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Pregnant for years 12/16/2022 (Fri) 07:48:25 Id:ff62c9 No. 1761
A thread about pregnant women who as been pregnant for years. Like they’re carrying a kid or adult in there bellies. Videos, short films, and pictures are most welcome.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1yXVwRQBws horror film where a woman is pregnant for 13 years
>>1765 I remember watching that a while back. As in, the actual film, not someone talking about it. It has a couple rather upsetting parts, yes, but it's more funny than it is scary, and it's made even funnier by the fact that it's SUPPOSED to be scary and failing at it so much. I assume, I don't know if it was like that on purpose. Seriously, at the end, where this woman's husband who's been gone for so many years without explanation finally comes home, he acts like he only just left and she's being a nuisance for asking him where he's been. Then she says she lost the baby and he's like, "K, drop 'em, let's try again now." More than worth it for that alone.
>>1764 >>1797 I hate this short film so fucking much.
Here another one from Spain from 2007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brJbHplMVIM
>>1801 Maybe you can find one that’s better.
>>1808 Wow cool! Did you find anymore?
>>1816 Thank you, thank you so much. If you find anymore, please post it here. Thank you.
Hey, I found a movie about this! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3mfd61WgByk
>>1797 You know you're just posting the same link you posted in >>1764, right?
>>1821 -face palm- Sorry. Short memory moment. 😓
>>1825 Wow! Where did you find these?! And can you find more please?
>>1803 >>1808 I really liked that short it reminds me a lot of drawing >>1820 I've been looking for that movie for a long time, let's hope they don't remove it
>>1848 What drawing?
>>1852 those of hyper pregnancy
>>1870 Oh ok.
Hey look! I found a play about this! I think it’s called Una cosa enorme. But I can’t seem to find a full video of it. If anyone finds it, can you post it please?
Has anyone found any new videos, or images, or anything?
>>2117 Wow. Probably? But this is what I’m talking about. If someone has new stuff, or found anything, please post it.
>>2126 Wow! First off, thank you. Second, where did you get these?!
>>2134 There’s nothing here.
>>2141 Cool! Thanks.
>>2217 Oooooooo. :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlbgl9TW8dk ABCs of Death- Women who is pregnant for 13 years.
Hi. Anyone found something?
there was some turkish (I think) comedy webseries where the girl stayed pregnant way too long. it started with some store employee being surprised at how absurdly big she was, then flashed back and followed the pregnancy through, showing how it all happened. Can't remember the name cause it was in Turkish or something, and no searching has yielded anything. Anyone got any idea?
Was this on YouTube? How long ago did you see it?
>>2834 When did you last see this?
>>2834 It was called can bedenden çıkmayınca. It's only a 5 episode webseries since it didn't do well enough to warrant finishing the series.
>>2844 Thank you. :)
>>2852 Cool! Thank you!
A little low quality, but she starts to get overdue around 9:50 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-tYZoBUg5FA
There this one Russian commercial from the 90s that I remember, where they show women with rather huge and overdue bellies amd turns out they l got so massive from drinking too much Iron Brew
>>3000 When was the last time that you saw this commercial, and just how big were these bellies?
>>3002 I think they showed it a few times on TV, then it was pulled off due to complaints. The bellies size would range from normal, to clearly looking very overdue like they carried full grown babies inside.
>>2844 Can you explain the general idea of the show? Since well there's no English translation for it.
>>3003 Do you think that this could be found on YouTube or another video platform? And when you say full grown babies, do you mean clearly around the size of a kid or an adult? What was the full plot of this commercial?
>>3010 I've looked everywhere and sadly couldn't find it. I'd say around kid sizes, as the commercial ranged from women having 6-month pregnant bellies, to clearly overdue ones. The full plot was that girls are drinking so much of Irn Bru that they end up looking preggers and still want more.
>>3010 I do remember that the commercial was titled "Беременный город" in Russian which translates into "Pregnant city"
>>3004 Absolutely no fucking clue. All I pieced together is that she’s been pregnant for way longer than she’s supposed to because her partner isn’t ready for a kid and the baby won’t come out because of it. Only reason I even knew she wasn’t just immensely pregnant with multiples is cuz of an ultrasound scene and that she straight up says she’s pregnant with only one.
>>3027 Okay that's fair
>>1761 An usually large belly isn’t seen here, but the concept is still intriguing https://empirenews.net/hood-rat-gives-birth-to-full-grown-adult-gangbanger/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl8xXRsFcuI&pp=ygUrV2hhdCB0byBleHBlY3QgTWFuIGFmcmFpZCBvZiBwcmVnbmFudCBiZWxseQ%3D%3D Here's another vid, it kinda makes her seem that she's overdue and carrying a kid inside her.
>>3012 When did you originally see this ad? Was it on tv or youtube?
