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Furry and anthro art

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PregEdits Reborn Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 06/21/2022 (Tue) 00:37:39 No. 2
New board, same old traditions Rules: -Basic /f/ rules as usual (only furry and anthro stuff, if it wasn't obvious) -Try to avoid spamming requests. Patience is a virtue after all. -Please be Polite to others. Have arguments elsewhere. -Remember to thank the editors for a finished request. -Please limit the amount of requests and revisions, let others have their requests done and give editors a break.
>>8452 Sorry, typo. I think this one was already done years ago Yeah, it was. https://e621.net/posts/2712672
>>5639 Bumping again, if I may
>>7719 Bump
>>6983 Bump
>>8405 Bump
>>8282 Done
>>8457 It was already done tho, why did you bother
>>8506 Oh no! More art! What a tragedy.
>>8506 Always good to get some practice in.
Reuploaded with a higher quality; I never seen pictures of the voodoo priestess Mz. Ruby pregnant with baby crocodiles. Can I see her 9 month pregnant belly with a baby kicking variant, as well as her navel gemstone being popped out from an outie?
>>8506 >It was already done tho, why did you bother Because this picture is sexy
(221.59 KB 900x1606 GKvxLcfWsAAedeg.jpg)
>>6170 bumping all except 5 (But if you still wanna do five go ahead)
could someone try and give melissa a full term belly?
>>8548 yes plz, turn the Bread God into the Bred God(ess)
Could someone give this bat a massive pregnant belly? Thanks in advance.
This is probably a stretch but could these two lovelies be given bellies please.
>>8561 >Suirano Seconded.
>>8505 WOW!.... Very huge preggo more pups.
(34.36 KB 602x1012 IMG_0415.png)
Requesting a quad-sized belly for Dotty here. If you can edit out the dress into a nude alt that would be cool, but either way I’d be happy with buns in her oven
>>8405 Bump
a few potential edit possibilities if anyones willing
>>8362 just gonna bump this if that's okay
How about this my friends?
>>8661 That is so fucking cursed lol
Does anyone have the edit of this image from awhile back?
>>8669 Here you go
(386.12 KB 2048x1178 IMG_0950.jpeg)
Anyone willing to edit this?
>>8679 Can you do the non baby kicking kicking version? Same belly size
>>7596 Bump
(503.34 KB 1460x1141 pregnant 5.png)
(1.07 MB 2595x1600 Jennifur ref.png)
Could someone please color this picture of Jennifur?
>>8405 Bump
(337.88 KB 1850x2350 70abdf771c1d4599f5264ad4fad21960.jpg)
>>8679 found a naked version of the original pic
>>8551 bumping for exposure
>>6170 >>8547 Bumping 1,2,3 and 4
not requesting a actual edit just wondering if someone could color this in?
>>8745 Please folow this new topic here >>8402
>>8521 Bump
Can you try to Mpreg edit these two sequence transformation by Samweasel? We never seen one of those on FA for a while.
>>8400 Anyone who can givea a full-term onaka with twins on her? Thank you.
(163.10 KB 1107x1118 IMG_2828.jpeg)
Gonna throw my hat into the ring for this one. If it is possible can someone make his belly bigger please? Not hyper level, thank you. Spoilers because mpreg
(5.08 MB 2500x3600 IMG_4578.png)
Make this absol a big mom please?
Requesting a pregnancy edit for this bayleef lady.
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Maid Marion and Patty Mac Sionnach both bigger bellies.
(7.00 MB 3874x4071 IMG_1337.png)
Can someone give her larger breasts as well as an overdue pregnant belly with triplets please?
Requesting Jet a full-term 9 month onaka with twins, thank you.
>>8771 Bump
