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CP bots Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 09:05:15 Id:4349b4 No. 338
There's been a spate of bots spamming CP across multiple boards lately. With everything now being on the front page, it's particularly egregious. All other countermeasures aside, might it be possible to automatically flag identical messages that are posted across multiple boards/threads in a short timeframe? When the bots pop up they usually do so in several locations at once.
No matter what you do, some are going to get through any protections. The only real solution is a human moderator, and Couchy hasn't complained about being overwhelmed yet, right? Still, that's one countermeasure that could work well.
But he’s only human and he can only catch them when he’s on. They can simply wait for him to not be looking.
And the spammers are back... >>341 I'm thinking Couchy should give limited moderator powers to two or three over very trusted members of the community who live in different timezones so that there's almost always an overlap in mods viewing the site at all times.
That and trace the fucker's IP address and report him to the police.
>>344 Trouble with that is, if it’s anything like 4chan then they can randomly generate IP addresses. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been banned over there because I randomly rolled some pedo’s IP, or for some random hate speech on a board I’ve never been to. I usually just change location and it clears. But imagine getting arrested for rolling the wrong IP
>>338 I wish all CP bot makers/users a very merry aggressive ass cancer
>>345 Pretty sure that VPNs are banned on 4chan (unless you have a pass)
>>343 I was honestly thinking the same thing. Would help deal with Kisame's schizo bullshit more quickly too.