>>3032 I saw it on TV originally, yes.
>>3034 Did you ever see it online?
>>3035 I've been trying to track it down, but so far didn't have much luck.
>>3000 How did you hear about the complaints that led to the ad being taken off the air? Were the women clearly implied or stated to be overdue, or were their bellies just bloated from the drink?
>>3036 How long ago did you see this on TV? Are you sure it was called Беременный город? Sorry if I keep asking you a billion questions, I'm just really curious about this.
>>3037 I just recall that later the commercial was removed. Well, their bellies were bloated from the drink, but some looked 6th months while others looked overdue. >>3038 I saw it back in 1998 and it just stayed in my brain forever and yes I'm sure it was called that. An hey, don't worry I don't mind answering your questions.
>>3039 It seems like this commercial sadly might be lost media. Since it was Russian maybe it's on some Russian video sharing site?
>>3040 I could try and look some more. But ye, would be ashamed if it was lost, 'cause it was a nice commercial.
>>3000 I looked around a bit and found a few people making the same comments across the Russian internet, the director's name is Bek (Бек), "Pregnant City" was it's working title and it was filmed in 97-98, just before the August default on bonds. Though Bek doesn't have this commercial listed in his filmography. Do you remember the channel it was aired on?
>>3047 I believe it was on a Russian channel called НТВ
>>3047 Also, can you show me where you saw these comments, 'cause I'm curious.
>>3051 Ah, thank you! Also found a mention of it here https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/207259
So anyone had any luck so far?
>>3072 Hahah! Finally, after looking fo so long!
Skip to 23:00- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ffm9y Does anyone else know of any very obscure overdue content?
>>3074 There was one either Chinese or Japanese show that showed a woman that's like 13 years preggers because she was passed by a demon.
>>3074 How did you find this, and do you know what the context of this scene is? I’m aware of a play called “Romance in Hard Times” that takes place during the Great Depression, and involves a woman who won’t give birth until the world gets better. There is almost no footage of this play online, and in the only picture that I could find of the pregnant woman, her belly is basically normally-sized.
>>3078 that's the one.
>>3072 You're a legend, whoever you are! :3
>>3076 I think the context is that the boy wished to be older, then wished for something else and ended up inside his mothers womb making her overdue. As fo the play you described, won't be surprised if they didn't have any props that would make the woman huge, which is a shame.
>>3084 How did you become aware of this scene in the first place?
>>3085 Lol, I'm not the one who posted the link. So ask the person who did, I just watched the vid and got the context easily.
>>3085 >>3074 How did you become aware of this scene?
>>3087 I found it through a now deleted youtube channel.
>>3088 Was that channel devoted to pregnancy content? How long ago was it deleted?
>>3089 Yes it was devoted to pregnancy content from Chinese shows. I don't remember exactly how long ago it was deleted but it was definitely more than 2 years ago. The Channel was around for a very short amount of time and only posted I think around ten videos before being deleted.
>>3090 Was the pregnancy scene from the show in the link you posted the only content on the channel that was overdue or unusually large?
>>3091 Yes
>>3273 Hella nice find
there is a movie called ‘The 41 Year Old Virgin who knocked up Sarah Marshall and Felt Super Bad About It’ some scenes of Sarah Marshall being quite heavily pregnant, and ~1:07:00 there is her birth scene where she gained an abnormally huge belly and gave birth to a verizon worker or something. The movie is a comedy parody and very bad so i was only there for the belly. no idea for the context of the birth scene or story of pregnancy but if anyone knows feel free to put it here.
>>3716 there's already a link up there
Has anyone found anything?
>>3756 nope
That’s a shame. I hope someone finds something new soon.
>>3763 well that's the thung there's no new thing about overdue pregnancy
Oh what?????? Man that sucks.
Here is a fake belly but is HUGE! https://youtu.be/GqScu0cVCd0
>>3981 Shame I can't seem to download it.
(901.61 KB 498x209 kindergarten-cop.gif)
>>3988 Where did you find this?
>>3989 Silent Hill man tries to argue with children
>>3990 This is my pic.
I like to pretend huge like a pregnant for years.
wooow! do you have a twitter or other videos?
>>3999 I only posted some pics on DeviantART. https://www.deviantart.com/funinko I still have some old pics, but I don't have time to organize and post them.
>>3273 Imagine if she was actually pregnant for 4 years. Since her husband wouldn’t be coming back home she’d just keep postponing her birth and grow larger and larger
Bump my belly.
>>4090 Oh this is awesome! Would love to see more
that is the hottest thing ever
anymore stuff? this is literally the best thread here
Here, these are my old pics.
even if tehy are old, its still super hot ^^ i wonder would a sex pose or position be like with such a beautiful huge belly ^^ being preg for years must make ze lady horny xxx
>>4263 This is a guy lmfao
we aint judging.
