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Impregnator Kings/Witch of Fecundity Chat Thread aristocrat 06/22/2022 (Wed) 10:05:02 Id:414a93 No. 36
Hello everyone. I hope everyone has made the 'jump' so to speak from pregchan to 'new' pregchan. Things are changing. We now have a board separate from /d/ where both stories can be posted, with images! We now don't have to worry (so much) about being forced off of the /d/ board and losing past threads. That said, I ask that everyone continue to use this thread for elaborate planning and emotional reactions to the story. Experience has taught me having a place for that separate from the actual story thread is the best way to handle things. Less pressure on the thread limit, and more space for people to vote calmly. Actual new threads for both Impregnator Kings and Witch of Fecundity will arrive soon. Though Impregnator Kings was a bit in a weird spot when the site went down, so I will need to decide the best way to approach that before officially reviving the thread. In the meantime, Witch of Fecundity ended on a vote in progress. "Choice time: >Learn the red truth. It sounds neat. >Learn the Pax Bernkastel invocation. It sounds like you really should know it. >Learn the truth behind the Bernkastel-Lambdadelta conflict. Or at least, Erika's version." Three votes were tallied: one for option 1. Two for option 3. If anyone else wishes to vote, please do so here before I revive WoF. Murble, CallMeLufcifer, and Shadow have had their votes counted. At any rate, it is good to have a board dedicated to stories and I look forward to using it. I hope it's enjoyable.
The recent scare reminded me how special the story (and the site hosting it) really is. "Famous last words," but I'm going to try to come back to more regular updates.
>>2090 Whatever you can do, we appreciate.
>>2090 Hell yeah my dude. I'm sure I'm not the only one with everything backed up as text in case of total site fubar. This is something truly irreplaceable.
Thank you so much. Obviously "regular updates" became a little lax, but it's wonderful to hear people are invested in the story enough to want to preserve it. I can also be reached at aristocrat-mae on DA if necessary, for those who didn't know.
I just want to take a quick informal poll. This is not to continue the arguments in the thread since the vote has been called. But, I had previously explained circumstances in which Edward could experience a love confession, and asked openly if anyone could think of a character that would do so. Did anyone anticipate this meeting with Noi building to the current love choice vote? Just to wonder. At any rate, thank you all for voting. That was wonderful to see so many participants voting. And also to see the pendulum swing, which is always very fascinating to see when it does happen. At any rate, the story will continue with its next update soon. I hope it's enjoyable.
>>2195 A response to this, and a couple final thoughts on the romance votes- not trying to necessarily continue any arguments, just getting words on paper as it were. I'll probably come back and revise this as I think on it more, but wanted to get it out before I leave for work. First, to answer your question, aristo: No, didn't see this coming at all. Noi was not on my radar for a potential confession. Also didn't expect the vote to go that way, just didn't personally see enough development between Ed and Noi to justify it on his part- could see it eventually getting there, maybe, but that's not the way this game plays, what with it being a yes/no forever kind of deal. Second, to respond to Murble's last post before the vote was closed: you make an excellent argument for why Noi loves Ed, and I totally get that. I just don't agree with your conclusion that it means Ed should love Noi. You absolutely hit the nail on the head for my reasoning for voting against this: it's denying Ed his own agency in favor of avoiding a worst case scenario for Noi that I don't think would have happened even if we'd said we don't love her. Like, the argument of "we should love Noi because she's had a bad life up til now and if we don't, the only other option is letting Robin have her way with her as breeding stock" just doesn't hold water for me. Finally, a more general thought on the romance choices we've had so far and ones I anticipate in the future: not to sound alarmist or paranoid, but I have to wonder, assuming voting trends continue and love confessions continue to be accepted, if we don't end up tying ourselves up in knots of having our decisions made for us or being caught in impossible dilemmas. We already had one minor instance where we weren't able to respond the way some of us would have wanted to in the council meeting because of the Mania choice, and while I don't really foresee any huge issues stemming from either of our current love mistresses, the more of these we take on, the more obligations we're assuming and the more choices we're going to have locked in or locked out based on that. To be clear, I'm not arguing against there being future love confessions, nor am I arguing that all votes on future love confessions should be 'no'- hell, there's a couple girls I'd vote yes on for sure. I'm just pointing out a potential future issue. Just my two cents, feel free to ignore.
