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Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 00:52:46 Id:c08b3c No. 4604
> Tfw the people who share your niche fetishes are also the shittiest artists alive Or alternatively: >Tfw the actual good artists who share your niche fetishes throw their other fucked up fetishes in their art that turn you off Alternatively alternatively > When someone says the “T” word on this god forsaken hellhole
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>>4607 Just don't say the word and everything should be fine-
Seriously, how do people not see the irony ?
Welcome to chan culture. These sites often host childish edgelords who think shouting slurs is the funniest thing since Pickle Rick. There is a reason that "don't feed the trolls" is a core Internet axiom. The fact that transfolk and their "allies" are often some of the most fragile folks around makes it easy to troll them. Of course, some trolls are giving their sincere opinions--but disregard them all the same.
Maybe if you guys weren't so damn willing to respond to le heckin transphobes this wouldn't happen.
>>4604 care to share who you're talking about??
>>4626 Or alternatively people should just stop saying transphobic shit? Idk who's the real problem here? The person hurling transphobic slurs for no reason or the person responding negatively to them as a result?
>>4628 Obviously the snowflakes that have to turn anything into an excuse to scream about how victimized they are, fuckass.
>>4629 Who's the snowflake now, buddy boy?
>>4629 Something tells me your mother wishes she swallowed you
>>4628 It's obviously the people who come on here to be repugnant while everyone else is trying to enjoy content.
My name is electro I am in college I'm 23 years old
>>4707 I doubt that
(31.05 KB 720x540 screen02.jpg)
>>4707 Shouldn't you be fighting Spider-Man?