>>4263 holy shit thats so massive, how did you make it?
i wanna rub and fuck that belly so bad
Did anyone find a new shirt film, tv scene, or movie?
(9.75 MB 5020x3180 bigladies.png)
Who's your favorite big overdue woman.
>>4795 Three Year Delivery has the best scenes ever when in focus
>>4795 do you have a link to these?
What is the image in the top left from?
>>4795 Here's my ranking of them: 10. Pride and joy (Bottom left) 9. A Womb of One's own (Middle center) 8. The rebirthing ceremony (Top left) 7. Chinese (?) Show (Next to Pride and joy) 6. A long five years (Middle left) 5. The Heart, She Holler (Upper right) 4. Three year delivery (Upper middle) 3. Goddess hotel (Bottom center) 2. What to expect (Not overdue, but still) (Bottom right). 1. Livet pa innsiden (Middle right)
>>4795 I love this.
>>4802 How did you find what to expect? Whenever I search it up, it comes up as the movie what to expect when you're expecting.
>>4805 You can find it on Youtube by searching “What to expect - man afraid of pregnant belly for good reason”.
Which episode is that taken from and where can I watch goddess hotel?
>>4808 It’s episode 9 and you can watch it here https://www.tiktok.com/@ghy_tv/video/7184360055431613698
>>4795 I'd also add in the one pregnant lady from that WWF ad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-hP5WEcXyk
>>4870 source
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>>5055 Not the pregnant-wannabe femboy again
>>5055 Go away faggot
What is Livet pa innsiden ? Anybody got a link?
is there any extended footage, even if paid, of Una Cosa Enorme? she’s so big and hot
>>5436 I agree. Does someone have it?
This thread is fucking dead. For good this time now.
>>5629 Nooooooooo!
Thank you.
>>1761 The belly here isn't terribly big, but I guess this is still overdue. https://www.tiktok.com/@veepandco2/video/7336937936375598366?_r=1&_t=8k0E1NBzHqd
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Hey guys just wondering here: what are your thoughts about these 2 overdue preg materials? WWF unborn in the left and Three year delivery on the right. Just something ive been curious about. A bit of depth in any opinion is appreciated
>>5965 Def love the commercial more. Sure, it tries to be all sad about it, but just find it really nice and kinda wish they would show more of her being so huge
>>5972 What things in that commercial do you prefer over the movie?
>>5973 Id day just how casual everyone behaves over the girl being so huge and her still doinh her work and waddling around.
>>5976 And what are your thoughts on three year delivery?
>>5977 Not bad, just wish we gotten an explanation why she suddenly became so huge. An would love more scenes of her waddling around.
>>5984 Ig it would be way better if the movie was translated. But btw what are your favorite instances on both? Like in the commercial my favorite part was when she looked at herself in the mirror.
>>5985 With the commercial mine would be her looking in the mirror, trying to work at the cafe and heading home. With the movie, Id say the scene of her at dinner, sitting and rubbinh her massive belly aaand...thats it
>>5986 Very interesting. Thx might sometime later ask about other overdue preggo content
>>5965 The second image, what is the name of the movie or would it be?
>>6451 Three Year Delivery
https://youtube.com/shorts/T6kb0u5s45E?si=SEZXEJsPUNuoMnyy not overdue, but kinda gives a funny idea if this sketch got a sequel.
>>6590 What’s the idea?
>>6603 Showing her 12 months later, looking pretty huge an admitting she forgot to give birth and just stayed like this. Or something more funny if you got ideas
>>6604 Oh I like that. I hope this gets a sequel.
>>6616 Sadly wont happen, mostly because this is an pld sketch show from like 2002. Just, sort of wishful thinking of how Id want a sequel to go.
>>6604 >>6617 Oh really?! Wow…..
I like wacth mega pregnant girls
woman with big belly
>>2376 >>2217 What was this one about?
A movie called "The 41 year old virgin who knocked up Sarah Marshall and felt superbad about it" (Yes, that's the actual title). These scenes show the titular Sarah who at this point of the movie has been pregnant for 11 months. There are a couple more instances of her pregnant, but I consider this to be the best. Here is the link to the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hln0fddk6h0 And here's the full movie: https://ok.ru/video/82131618339 (It's pretty shitty tho and only worth it for the belly scenes lol.)
From a Star Wars parody called "A lost hope". Pretty much Padme stays pregnant even after Anakin becomes Darth Vader. I actually got curious and digged a bit into the chronology, and can say she's been over 20 years pregnant in this short film. Here's a link to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKcmug7z_A
>>7523 The parody is supposed to take place in episode 3, but the I'M YOUR FATHER scene would be from around episode 5 i think...With all this info I wonder what episodes 4, 5 and 6 would be like with this pregnant Padme being the protagonist instead of Luke and Leia lmao
>>7521 That blondie deserved much more screen time.