>>2198 >>2195 I also didn't see the Noi confession coming, and I share in BD's concerns. While it's nice to try and love everyone, it doesn't feel practical or realistic to me. Yes, I know, it's a fantasy, put realism aside, but for me, it stretches my immersion/suspension of disbelief. I wouldn't be surprised if Edward had received similar confessions back in Virillia and turned them down back then because he had to. He doesn't have to now, but I imagine it's something he's capable of doing. I don't want us to become people-pleasers at the cost of our agency.
Thank you very much for the feed back. Noi's confession I tried to allude to with his post. >>1488 Noi had opened up about her past, Edward validated her as a human being by rushing up on the stage for her, and she repaid it by in her heart of hearts, knowing there was a limit to who Edward would take to bed when everyone was assuming the opposite. (About Margaret.) Edward himself did show a little bit of his vulnerable side to Noi as well, but not as much as Mania. Or even Tharja, at that point. To answer the point of why Edward hasn't fallen in love before at Virilia, I think the best explanation is he didn't have time. (He was 'busy' impregnating a lot of women. Including the matchmaker, who was the last woman he met.) That, and any woman who was confessing their love to him were probably doing it for the wrong reasons. Go all the way back to when Edward has first had sex with Elizabeth. She's soon asking him "When will we be married?" and "What if Tharja dies, then can we be married?" That is, girls who (for different reasons) may have thought sleeping with Edward automatically meant they'd get to be aristocrats, too. Or that the sex meant being married was a formality. Or, any other reason. Keep in mind too that an Edward in Virilia had probably never experienced real hardship. The journey to Ruhemania was easily the most trouble he ever had to deal with at that point in his life. Especially being marched around with the mercenaries. It gave him the chance to pause, and realize being there, with Tharja, had meaning. Incidentally, BD, I'm not sure which choice you're referring to. The only thing regarding the council meeting was that Edward invited Mania to sit on it automatically. The actual suggestions she made were not automatically decided. (And the others more or less accepted her legitimacy as an advisor after a few rounds where she was allowed to speak.) At any rate, update coming soon.
>>2285 I must be misremembering, then.
Hello everyone. If you can believe it, we passed the eighth year anniversary of the start of Impregnator Kings. It's been a wild ride and I'm happy to have been writing it with you. We were only a few days and eight years from picking Tharja as the bride, all the way back in Virilia, thread #1! Which is why I want to make a... prediction. I hesitate to call it an announcement. I've done some internal math, evaluation, and I predict that, barring myself having a slump that leads to me simply spacing updates out too far, or unplanned for shenanigans emerging, we may in fact finish Tharja's story by the end of this year. This means a complete telling of Edward's story with Tharja. From Virilia to Edward's actual passing. Possibly. But, that will not be the end of Impregnator Kings. I fully intend to come back and write the New Game+, if others are willing to come along with me. It will depend on you, the audience. The story would die without readers and votes. (Apologies also for so many 'no vote' updates recently. That will change soon as we get back to plot choices and not sex choices.) I also want to stress that the one-year prediction means it might not be true if the story goes off on a direction I simply didn't anticipate. This is a good thing. You have taken this story places I would never have been able to take it on its own, and the story has been better for it. Please, do not at all take this to mean I want lower engagement or less write-ins. At any rate, it is my new year's resolution to come back to this faster. To give Impregnator Kings more 'love'. I can only hope you're here with me. I hope it's enjoyable. PS: Oh, one last note. Before the New Game+, I'll have a session where everyone can ask "what would have happened if X choice had been made?" I'm curious if anyone's interested. But, I know what would've happened and I'm keeping it a secret until there's no reason to do so anymore.
>>2623 While I haven't participated in the game, I as a writer do want to give congratulations where it's due and say that's really something to be proud of, that you could keep a story going that long (even with breaks interspersed) and you're still enjoying it, as are its fans.
>>2623 It was a wild ride, wasn't it? I'll be reading along. If it takes one year or another eight. Thank you for all your hard work and Merry Christmas, aristo.
