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YouTube clickbait/Elsagate thumbnails Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:06:46 Id:7074f6 No. 4322
This should be... interesting. https://youtube-thumbnail-grabber.com/
i see these as fetish bait videos honestly and there always these “shocking thing happened here” animated videos
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We really scraped the bottom huh
>>4322 Those little swimming sperm would make for an interesting horror movie monster, where they impregnate woman and then the women give birth to something... any ideas?
>>4326 Seriously, I see no reason to be even minorly turned on by these.
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>>4332 It's just morbid curiosity, really.
Cease this tomfoolery
>>4326 no, we can go deeper we must go deeper
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here you go. have this one i wish id never seen
>>4413 This one is at least in character with the show
>>4413 >>4414 "I told you I had keys to all kinds of places."
clamming to be a new simpsons episode
>>4420 >Clamming Ah yes, cause hunting for clams always involves The Simpsons and Content Farms
>>4421 to be fair id still take clamming over that nightmare
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>>4473 The black and white girl sharing one womb is so bizarre, and it reminds me of a dream I had like 19 years ago.
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Fabiosa Animated
>>5024 I believe the second one is stolen from GPrime85. Does anyone have the original?
>>5024 What is Jerma doing here
>>5024 The second one is literally a meme: >Man looks like a soyboy >Woman is doing the "gaping mouth" face popular with soys >The man takes the white kids and leaves the black ones What were they trying to tell?
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>>4336 Sadly you are correct
