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Belly fetish overlaps Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/13/2023 (Wed) 22:11:49 Id:0a94ce No. 3700
Another bored question. How many are into other belly related fetishes since they overlap with pregnancy in the “big round tum” sense? I fuck with belly stuffing sorta, not really weight gain but depends how it’s drawn. Just good big tum like with pregnancy. Vore I can understand as an overlap since it and pregnancy is borderline yin and yang which I think is funny. Same shit different directions. Not really into vore though it’s basically cannibalism but people can chew their food. Inflation is around there somewhere but eeeehhhh.
>>3700 or vaginas! To see the boobs, butts and vag get bigger or more noticeable during pregnancy when the belly gets big with the baby in there, I find it all sexy. And...is it cute? the bigger heart in a pregnant woman to support her baby's heart? 0 :- )
I like when the body stays as similar to pre-pregnancy as possible, which is not too often. Petite girls, skinny girls especially. The huge contrast is very exciting to me.
My preg fetish overlaps with a weight gain fetish. Love when girls get big and sloppy when they're pregnant. And when they can't get the pregnancy weight off and then get pregnant again and again (chef's kiss)
