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NovelAI Tips / Framework Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/29/2023 (Tue) 00:00:12 Id:4c3ecc No. 2041
So been fooling around with NovelAI in regards to generating some good ol' preg smut. It took a few weeks of testing and googling, but starting to get some good outputs. Wondering about the popularity of NovelAI in regards to generating preg fetish themes. Are there any fellow board goers that use it? How was your experience? If there's a decent amount of interest, I can share what I've learned / generated so far.
It does get repetitive and uncreative when describing characters' bellies and doesn't do interesting dirty talk or birth kink well enough for my tastes. It scratches the itch, though. I'm glad I can mess around with it instead of wasting hours looking for unfulfilling RP partners. Curious to know what tips and tricks you have, OP.
