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AI Written Preg Stories? Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 12:45:04 Id:ba2460 No. 2104
Has anyone tried using AI to write some preg themed stories and had any success? I tried using Toolsaday and got some fun little shorts I'll post below. But despite all the various shorts it created after signing up for a trial it refused to work stating "Your content does not comply with our content policy. This warning is displayed when content of a sexual nature is detected." Didn't see any sign of this beforehand so a bit annoyed. But it left me curious is there was any better options out there?
Sister Mary's frail body trembled as the chapel's flickering candles cast eerie shadows across the dimly lit room. Tears streaked down her pale face, mingling with the sweat that dripped from her forehead. She clutched onto the wooden pews, her knuckles turning white with the intensity of her grip. The soft murmurs of her prayer were barely audible amidst the heavy silence that hung in the air. Suddenly, a guttural growl echoed through the chapel, making the stained glass windows quiver. Sister Mary's eyes shot wide open, her breath hitching in her throat. The demon inside her stirred, its insidious presence gnawing at her every fiber. She gasped as searing pain coursed through her body, her hands instinctively moving to cradle her swollen belly. "Please... God... help me," she pleaded, her voice quivering with desperation. But the only response she received was the menacing laughter of the demon, its perverse amusement reverberating through her very soul. As the pain intensified, Sister Mary's body convulsed, the gown clinging to her like a shroud. She fell to her knees, the cold stone floor biting into her flesh. Her prayers turned into fervent pleas, her voice mingling with the agonized moans that escaped her trembling lips. Sweat soaked her habit, clinging to her like a second skin. In a final surge of pain, Sister Mary's body arched backward, a demonic scream tearing from her mouth. The chapel seemed to tremble in response, the very foundation quaking beneath her. And then, in a burst of otherworldly energy, the demon burst forth from her, a grotesque creature with twisted limbs and glowing red eyes.
As Jess stumbled into the airlock, her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to burst through her ribcage. The sleek, skintight body suit clung to her every curve, emphasizing her vulnerability in the cold, metallic chamber. Panic surged through her veins as she felt something wriggling inside her suit, coiling around her leg like a sinister serpent. Her hands fumbled desperately, attempting to seize the bulge that slithered beneath the fabric, but it eluded her grasp. The creature's presence against her skin sent shivers coursing down her spine, igniting a primal fear that clung to her like a shadow. She screamed, her voice echoing off the sterile walls, pleading with the airlock's computer to hasten the repressurization process. Time seemed to stretch mercilessly as the creature maneuvered its way across her trembling backside and slithered between her legs, its touch both invasive and repulsive. Jess's fingers trembled as she pressed them against her womanhood, a desperate attempt to shield herself from the creature's advances. But it was insatiable, unrelenting, and it forced its way through her trembling defenses, breaching her most intimate sanctuary. Pain lanced through her body, a searing bolt that twisted her features into a mask of agony. Yet, as the creature invaded her, an unexpected warmth blossomed within her, overpowering the pain and spreading like wildfire. Jess collapsed to the floor, convulsing in a tumult of pleasure and torment, unable to suppress the moans that escaped her lips. Her mind whirled as she felt something shift deep within her, a foreign presence that took root in her womb. Panic surged anew as her belly swelled, the rapid growth distorting her once-flat abdomen. Every breath was labored, her voice raw as she cried out for help, her pleas swallowed by the sterile airlock. Alarms blared, their shrill cries drowning out her desperate screams. The airlock sealed shut, trapping her within its unforgiving grip. Jess's mind raced, her thoughts consumed by the monstrous life growing inside her. Her fate hung in the balance, her body now a vessel for something beyond comprehension. With each passing moment, the alien entity thrived within her, its dark purpose unfolding. Jess's world spun out of control, her existence forever altered by the horrors she could not escape.
>>2104 What you're looking for is NovelAI. It's a website dedicated to writing basically any of the smut you want or need, and there's very few limits as to what you're allowed to write. It's made by old AI Dungeon devs so it's got quality attached to it. It's literally designed to be for NSFW stories. Sure it's paid, but in my mind it's fully worth it. You do need to guide the AI's hand sometimes, and you have to write your own characters (or I can do it for you idc) but once you do, you'll be zooming. I've had some amazing stories written with Kayra, their newest model. If you're into chatbots you can also connect it to your install of SillyTavern and use it like a chatbot, too. Website: https://novelai.net/ (Also has a trial) If you're looking for free options, your best best is using Kobold Horde and loading into an Erebus or Mythalion machine.