>>2623 First: Holy crap, it's been eight years? Wow. Most shows don't last that long. So much has happened in that time. But my appreciation to you and to all the readers/players that have stuck around that long. Second: Wow again! I didn't think we were closing in on a conclusion. It'll be very interesting to see how things play out over the next year. And I'm very glad to hear you still intend to proceed with NG+. Finally: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
>>2623 I have to echo Shadow in surprise at the year prediction. Feels like there's a lot to do in the next twelve months! It's a bit bittersweet to hear, honestly. The NG+ is intriguing, but knowing that it would be IK with almost none of the characters we know aside from Ed is a bit sobering. I trust you, though, and I'll stick with it and you to see what else comes. Still some threads in our Tharja run I want to see resolved, but a year should give us time to get to them. Thanks again for eight years of fun and drama, and here's to a great year nine and potential finale to this run. Happy Holidays!
>>2623 It's been that long, eh? Cheers, Aristo, and Merry Christmas!
Question, Aristo. Is the "Sully's going to be a peasant" line in the latest update intended to be the end of this line of thinking, or simply an indication that the military is a dead end for a solution and we need to consider other avenues?
>>2647 I'm not sure what you mean by "solution". What is the problem?
>>2648 Apologies, should have been clearer. I was typing that up on my phone this morning. I see Sully's current situation (potentially brain damaged and having no role in the castle) as a problem that I'd like Ed to solve. I wanted to bring her up to Robin to see if the general had any thoughts, and I'm still hoping to find some way for her to stay part of Ed's life- some other role in the castle. So I was wondering if that line from Ed about Sully being a peasant was indicative that Edward is resigned to her leaving the castle, or if there was still room for us to pursue other options.
>>2649 Should have reread this before I hit reply. To be clear, the thing I want to help her with is finding her something to do that isn't "leave the castle forever", not the traumatic brain injury.
>>2650 She hasn't left the castle forever. She's just in the peasant settlement. Tharja (who has their relationship) or possibly Mania (who lives with the peasants) could reasonably go get her for Edward. Edward could even just walk in, if he really wanted to. Though, that would either make a big scene, or he'd need a disguise. But, apologies for Sully fans and those who got attached to her, but given the events and her background, it just doesn't make sense in the context of the story to alter her role back to something Edward would encounter every day. (She's not an aristocrat, she has no special skill, she's not even literate, etc.) I hesitate to ever say "that won't work," but life went on for all of the people inside of the castle while Edward was in his recovery. With how Sully was, it's the logical way it turned out. Though like all girls, there'll be ways to meet her through choices, but for a character like Sully who're relatively removed from being important to Edward and his day to day activities, I'd rather keep it to milestones like "everyone's nine-ten months now" or "everyone's giving birth" or "Edward has the opportunity to impregnate them again."
>>2652 I understand where you're coming from, but that's rather disappointing.
>>2654 I'm really sorry about this. I don't want to say "there's certain characters who are meant to be side characters, at best," because sometimes I'm absolutely shocked at where they go. Mania, for example, turned from a character who was introduced because there was a request for a character who was already showing and late into her pregnancy into a full main character, with a purpose. But characters for example like "the woman pirate girl from Edward's dream sequence back in thread #1," well, there was no bringing her back. (As a side note, any character Edward grows to love is going to become a 'main' character, if she's not already. Perhaps that wasn't clear. At the very least, that's why Noi is suddenly being promoted to a position she has good reason to be in Edward's presence. One which also makes sense within the context of the story, plot, and characters.) But, if I could ask, and I mean this with respect, but why did Sully become liked? As I say, you all write the story with me, and no matter how many years pass by or even if it's the same story, we're always learning, but sometimes it's hard to predict audience expectations. Was it her circumstance? A specific scene? The first impression? A certain character characteristic that was appealing? Or... did it come down to I used a popular fire emblem character as the "avatar," so to speak? (I said this back in our first chat thread, but when choosing 'avatars,' I try to make the character somewhat suitable for what I'm going for. As well as have some pregnancy artwork around them. But at the same time, they have their own separate personalities, backstories, etc. that will not 'mesh'. Elizabeth and Margaret are less persona characters and more "sisters Maid1 and Maid2," for example, as strange as that would be to say.) At any rate, thank you for the feedback. I always appreciate it. I hope this update schedule will continue. I'm attempting to have one at least once a day again, even if it's only a few sentences. I hope it's enjoyable.
