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Seeking a Story falloutghoul 07/26/2023 (Wed) 17:50:42 Id:3bc4f2 No. 1923
I'm looking for a story from another website. It's about a young woman, she might be a princess, who gets sentenced to be a monster breeder, she is with a bunch of other girls who are doing the same thing, and they give birth to various creatures. Then, the woman escapes and is living with large creatures, and she has a daughter, I think. This story even has a sequel series! I don't know if it's from Archive of our Own or some other site, but I found it a couple years ago and I've been wracking my brain about it ever since. All I know is that the site has white, red, and gold/brown coloring. Any hints or findings will be greatly appreciated!
Did anyone manage to find what I'm talking about?
>>1923 >>1950 So I'm not entirely sure cause I read this a long while back but I assume you're talking about https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108405 Mother of Millions by Bawdred That site actually has some good content but is a pain to search in(Not as much as asstr though). Bawdred's story list should be https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296935272&view=story&zone=original sorted from newest to oldest with all the sequels in there.
