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Roleplay Ad Thread ShyGuy 12/11/2023 (Mon) 02:51:54 Id:83185f No. 2610
There used to be an "RP Hookup Thread" which I can no longer find... and I've been in the mood for some good roleplay lately, so it's time to make a new one! It also seems that the available sites for finding kinky roleplay partners are always changing, so if you know of any - post the URLs here! Here's a suggested template: Contacts: - Discord: your user - some other site: your user Name: your name Hard nos: - a list of things you are immediately turned off by Interests: - pregnancy of course - other kinks you have Who you're looking for: - a description of an ideal partner RP ideas or scenes I like: Here is a short description of a lovely and fulfilling story involving your characters and light explanation of how you'd include your choice of smut. Saying which role you'd play would be prudent. Have at it, good luck :)
Contact: - Discord: preggowannabe Character name: Sarah Hard nos: - beastiality - violence - gore - blood / snuff / etc. Interests: - ageplay / loli - pregnancy - belly inflation - object pregnancy - anal pregnancy - overdue, multiples, etc. - birth (also object birth) - watersports - cum play / cock worship RP Ideas: I'm looking for someone who wants to play out a preferably daddy / daughter story that is as cute as it is kinky :) I would play the younger and submissive character in all cases... I'm a terrible dom and I don't enjoy it, sorry. I prefer roleplays that have story and character development even if what we play remains primarily smut. Cute, fun and corrupted scenes connected by a common thread are much more fun to me than just a string of sex scenes. An ideal partner would enjoy most, if not all of the above, and additionally would be a skilled and dedicated writer.
I've been in a mood for mpreg erp