>>2660 I can only speak for myself, of course, but I've been fond of Sully for quite some time. She's been in the story for longer than most of the women Edward has needed, and she was a friendly face in the castle when we didn't have many of those- one of the closest Ed had to a friend for awhile, aside from Ricardo and Tharja (and maybe Elizabeth, though the power dynamics and subservience on her part change that a bit). Full disclosure, that's said with the benefit and probably through a pair of rose-tinted nostalgia goggles. Honestly, Sully's one of the girls that would have made sense to me for Ed to fall for over the (to me) quicker and more unexpected romances with Mania and Noi. Sully started out as a mentally and emotionally strong character- headstrong, even- and I respected that. I couldn't point to an exact scene or moment where I said "ah yes, Sully good, Sully should remain important", but I like her and wish she hadn't gone by the wayside like this. I'm typing this from my phone and it's early morning here, so I imagine I'll come back to this and add more. Let me say this, though: I trust you, Aristo, and while we write it together, you do the lion's share of the work. I don't like this particular development, and I'm telling you all this because there's no way you could know my thoughts otherwise. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way, either about Sully or about the story.
>>2661 "That's said with the benefit" of hindsight. Didn't finish that thought properly. And to better explain the "made sense" bit on the romance, just more that he spent more time with Sully, IIRC. Knew her longer than she knew Mania and Noi when the love votes came. Then again, the Tharja love vote was very early in the quest too.
May I avoid swallowing my foot while putting my two cents in, but I understand both sides. I also feel like the romances with Mania and Noi were unexpected and fast (but maybe that's because I'm not attracted to Hex Maniac or muscle women), and I liked Sully being 'one of the boys' in a few senses of that phrase. But on the other hand, it just wouldn't be practical for all of the girls to get a lot of attention all the time. We can't keep romances And spending time with women we've impregnated And looking for new women to impregnate And be a proper king. There aren't enough hours in the day. The tribe has spoken, and Ed's attention has been narrowed a little. Aristo's logic also makes sense. I'm a little bummed she won't be around as much, but we don't have a good reason to keep her around. I'm glad that we're a bunch of bleeding hearts and hopeless romantics, but our hearts go in different directions.
>>2661 ...women Edward has bedded, not needed. >>2663 It's a fair assessment. Guess I would have preferred maintaining relationships over "breed ALL the women". Part of why I was caught so off-guard by the Mania and Noi situations, I reckon. Kinda hate that a character who's been with us for so long is getting shuffled off like this, but c'est la vie.
>>2664 Well... coming back to this, the only thing I can really say is it was a strange situation. Edward did in fact have a bit of a 'friendly' relationship with Sully. But, he didn't particularly 'seduce' her. He kind of asked Tharja for 'help', so to speak. That's not to say Sully would've resisted Edward's advances if he flirted with her more, but their relationship only became a more intimate when Tharja got involved and 'initiated' her, first. Meanwhile, Tharja has only really met Mania off screen and has expressed sort of uneasiness about her. Mania's relationship with Edward developed entirely with them both finding each other, despite their differences. Similarly, his relationship with Noi started almost immediately with her giving him the chance for sex. She expected something casual, 'something just for the sake she could say she did it.' Edward made it a lot more intimate and 'special' for her. Showed he cared for her. And those moments kept piling up as much as she could be around him, too. At any rate, I am glad to hear this feedback. I can understand too how characters introduced early-story before the plot really got rolling hold a special nostalgic place, too. I'll keep this in mind. ...And also that some might not like Hex Maniac or muscle girls. I do keep in mind the audience's own kinks, when sex scenes come up. (The girls' have their own kinks too, like anyone, and going over previous scenes it'd probably be easy to write a list, but whether Edward plays to them is optional and sex scenes should always be for the sake of delivering the sex to the audience.) Also, I intend to get back to Impregnated Princess/Witch very soon. That is not forgotten, for those who enjoy it.
Apologies. "Witch of Fecundity".
>>2666 Fair cop on the seduction vs initiation bit, it's been awhile. Once we hit the end of the Tharja route and get the "behind the scenes" thread, I'd love to pick your brain about how you decide who gets to be a love interest and who doesn't, assuming it wouldn't cause issues for New Game +.
