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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 01:25:21 Id:bb3933 No. 2134
>mfw gaslighting /v/ into thinking there was a cut tomb raider level where lara got pregnant with the giant mutant you fight at the end of the game
>>2134 >they haven't seen the cut tomb raider level where lara got pregnant with the giant mutant you fight at the end of the game Shame
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>>2134 >>2143 This is pretty much the basis for a creepypasta made recently https://creepypasta-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Laracroft.exe
>>2161 ngl part of me wishes it was animated or at least making some arts of that bad creepypasta.
>>2162 Maybe you could make some fan art or fanimation, or request someone to do so.
>>2161 Fuck me, I read the whole thing, and I couldn’t help but cringe the entire way, whoever wrote this is a master in making bad creepy pastas, although the pregnancy fetish aspect is pretty obvious ngl
>>2161 funniest shit i've read in ages
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>>2143 >>2161 Another level I really wish we shipped was The Venus [Temple]. After we decided our hero would be a woman someone jokingly said "what if she got pregnant" and it became sort of a running gag around the office. We were sat in a meeting one day trying to come up with uh.. gimmicks for levels and somebody said "Well, what if she really did get pregnant? There's got to be a few cursed fertility idols out there" ...The idea was to use her supernatural pregnancy as a sort of ticking clock, she had to escape before she was too big to do acrobatics or fit through small crevices. Someone higher up looked at it and said "I see what you're doing here. You can either have this or the Midas hand thing." We were having trouble getting blend shapes implemented in the engine so we decided to drop The Venus Temple and keep Midas. It wasn't a complete waste though, we chopped the end level boss Lara would give birth to in half and used it as the end game boss instead.
Hoping that one day we can make up something with fetishy pregnancy stuff in it and convince those not in the know that it's disturbing lost media like Saki Sanobashi. It would be fucking hysterical.
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>>3453 All we need is photoshop, blender, and about 10 autists posting on 4chan
