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An odd Request Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 02:51:34 Id:020cf0 No. 2561
Since there isn't a request page. Not sure if there is a request thread, so I apologize. I am looking for a Hentai Manga about magical things and demon girls. All I remember was this witch or something looking to make a new body and had a demon girl or Succubus trick a guy into banging her and she turns into her true form and runs off. The MC and his harem chase her down back to the witch or what ever and she is already visibly pregnant. As the MC and Harem fight the witch, the Demon girl is growing through out the fight. Right as they land the final blow, she is clutching her belly saying that it's coming. It's an OLD H Manga and I can not find it. I am afraid it became lost media :( Any Ideas?
Had a jimmy neutron brain blast and it think this might be it. it’s a rom-com harem manga called, “Sekai wo Sukuu Tame ni Watashi to Asa Chun Dekimasu ka?” It may not be correct since i’m retarded.
>>2562 Nah it's not the Demi-human manga. I remember there was a priestess amongst the harem. The witch had her soul burst from her split body. It was definitely a Hentai manga. The one you suggested is a classic though.