>>2666 Apparently, I'm in the minority when it comes to Hex Maniac and muscle girls. But I don't mind too much because I know it's the nature of the beast when you CYOA by committee, both in who you pick to include and who the group picks to be with. I've gotten enough time with characters I like, and the overall plot makes up for any minor shortcomings in who we spend time with.
>>2671 You're not alone. I'm not crazy about Hex either, and at best I'm neutral on muscle girls.
I am going to leave the current vote up longer and not close it tonight. Please continue to vote. I hope people are excited about the "balance of power" concept.
>>2710 It's certainly intriguing! That's actually another reason for my write-in. Not sure we need to give the military even more power in the council.
I've had some thoughts on the latest vote that I figured I'd share here rather than muddying the voting in the main thread. Specifically, on option 6 and why I'm concerned about it, and how I think the perceived benefits of that plan can be attained without following it. To start with, Tharja on the council as a shadow witch rep. My own misgivings about providing witches as a group more power in Ruhemania aside, I don't think that this is the only shot at bringing Tharja in on this role. We could bring her to other council meetings, keep encouraging her to speak up. Heck, we could even spin a rejection into an invitation. Have a private conversation with her later, apologize for not being able to use her idea, but point out that she very well could slyly represent the witches on the council- this proposal in particular didn't work out, but having someone who can first-hand discuss the needs of the coven could still be useful. Next, Oana. I said before, I'll say it again: I think she needs a public execution. She needs to pay for her crimes, which any option does resolve, but the public part is necessary to send the message that while we are a fair and good king, we do have limits. Dissuade any future conspirators. As for why not give Oana to Erika and execute Margaret instead: one of these women is of noble blood (or aristocratic or whatever- point is her family held a title in the past) if not of noble title, led the attempt to remove Ed from power, and publicly claimed responsibility for the poisoning. The other... is a maid who did actually poison us and has denied Oana's involvement in that. The execution of Oana is going to hold WAY more weight than an execution of Margaret. Which leads me to... A gift for Erika. Again, putting aside my own thoughts that we may want to reconsider giving someone to Erika (we have no idea how she'll respond or what sort of precedent that might set for her, so I want to have more discussion on that before anything's nailed down), are we sure about Oana being the best choice? Beyond the bit above about Oana being the better option for a public execution, let's consider the two candidates here. Oana's an elderly woman, while Margaret is in the prime of her life, obviously fertile, probably in better shape from having led a more active life as a maid before their imprisonment. If we're going to give a person as a gift to Erika, Margaret's the better candidate. This draws a bit on metaknowledge from the Witch game, but since Margaret will have delivered a child by that point, it even creates the possibility for Tharja and Erika to bond over working on her as a project- Tharja has always been interested in having Ed's kids, and if memory serves was using what fertility magic/potions she could find before meeting Beatrice. She might stand to benefit more from Margaret as research material too. Finally, in case it comes up: I don't think it would be wise to give Erika both women. An old woman is granted reprieve from execution only to die in captivity a few months later. Unfortunate, but understandable. A young woman who's been imprisoned for months dies in childbirth. Tragic, but that's reality. Both of those happening at once? That could raise a few eyebrows, and I don't know what conclusions some of the (quite intelligent) members of our council might draw from that. Best to execute at least one of them and give at most one to Erika. Aristo, please point out if I've misremembered something or made an incorrect leap of logic here. Lord knows I do that a lot.