>>5965 I don't know how old this post is but the commercial on the left is the best audiovisual piece with an overdue pregnancy that I have seen, I highly doubt there could ever be something better than this.
>>7526 Agreed. I’m curious, what were your favorite things or bits in that comemercial?
>>7527 My favorite parts were undoubtedly when the depressed woman starts to see some old ultrasounds of the baby and then she does an expression like "Okay i give up, definitely not having the baby" then she decides to return all the stuff from the baby's room...and of course I can't leave out the last part where a lady passes by with a baby in the same stroller the protagonist was going to use and then she looks at her with certain envy. It's simply magnificent...!!! All the little details and their meanings are what make this commercial incredibly unique, I would really like to see what could have happened after the end, but unfortunately that's impossible because it has no relation with the environmental protection message of the commercial and it's more a result from the empathy the protagonist generates in you. some time ago I found a director's cut version, where you can hear the baby's voice (who turned out to be a girl) as if she was explaining to her mother why she doesn't want to come out, but they removed all traces of belly from the shots, so the find wasn't worth it at all in my opinion. What I like the most about all this is that they force you to take seriously an absurd situation that could have been easily solved with a C-section. In a nutshell, this is an unrepeatable masterpiece that very, very hardly will ever be surpassed, and why I praise this ad so much? because it's a complete fetish fuel, just think what you would do if that was your wife and you had to go through that situation...the sensations that a well done audiovisual piece can transmit are infinite and indescribable. Moreover, I consider the plot is solid enough for a short film, movie or novel dealing with the same theme, a movie that would be extremely bizarre and possibly critically panned but that I would see more than once. Sorry for the long text have a nice day.
>>7528 Not at all, in fact, love the detailed answer you gave. It's certainly fetish material, especially considering how there's 2 scenes that zoom in and focus in her belly. Imo the beginning scene is great, the way she turns around to reveal her gigantic belly. And that scene where she looks herself in the mirror is just, chef's kiss.
I,m surprised that they don,t just do a c-Section or Induce labour.
>>7531 Your supposed to use an apostrophe pal
>>7529 That's what I mean, those little parts where the belly zooms in or turns around are breathtaking. As I said in my previous comment this has a lot of potential that evidently was diminished by not being the true central axis of the commercial. I'm pretty curious to know how she was allowed to return to work with such an overdue belly like that?, how did the couple came up with the brilliant idea of return and resell all the baby's products instead of trying to take it out of the womb?, or how she has adapted so well to the heavy weight of the belly?. I feel like I'm overanalyzing an ad from almost 20 years ago, but I think it's fun to do so. the narrative potential of this is that since there's no exact explanation as to why anything happens, you can interpret it as you like and that's fascinating because of the number of possibilities it opens up.
>>7533 Yeah, it actually is fun. As for those questions, you can only wonder. Maybe they let her in again after explaining her situation, as much as it would shock them. Worth mentioning how everyone acts so casual around such a massive lady. Who knows, maybe there'd be a reason as to why she can't risk a c-section. And well, you can tell she's struggles with her bump. I also find it a bit of a letdown that the director's cut doesn't show any belly.
>>7534 and so the list of details and unknowns that demonstrate the narrative potential in this ad goes on and on, in fact I'm surprised the fetish community has talked so little about this... I firmly believe that the director's cut version has no belly shots because I think it was so flashy in the first version that it overshadowed the environmental protection message, so obviously they had to make changes to it, a shame really.
>>7535 Beats me. And that could very likely be the reason, who knows lol. Anywho if you don't mind me asking, what's your take on the other overdue material there, Three Year Delivery?
>>7536 I will always consider Asians to be extremely creative people who can do amazing things with the slightest idea or concept. In the case of three year delivery, they did very well the little I understood of its story due to the lack of subtitles, one of the things I didn't liked is that they made it so that you could hear the baby crying from the belly as if he was next to the woman, I would have liked a more muffled sound, also there was no bare belly either for obvious reasons... Otherwise I can only mention minor technical details that could be fixed in a remake since the film itself is very old, but I doubt that someday it will be done because most likely the original film has passed without shame or glory or directly has been a failure at the box office. Unfortunately, these types of projects don't usually receive much support in general since they go unnoticed.
>>7537 Fair enough. I myself did greatly enjoy how they portrayed the progression of her pregnancy. How she starts incresingly struggling as she grows, to the point where her massive size and weight of her belly renders her bedridden and no longer able to stand up. It's a fascinating thought.
>>7533 Hehe, would be great if they showed other women just big as her or being overdue with twins, thus why everyone acts so casual around her.
