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A Tale Of Two Anons: Where Fossil and Kamuisaurus Are Now Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:34:58 Id:cb8ed6 No. 4633
It's been a good bit since people have thought about these two and I decided to see what they were up to now Fossil: drawing characters from some dumb mobile game about cookies, has a decent following on DA and has a thread here he mostly posts to, side note, I'm definitely going to accused of being him cause ig a simple anon like me can't have an interest in this kinda thing Kamui: Posting art under Fetishmation, I had my suspicions about that artist for a while but never said anything, got to the point where I thought I was just making the whole thing up, until I looked them up on Twitter and saw art of Kamui's Moira Hart character, so yeah suspicions proven right By the way, this thread isn't meant to reignite a long dead fire, just wanted to share thoughts about these two and say I'm proud of them not attacking each other anymore
Fossil shit up the /f/ drawthread and ran off multiple artists, including one who fulfilled a request I'd first made on the old Pregchan. I hated to see that talented artist get that as his reward. Fossil should be banned.
>>4634 He didn't run them off, his reputation did, what has he done recently that warrants banning if anything
>>4634 Doesn't he constantly pester artists? Like, he's not paying for this, he can be patient.
>>4638 Not anymore, he requests art on DA but he's not asking about progress his pics on every piece the artist has done
>>4638 Not anymore, he requests art on DA but he's not asking about progress his pics on every piece the artist has done
And what of people's opinions on Fetishmation/Kamui
And what of people's opinions on Fetishmation/Kamui
>>4643 No I don't think they are
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>days without a fossil schizo post >0
>>4644 Can confirm, just an anon wanting to share his thoughts
>>4643 Oh they 1000% are
>>4648 I was mentioned naturally
Fucking schizos so obsessed with Fossil or Kamui they see them everywhere. Happened to me once. People thought I'm Kamui just because I apparently said something upsetting (for them).
I wonder why OP hasn't posted again. It's almost as if he can't, because he cleared his cookies or something.
I'm sorry is there some weird pregchan lore I'm missing out on? Who the hell are these two?
>>4652 So basically I'm someone who was incredibly inpatient and immature, throwing fits wherever I didn't get my way, now I just draw characters from Cookie Run and post them in my "containment thread" and occasionally post other things elsewhere Kamui was the mannequin toucher, we had beef for over a year on the old site before someone found his address, he's posting art under Fetishmation as OP said
>>4652 2 infamous lolcows that frequent this site, and feed off the attention you give them. Don't give either of 'em the time of day.
who honestly gives a shit about two retards. move on nigga.
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damn even the pregnancy fetish porn imageboard has drama
>>4662 Kill yourself.
>>4666 What did he say
>>4668 It was CP spam.
>>4670 God I hate glowniggers
>>4651 Op here, saw that every so often my ID changes, no clue as to why tho
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for fuck sake how hard is it for you retards to stop harping on about years old drama, grow up, and go back to wanking it over round women
>>4674 He'll never stop, which is why he should be banned.
>>4675 This kind of attitude is why I mostly lurk, previous offenders aren't seen as people who can grow and regret their mistakes, they're just objects to be mocked and defenders labeled as just them samefagging
>>4675 Fossil has his weird containment thread, Kamui is on twitter or some shit, why can't we just leave it at that, fucking hell
>>4676 >>4677 >This kind of attitude is why I mostly lurk, previous offenders aren't seen as people who can grow and regret their mistakes This is an anonymous imageboard. >they're just objects to be mocked and defenders labeled as just them samefagging >why can't we just leave it at that, fucking hell He ran more people away from the drawthread just weeks ago. He clearly won't stop anymore than Kisame will. I use a name here too, when I'm contributing something. Can you tell who I am?
>>4677 Still think “containment thread” is too harsh a phrase for the Food Creature thread
>>4674 Wise words to live off of, Shepard.
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TBH I think this guy is worse. A couple of schizos caught him a while back and compiled a google doc. But he still lurks everywhere and then DMs girls from his main. > actual documented pedo who says it isn't pedo if they are preg (inc. 14 year olds). >pretends to be a woman on chatboards and discord lurking in pregnancy support and sperm donor groups trying to find teens. I re-read the google doc and it has his actual address so I omitted it.
>>4681 Glad someone else mentioned this creep.I've seen him around on kik and discord. He's actually sexually harassed my ex before. Can't stand him
Considering fossil uses a rl picture and (presumably) rl name/cringehandle, I would say their psychological age cannot ever match their physical age. I have no idea who the other is, and I'm going to keep it that way
>>4684 >uses a rl name Ah yes, as Fossil is an incredibly common name for autisic boys
>>4681 Holy shit I was JUST going through my alt's DMs and saw that I talked with this guy. Sickening,
>>4685 Should've gone to SpecSavers.
>>4690 My dumbass didn't realize Owen was in his handle, in any case Owen is a common name for autists
>>4687 I hope he didn’t hurt you
>>4697 Nah the convo was pretty casual. Idk if that makes it better or worse.
>>4721 >the convo was pretty calm That's how they get you
>>4722 Definitely true. Glad it never went anywhere.
>>4680 Alright I guess Shephard is my new name for this thread
>>4644 Speaking of named users, surprised Fossi hasn't said anything since this, smart move on his part
Bringing up this stupid exchange cause like wtf is this shit-
>>4832 Yes, Fossil is retarded, but that's just fucking dumb