>>2792 The only thing I could really add is that Tharja may be invited to council meetings, but they would need to be ones where it makes sense for her to be there. Even more so for her to speak, or else Edward won't have any of her positions to approve. Moreover, they'd have to be connected to what the witches want rather than what Tharja wants. Here what Tharja wants is specifically tied to the witch's desires instead of her personal appraisal. Having Tharja there to discuss how the conspiracy ringleader against Edward should be punished, especially when she held off punishing her while regent, made sense. Allowing her to speak made sense, but Edward could have easily told her to just observe. That's going to be a lot different than arguing over the budget. Even if Tharja's there and allowed to speak, the witches aren't likely to care about what Edward does with the budget, so she won't become a representative of the faction. Or possibly maybe they would, but Tharja wouldn't expect to be there until invited. So, all the witches may not have time to brainstorm and tell her their wants. We can't be sure until it happens. The story goes in unpredictable ways, and the current situation was the perfect storm to introduce a 'guest' right away. And even the possibility she'll become a faction leader, and of what. As to why it's being presented right now as a one-time thing, consider this explanation. By acquiescing to Tharja's proposal in the current vote, Edward is telling the Council "My wife still has some authority, even though she is no longer Regent. My power is tied to her." Ie, Tharja has Edward's ear and could possibly interfere with any policy. For the six months Edward was gone, she had that authority in Edward's name. Now, Edward has taken it back. She had no say in whether all the portraits would be removed when it was brought up in the first council, and even if she were there to argue for it, the witches probably wouldn't have cared. In this current vote, if he goes with her proposal, he's saying "She still has a little bit of my power I gave her in the regency." --Hence why the decision made in Tharja's favor will affect the Council's opinion about Monarch Authority and whether the Council feels it will be listened to. Imagine you try to persuade your boss of something, only for your boss's wife to say "That doesn't sound like the best idea." You now realize you have to persuade two of them. This can be a very good thing or a very bad thing. I've done my best to show the consequences of each choice as Edward would understand them, as well as what the other characters as advisors tell him about each one, as they understand them. That all said, this is an explanation for clarity. Not that the choice for Tharja is the best. They all have their own pros and cons and your own take is very valid. As are all of them. I look forward to seeing how the needle falls. I hope it's enjoyable.
Hello everyone. I was inspired by a dream for a new story. This one would center around the hypothetical "miracle" Sister Mania from Bernkastel's vision a few threads ago. One in which Sister Mania's relationship with her village, her convent, and the Church at large would take center place. There would likely be little or no connection to Impregnator Kings. The only problem is, strictly speaking, I'm not sure this would ever involve pregnancy content. Or be overtly sexual. I don't want to discount it entirely, but my conception would be that unlike IK and WoF, this wouldn't be a fetish story. I'd put it on my deviantart, but I still would like audience feedback and the chance to give choices. I'd struggle to get these on deviantart since it's not easy to make anonymous votes, or attract attention. Impregnator Kings and Witch of Fecundity would continue. What are people's thoughts? 1. Use /c/. It really doesn't matter with so low traffic a site, and maybe the story will eventually have sex/preg. content. (You never know.) 2. Use /b/. Then there's no real complaint and people will still vote if interested. 3. Use deviantart, sacrifice the possibility of sex scenes and easy voter access for a stable platform. 4. If it's not preg. focused, it shouldn't be on pregchan, and I'd rather see more focus on IK and WoF.
>>2847 1. Use /c/. We're here, and we're the most active folks on this board. Also convenient with everything in one place.
>>2847 I'd say you can try using /c/, but if somebody points out that it's not relevant to the board, be prepared to rehome it.
I've decided to go for it and put up the beginning of the new story. This is a bit of new territory. In IK and WoF, the main character Edward/Edwys is YOU. It's in second person so you identify with the person, somewhat. You're roleplaying what you think you think should be done, but also Edward does have his own established personality that lines up with (hopefully) something most voters approve of. Sister Mania's story is going to be a little different. This is going to be first person and settle more on the 'Bernkastel method.' That is, the existence of Sister Mania is already a 'miracle that would never happen.' Sister Mania's actions are also 'miracles' in a way. The choices are options Sister Mania would consider and act on or not. My point is to allow the voter to argue, and say where they want the direction of the story to go, but also that there is no element of them 'being' Sister Mania. There is no 'You'. It's her story, but it can go many ways depending on which direction her personality would take her in. As well as what she would consider 'good ideas'. I hope people who give a chance will find it enjoyable, in addition to IK and WoF of course.
>>2847 DevArt is fucking over its users yet again, so use /c/.
