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Pregnancy related audio content? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 08/26/2023 (Sat) 02:54:30 Id:b39202 No. 3361
I'm looking for some pregnancy related audio content, asmr,rp,erotica readings etc. One good creator I know is Rose virage who can be found here https://youtu.be/S8D0oGx0vd8?si=3xE6_dcflFr7PpAC
>>3361 There is a ton of stuff on r/gonewildaudio
>>3403 Eh not really. I looked for a long while the other day and while yes, there are quite a few pregnancy audios, most of what you'll find is just impregnation. Besides if you're like me and are looking for births, you're not really gonna find anything but if you like being the one who delivers, check out SpeakSoftlyAudio
Take a look see at EasyBirth21 on tumblr. (Might be EasyBirth22 after a ‘ban’) She make fantastic birth audios. She also had a patreon, releases minimum one audio a month.
>>3818 Please tell me it's on kemono or coomer party
>>4285 Unfortunately not, but a good amount of her videos are free on Tumblr
https://concentrateandpush.tumblr.com/ makes and sells some pretty good audios. In particular, I've heard plenty of "woman in labor/giving birth" audios, which are great, but what first drew me to her was an audio of someone *supporting* a woman giving birth, and to me, that's just as good at different times. That's this one here: https://www.tumblr.com/concentrateandpush/627731876468146176/ A while later, I commissioned her for a couple of custom audios, the first time I'd ever done so, and she produced these, which I was quite pleased with: https://www.tumblr.com/concentrateandpush/671013258322493440/ https://www.tumblr.com/concentrateandpush/671728405322022912/ She went on an extended hiatus for a while but has since returned and I've commissioned her a couple of times since. I'd consider contacting her if you want to commission an audio. Other good labor/birth stuff: https://www.tumblr.com/hixorkicks/627018770783813632/ https://www.tumblr.com/hixorkicks/638333205750169600/
Was about to make a thread like a moron until i saw this one. Does anybody know of any general pregnancy audio erotica or even just some steamy slice of life stuff? i’ve been searching all over and nothing has really caught my fancy so far. Thank you in advance
SpeakSoftlyAudio on pornhub does a lot of roleplay audio, with some decent preg stuff in there. its mostly fluff from what i've listened to, very slice-of-lifey
>>4449 i appreciate the recommendation but male preg pov isn’t my thing. found out the hard way they do that kind of audio.
Is there any audios of women RP'ing giving birth?
