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(33.50 KB 600x700 image_2023-09-12_014043.png)
I want to make a pregnancy mod using chatgpt Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/12/2023 (Tue) 06:54:59 Id:a389d2 No. 3661
and I think the easiest mod would be an NPC for gmod that uses a model with a pregnancy morph that randomly gives birth to more of itself you're thots?
You're setting yourself up to fail. Don't use chatgpt to write your code for you unless you know how to debug in said language. Chatgpt is good, but it's far from perfect, and if you ask for code that "randomly causes models to give birth to more of itself" it's going to get confused. Unless you know how to program already, or are familiar with the languages you want to use, don't bother. With 3D models you also have to consider: - Is the morph going to expand and contract? - What are the morphs size limits so the program doesn't exceed them? - Will things clip into the morphed belly? - And most importantly, how will you animate the poses for the actual birthing. Chatgpt can't animate. It can maybe plot out points for key frames in code? But probably not. It CERTAINLY won't be able to help you animate a birth sequence. I'm not trying to dash your dreams, Anon. By all means, give it a go. You'll learn a lot from this. But I'm just being honest and telling you it won't work
