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Business Staffed By Pregnant Women Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/09/2023 (Sat) 21:48:17 Id:d49ef9 No. 3630
Imagine like a strip club, restaurant, hostess club, etc. staffed exclusively by pregnant women or women with fake bellies. Like bunny girls with fake bellies under their outfits at a bar full of horny men with a pregnancy fetish. It would be too niche to be profitable, sadly.
IIRC there was a pregnant maid cafe or soapland or something in Tokyo. It was almost two decades ago though. >It would be too niche to be profitable, sadly. Yeah, it fizzed out quickly. Pregnancy fetishists are too few and far between to rely on as a business model.
>>3631 That, and staff turnover would be pretty crazy. You could only work there a few months tops.
>>3631 In the mid 2000s? We realized the fetish in the 90s at least. When in the US (esp here in CA) in the 1960s-70s, pregnant women began to be in "public" visibly showing their bodies, not having to wear tent dresses, and we upfront saying in some cases they LOVED their pregnancies and body figures. After COVID, we're goin thru a "I wanna be with people so bad out the home and away from the mobile phone screen", we need that pregnant maid cafe thing back, but remember, it may fold up the 2nd time (enjoy this current year).
>>3630 Palm Springs CA, in a LGayBTQIAPNBGRSM alphabet rainbow that seems to have a HIGH number of birthing centers for a city of that size. Anyone with a kink or fetish that's legitimate can start one in Palm Springs: Pregnant Pride Cafe. There's gonna be fetishists, kinksters or people who are like "I can talk about pregnancy with em" and there are Lesbians who have preggophilia as well.
Is it just autism that causes people to think that their fetishes are more mainstream than they are? Breastaurants aren't even able to stay in business why would something even more alienating be a viable concept?
>>3638 LOL, they're just subcultures that's "normalized".
>>3638 >autism Nah, it's an increasingly common thing. Participation in a specific subculture can skew your perception of reality, especially if your fellow subculturists are the only human beings you interact with on a daily basis. >why would something even more alienating be a viable concept? It can work if there is a large enough customer base in a specific area, which is why almost all weird fetish clubs are based in a metropolitan area. As I mentioned earlier, there was a preg bar in Tokyo or something, but that only worked because is guaranteed to be at least a few tens of thousands of ninpu fetishists within train distance. Even given Japan's suitability for the weird, a lot of these physical locations are being squeezed out by fetish meetup sites like Fetlife and dating apps that let you search for people that fit your bill. >>3639 Abe-san (RIP) had the chance to normalize pregnancy eroticism and missed his chance.
>>3633 That's why I think fake bellies would be better. Cover them up with tight outfits to save on money with bellies that match skin tone.
>>3630 You'd think Japan would have something like this but there aren't any I can find unless you jump to full brothel
Wasn't this concept featured in an episode of Xander: Renegade Angel?
In Japan there are various types of cafes, a bit of everything, I have never been to Japan but maybe somewhere in Japan there should be an obvious pregnancy themed cafe with fake bellies
