see your work?
>>28132 Overcompensating and getting the other breast even more knocked up, leading to a desperate balancing game as you get your breasts increasingly knocked up, unable to balance them properly still.
>>26426 It'd be better if you spherefags got the fuck out.
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>>28791 forgot to post the other 2 pictures B')
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Hip to be sphere
Yeah I wish for sphere pregnancy art to be more common than it is because it's pretty underrated in my opinion
Honestly I think sphere pregnancy deserves it's own thread
Also for those that complain about sphere pregnancy having no logic to it and thus being completely illogical do I need to remind you people that logic doesn't apply to this entire thread
>>31497 I'd be inclined to keep posting it here to piss that one dipshit off more
>>17332 This reminds me of this on alt-preg pic with tails I saw ages ago
>>12074 It's so hot~ Is there another oral pregnancy arts? (or whatever it's called)
Any recursive pregnancy enjoyers?
Yes I also enjoy recursive pregnancy
Anyone find anything new?
I'm curious as to what breast-mpreg would look like.
