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Why Bun-In-The-Ovenonymous 09/28/2023 (Thu) 14:43:19 Id:2ee44d No. 2108
Why do so many people in this fetish feel the need to politicize the fetish and go on faux intellectual rambles about how "ackshually it's the male gaze to like art of pregnant girls" It's just fetish art, I see big belly on cute girl I like it. You see big belly on cute girl you like it. We all see big belly on cute girl we like it. I genuinely don't understand why people are like this
>>2108 Inb4 "but she says it's not a criticism" Then why is she even bringing it up? It's clearly the intention of the message to suggest it as something that shouldn't be so. Terms like "male-gaze" are inherently charged with negative connotations
>>2108 Who cares about twitter politics Please do not waste your time on this silliness there are pregnant lesbians to look at instead
>>2110 It's not like I'm looking for twitter politics in fact I'm asking specifically WHY do fetish based accounts feel the need to comment on politics. I just want to follow artists who post art with bellies I like why must I be subjected to seeing their close minded opinions
>>2111 I mean, it's their choice to be politically vocal on their art accounts or not. Just unfollow them if it bothers you that much.
>>2111 Fetishes are correlated with mental illness.
I am quite left leaning myself. But I don’t know why so many people find it necessary to talk about politics on a porn site. Like, nobody comes here for politics.
We're not unique. All fetishes are going to have the "what does me having this fetish say about society?" navel gazing.
Political identity being forced into every aspect of everything has been an issue that I've seen across the internet. From major movies to private preg discord servers. People forcing in gender identity politics and many other things into every nook and cranny does not make people want to align with whatever your opinion is, if not galvanizing them in the opposite direction. Artists will use their platform to preach their political ideas or nonsense issues. It is their choice and freedom of speech although it's probably not what their followers are there for. A cringe as Old as Time.
>>2116 I know what you mean. It's annoying that I must keep my skeptic views to myself in many spaces centered around belly stuff, as the social justice types pretty much dominate them.
>>2116 >fetish-based discord servers like virtual crack dens just pits of disease and insanity
>Artist shares your opinion. >"This artist is unfathomably based!" >Artist does not share your opinion. >"Idk why they feel the need to share their political opinion. They're preaching to an audience that doesn't care and that's cringe."
I stopped following her a while back because she rarely posts anything interesting. Between her and SapphicBump being obsessed with drawing Link pregnant, they can both take a hike.
>>2122 You know they are the same person?
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>>2123 If she's tweeting to herself, that has staggering implications...
>>2123 >>2125 They're two different people. You can see photos and videos on their twitters of them together. The two of them are partners, so maybe that caused confusion.
>>2126 Oh, sorry then. My mistake hehe
She's a lesbian, so I can kinda get her being a bit squicked by that. If you want full-blown pants-on-head retarded, elizapreg responded to the same thread and basically implied that if a pregnancy fetishist prefers characters that *are* pregnant to one's that *look* pregnant but aren't , then they're a pedophile.
She deleted the original tweet.
>>2121 I don't want to hear anyone political opinion whether I agree or not, it has no business in fetish circles
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imagine actually politicizing a fetish, lol Truly embarrassing. Just make preg art and enjoy it. Simple as.
>>2125 The Link stuff isn't my cup of tea, but aside from that I quite enjoy her artstyle.
>>2129 I nearly spat out my drink reading this.
I don't want to politicize anything but I find the idea of two women being pregnant and having a romance or sex to be sexy.
I am an active member of a socialist party and even I don’t get why people feel the need to talk about politics on a fetish website.
>>2735 For a lot of people, regardless of which side they're on, their identity is heavily associated with their political stance, and they have no identity outside of it.
>>2108 wow, what a colossally stupid take. even if we want to politically analyze this, like, what, if two gay pregnant women hook up, they arent lesbians anymore? dumb as fuck. i cant believe even pregchan is able to see how stupid this is.
>>2119 >many spaces centered around belly stuff, as the social justice types pretty much dominate them. This is what we get for not gatekeeping these mentally ill individuals from infesting our communities.
>>2749 It can't be that hard to get the troons and pedo faggots out of here, it's laziness.
>>2129 Then why does she even follow and support artists that do just that. I don't get it.
