/f/ - Furry

Furry and anthro art

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/f/ Colouring Thread Post-Purge Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 18:12:43 Id:2409bf No. 8402
Let's bring back the colouring thread after this post-purge. Rules :. 1. Basic /f/ rules as usual (furries and anthro characters only!) 2. Don't ask for a specific colourist to colour your request. 3. Be sure to provide a sketch or lineart drawing first, then provide a color reference to the character. 4. Don't spam the thread with requests. Patience is a virtue to anyone. 5. Please be polite to the others. Have arguments elsewhere. 6. Remember to thank the colourist for a finished request. 7. Please limit yourself the amount of requests and revisions, let others have their requests done and give colourist a well-deserved break. 8. If Fossil shows up, either ignore him or give him what he wants.
Requesting a colouring of King K. Rool Mpreg in his grass skirt, carrying grocery bags.
>>8403 Bump
>>8403 >bigbellybirdy Never thought I'd hear about this guy ever again.
>>8403 >The king (from the first image) has nostrils missing. >Required to have his nostrils back