Just throwing my two cents in since the topic of Mania was brought up. I was not present when she was initially introduced, and do not know the circumstances surrounding her and Edward's meeting. But I am still sad that Edward not only fell in love with her, which I deem as cheating on his one true love Tharja, but also fell in love with a pregnant single mother. I just never took Edward to be a cuck is all. /Unpopular opinion rant over
>>3002 Edward fell in love with Mania because of her unique insights, which actually allowed him to sort out his feelings on a number of subjects. Also due to certain events, we know she's a lot smarter and sharper than she leads everyone else to believe. Also Edward isn't a cuck. Mania never really had a relationship with her child's father. She had a very casual acquantaince with him, and he was already long gone from her life before she was aware she was pregnant. If anything, Edward is stepping up to give both of them a better life (and if it means eventually putting more babies in Mania, even better).
First of all, apologies to everyone for not having a new update completed by now. However, to address this. >>3002 Mania was not a planned character to introduce. I received a request to introduce a character who was already pregnant because "the story had gone on too long without bellies" and I thought that was a pretty good point. However, Mania did have her own backstory, and Edward's choices drew it out of her. He, in return, shared his own story, and their relationship developed very fast. Indeed, when the "love" choice was presented, Edward remarked perhaps girls with mystery who were associated with 'darkness' was his type. As for being a "cuck", well, that's just not true at all. Edward has morals and he has said firmly in the past that he will not make any man a cuckold, nor force a woman who denies him Furthermore, Mania had no emotional connection to the father of her child, at least not in a romantic way. Her child comes from the fact she was allowed to sleep in a cabin during winter, on the floor, with a gathering of peasants, as the cabin was overcrowded. A young man begged her to let him know a woman's touch. She consented. She regarded it as a great act of generosity from her to him, not a union of two lovers, or even a descent into hedonism. Furthermore, she's not asking or expecting Edward to support her child. She does it herself, as well as relying on kind villagers who have accepted her. Thinking of character behavior (and this was not my intention) the closest character who may enjoy experimenting with this fetish may be Tharja herself. She finds women for Edward and actively enjoys watching them together. There are exceptions (Daniella, Mania, possibly others), but even if you want to look at her through that lens, she's acting out of generosity. Not jealousy or submission. That said, I understand that some just may not like (in a fetish way) the idea of a pregnant character not being pregnant by the main character, or any notion of dating a 'single mother', but... it's simply the necessity required when a character is introduced already pregnant. But, rather than reading this, I encourage you to read the logs and see exactly how the relationship unfolded in the story. The impact of reading a later explanation is surely less than reading the reationship developing as a result of everyone's choices. New update coming soon.
>>3005 Speaking of which, I miss Mania's romance. I really hope we spend some intimate time with her soon.
>>3005 >nor force a woman who denies him Remembering that Ed had knocked up most of the staff back in his father's residence, I snicker at the thought of him just walking along, encountering a scullery maid doing her job, mischievously lifting her skirts, and she just sighs with a "oh, why not?" attitude and lets him go at it. Presumably they didn't call him the "Mad Rutting Beast" because he wined n' dined every woman he had children with.
>>3009 >Remembering that Ed had knocked up most of the staff back in his father's residence Replace "most" with "all," and this is what happened. He was heir, impulsive, young, very attractive, and had nothing better to do. Surely there was some outside the immediate 'residency' too. Edward estimated he'd fathered 10 or 20 shy of 100 children in Virilia.
>>3051 Couldn't remember if every member of the staff was "of age" or not.
I'm very sorry I've let the "hiatus" gone on for so long. That changes tomorrow, even if it's a tiny update that is only sentences long. I have to break this cycle of telling myself 'next day'. >>3071 Sorry, any character discussed in a context of 'can become pregnant' is short-hand to 'of age' which is 18+. Indeed, it's not as if there weren't male servants there, or even in Castle Valachia, but why focus on them? Edward would have no interest in them. If there's an actual reason, there may get a distinction, but otherwise, there's no need to give that detail. An example would be when Edward decided on the gender of his taster. Please note any character who gets a picture used in the story is also considered 'of age'. This is absolute. For example, Bernkastel is a character, and was described physically and seen by Edward visually, but she will never get a picture included, because it would violate this rule because of her personally chosen physical appearance. Of course, there's nothing stopping a curious reader from googling "Bernkastel," because the name used still came from that model.
>>3076 I phrased that wrong. I meant "of age" in terms of some servants being too OLD to conceive children. Sorry for the confusion.
>>3077 Yes, this too. It's why there wasn't any specific attention put on the maids while Edward was still a prince, except for Elizabeth and Margaret.
